Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
2 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
D.A.Stacey M.G.Gillespie D.Kotowski G.Henriques
Talks about:
ontolog (6) driven (4) framework (3) workflow (3) evalu (3) knowledg (2) composit (2) system (2) user (2) data (2)
Person: Hlomani Hlomani
DBLP: Hlomani:Hlomani
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- KEOD-2014-HlomaniS #category theory #data-driven #evaluation #framework #metric #ontology
- Data-driven Diachronic and Categorical Evaluation of Ontologies — Framework, Measure, and Metrics (HH, DAS), pp. 56–66.
- KEOD-2013-HlomaniS #data-driven #evaluation #ontology #perspective #workflow
- Contributing Evidence to Data-driven Ontology Evaluation — Workflow Ontologies Perspective (HH, DAS), pp. 207–213.
- KEOD-2012-HlomaniS #analysis #framework #towards #workflow
- Towards an Ontology-driven Framework for Workflow Analysis (HH, DAS), pp. 405–410.
- KEOD-2011-HlomaniGKS #case study #composition #evaluation #framework #ontology
- Utilizing a Compositional System Knowledge Framework for Ontology Evaluation — A Case Study on BioSTORM (HH, MGG, DK, DAS), pp. 167–175.
- KEOD-2011-KotowskiHGHS #design #user interface #workflow
- Leveraging user Knowledge — Design Principles for an Intuitive User Interface for Building Workflows (DK, GH, MGG, HH, DAS), pp. 176–182.
- KEOD-2009-HlomaniS #approach #composition #ontology
- An Ontology Driven Approach to Software Systems Composition (HH, DAS), pp. 254–260.