35 papers:
SANER-2015-EshkevariSCA #php #question- Are PHP applications ready for Hack? (LME, FDS, JRC, GA), pp. 63–72.
PEPM-2015-HoekH #analysis #php- Object-sensitive Type Analysis of PHP (HEVdH, JH), pp. 9–20.
ECOOP-2015-HauzarK #framework #php #static analysis- Framework for Static Analysis of PHP Applications (DH, JK), pp. 689–711.
ICSE-v2-2015-NguyenKN #embedded #ide #named #php #web- Varis: IDE Support for Embedded Client Code in PHP Web Applications (HVN, CK, TNN), pp. 693–696.
ISSTA-2015-DahseH #case study #empirical #experience #php #security- Experience report: an empirical study of PHP security mechanism usage (JD, TH), pp. 60–70.
ASE-2014-HillsKV #lightweight #php- Static, lightweight includes resolution for PHP (MH, PK, JJV), pp. 503–514.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-HillSK #php #rascal- PHP AiR: Analyzing PHP systems with Rascal (MH, PK), pp. 454–457.
ICPC-2014-EshkevariACP #identification #php- Identifying and locating interference issues in PHP applications: the case of WordPress (LME, GA, JRC, MDP), pp. 157–167.
ICSME-2014-KyriakakisC #maintenance #php #scalability #web- Maintenance Patterns of Large-Scale PHP Web Applications (PK, AC), pp. 381–390.
SEFM-2014-HauzarK #named #php #verification #web- WeVerca: Web Applications Verification for PHP (DH, JK), pp. 296–301.
ECOOP-2014-FilarettiM #execution #php #semantics- An Executable Formal Semantics of PHP (DF, SM), pp. 567–592.
ASE-2013-NguyenNNNN #multi #web- Dangling references in multi-configuration and dynamic PHP-based Web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, ATN, TNN), pp. 399–409.
ICSM-2013-NguyenNNN #refactoring #web- Output-Oriented Refactoring in PHP-Based Dynamic Web Applications (HAN, HVN, TTN, TNN), pp. 150–159.
ICSE-2013-GauthierM #case study #data access #fault #modelling #php #semantics #smell- Semantic smells and errors in access control models: a case study in PHP (FG, EM), pp. 1169–1172.
ICSE-2013-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web- DRC: a detection tool for dangling references in PHP-based web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1299–1302.
ISSTA-2013-HillsKV #empirical #perspective #php #static analysis- An empirical study of PHP feature usage: a static analysis perspective (MH, PK, JJV), pp. 325–335.
ICSM-2012-BoomsmaHG #industrial #lessons learnt #php #web- Dead code elimination for web systems written in PHP: Lessons learned from an industry case (HB, BVH, HGG), pp. 511–515.
SCAM-2012-GauthierM #alias #php- Alias-Aware Propagation of Simple Pattern-Based Properties in PHP Applications (FG, EM), pp. 44–53.
WCRE-2012-GauthierM #data access #detection #performance #php- Fast Detection of Access Control Vulnerabilities in PHP Applications (FG, EM), pp. 247–256.
OOPSLA-2012-ZhaoPYQWGOPMET #compilation #php- The HipHop compiler for PHP (HZ, IP, MY, XQ, MW, QG, GO, AP, SM, JE, ST), pp. 575–586.
ICSE-2012-SamirniSAMTH #automation #constraints #fault #generative #html #php #string #theorem proving #using- Automated repair of HTML generation errors in PHP applications using string constraint solving (HS, MS, SA, TDM, FT, LJH), pp. 277–287.
ICST-2012-EnderlinDGB #grammarware #php #testing #using- Grammar-Based Testing Using Realistic Domains in PHP (IE, FD, AG, FB), pp. 509–518.
ICST-2012-MarbackDE #approach #effectiveness #php #testing #web- An Effective Regression Testing Approach for PHP Web Applications (AM, HD, NE), pp. 221–230.
ASE-2011-NguyenNNN #fault #html #php #validation- Auto-locating and fix-propagating for HTML validation errors to PHP server-side code (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 13–22.
ICST-2011-LetarteGM #evolution #php #security #web- Security Model Evolution of PHP Web Applications (DL, FG, EM), pp. 289–298.
ICTSS-2011-EnderlinDGO #contract #named #php #specification #testing- Praspel: A Specification Language for Contract-Based Testing in PHP (IE, FD, AG, ABO), pp. 64–79.
TACAS-2010-YuAB #analysis #named #php #string- Stranger: An Automata-Based String Analysis Tool for PHP (FY, MA, TB), pp. 154–157.
FSE-2010-KneussSK #named #php- Phantm: PHP analyzer for type mismatch (EK, PS, VK), pp. 373–374.
ASE-2009-HokamuraNSUNI #aspect-oriented #framework #named #php- AOWP: Web-Specific AOP Framework for PHP (KH, RN, MS, NU, SN, AI), pp. 683–685.
WCRE-1999-LetarteM99a #interprocedural #modelling #php- Extraction of Inter-procedural Simple Role Privilege Models from PHP Code (DL, EM), pp. 187–191.
POPL-2009-TozawaTOM #php- Copy-on-write in the PHP language (AT, MT, TO, YM), pp. 200–212.
CSMR-2007-MerloLA #automation #injection #php- Automated Protection of PHP Applications Against SQL-injection Attacks (EM, DL, GA), pp. 191–202.
SIGMOD-2006-Gutmans #named #paradigm #php #web- PHP: supporting the new paradigm of situational and composite web applications (AG), p. 707.
VLDB-2006-ShegalovW #named #php- EOS2: Unstoppable Stateful PHP (GS, GW), pp. 1223–1226.
WCRE-2006-MerloLA #analysis #injection #php #sql- Insider and Ousider Threat-Sensitive SQL Injection Vulnerability Analysis in PHP (EM, DL, GA), pp. 147–156.