Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Germany
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ J.Power J.G.Riecke
Talks about:
continu (5) type (4) pass (3) semant (2) answer (2) action (2) pars (2) polymorph (1) function (1) categori (1)
Person: Hayo Thielecke
DBLP: Thielecke:Hayo
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- PPDP-2012-Thielecke #continuation #functional #parsing #recursion #semantics
- Functional semantics of parsing actions, and left recursion elimination as continuation passing (HT), pp. 91–102.
- PPDP-J-2012-Thielecke14 #on the #parsing #semantics
- On the semantics of parsing actions (HT), pp. 52–76.
- POPL-2006-Thielecke #pointer
- Frame rules from answer types for code pointers (HT), pp. 309–319.
- ESOP-2004-Thielecke #call-by #continuation #morphism #polymorphism
- Answer Type Polymorphism in Call-by-Name Continuation Passing (HT), pp. 279–293.
- POPL-2003-Thielecke #continuation
- From control effects to typed continuation passing (HT), pp. 139–149.
- ESOP-2000-Thielecke #continuation #exception #on the
- On Exceptions Versus Continuations in the Presence of State (HT), pp. 397–411.
- ICALP-1999-PowerT
- Closed Freyd- and κ-categories (JP, HT), pp. 625–634.
- ICALP-1999-RieckeT #continuation
- Typed Exeptions and Continuations Cannot Macro-Express Each Other (JGR, HT), pp. 635–644.