Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
3 × Italy
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.N.Nguyen H.A.Nguyen T.T.Nguyen C.Kästner A.T.Nguyen J.M.Al-Kofahi A.Tamrawi M.H.Nguyen S.C.Dang
Talks about:
applic (11) web (11) code (8) base (8) dynam (7) detect (5) build (5) php (5) tool (4) program (3)
Person: Hung Viet Nguyen
DBLP: Nguyen:Hung_Viet
Contributed to:
Wrote 21 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2015-NguyenKN #slicing #web
- Cross-language program slicing for dynamic web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 369–380.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-NguyenNDKN #detection #execution #semantics #variability
- Detecting semantic merge conflicts with variability-aware execution (HVN, MHN, SCD, CK, TNN), pp. 926–929.
- ICSE-v2-2015-NguyenKN #embedded #ide #named #php #web
- Varis: IDE Support for Embedded Client Code in PHP Web Applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 693–696.
- FSE-2014-NguyenKN #embedded #graph #web
- Building call graphs for embedded client-side code in dynamic web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 518–529.
- ICSE-2014-NguyenKN #execution #testing #variability #web
- Exploring variability-aware execution for testing plugin-based web applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 907–918.
- ICSE-2014-NguyenNNN #interprocedural #javascript #mining #web
- Mining interprocedural, data-oriented usage patterns in JavaScript web applications (HVN, HAN, ATN, TNN), pp. 791–802.
- ICSME-2014-Al-KofahiNN #fault #locality
- Fault Localization for Make-Based Build Crashes (JMAK, HVN, TNN), pp. 526–530.
- ASE-2013-NguyenNNNN #multi #web
- Dangling references in multi-configuration and dynamic PHP-based Web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, ATN, TNN), pp. 399–409.
- ICSE-2013-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web
- DRC: a detection tool for dangling references in PHP-based web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1299–1302.
- ICSM-2013-NguyenNNN #refactoring #web
- Output-Oriented Refactoring in PHP-Based Dynamic Web Applications (HAN, HVN, TTN, TNN), pp. 150–159.
- ICSM-2013-NguyenNNN13a #fault #locality #web
- Database-Aware Fault Localization for Dynamic Web Applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 456–459.
- ASE-2012-NguyenNNNN #detection #embedded #smell #web
- Detection of embedded code smells in dynamic web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, ATN, TNN), pp. 282–285.
- ASE-2012-TamrawiNNN #analysis #named #refactoring
- SYMake: a build code analysis and refactoring tool for makefiles (AT, HAN, HVN, TNN), pp. 366–369.
- ICSE-2012-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web
- BabelRef: Detection and renaming tool for cross-language program entities in dynamic web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1391–1394.
- ICSE-2012-NguyenNNTNAN #code completion #graph #source code
- Graph-based pattern-oriented, context-sensitive source code completion (ATN, TTN, HAN, AT, HVN, JMAK, TNN), pp. 69–79.
- ICSE-2012-TamrawiNNN #analysis #evaluation #symbolic computation
- Build code analysis with symbolic evaluation (AT, HAN, HVN, TNN), pp. 650–660.
- ICSM-2012-Al-KofahiNNNN #detection #semantics
- Detecting semantic changes in Makefile build code (JMAK, HVN, ATN, TTN, TNN), pp. 150–159.
- ASE-2011-NguyenNANN #approach #debugging #topic
- A topic-based approach for narrowing the search space of buggy files from a bug report (ATN, TTN, JMAK, HVN, TNN), pp. 263–272.
- ASE-2011-NguyenNNN #fault #html #php #validation
- Auto-locating and fix-propagating for HTML validation errors to PHP server-side code (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 13–22.
- ASE-2011-NguyenNNN11a #difference #named
- iDiff: Interaction-based program differencing tool (HAN, TTN, HVN, TNN), pp. 572–575.
- ICSE-2011-NguyenNNN #evolution #recommendation
- Aspect recommendation for evolving software (TTN, HVN, HAN, TNN), pp. 361–370.