Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
K.Barkaoui A.Imine M.Najem L.Gheorghe F.Bouchhima G.Nicolescu
Talks about:
model (2) algorithm (1) workflow (1) parametr (1) optimist (1) discret (1) continu (1) system (1) symbol (1) semant (1)
Person: Hanifa Boucheneb
DBLP: Boucheneb:Hanifa
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SEKE-2012-BouchenebB #parametricity #verification #workflow
- Parametric Verification of TimeWorkflow Nets (HB, KB), pp. 375–380.
- IFM-2010-BouchenebIN #algorithm #model checking #replication
- Symbolic Model-Checking of Optimistic Replication Algorithms (HB, AI, MN), pp. 89–104.
- DATE-2008-GheorgheBNB #modelling #semantics #validation
- Semantics for Model-Based Validation of Continuous/Discrete Systems (LG, FB, GN, HB), pp. 498–503.