Collaborated with:
R.Miikkulainen K.O.Stanley John Sheblak Jacob Schrum Aliza Gold Chern Han Yong J.Reisinger Erkin Bahçeci Thomas D'Silva Craig Varrichio
Talks about:
game (4) neuroevolut (2) behavior (2) human (2) nero (2) strategi (1) research (1) platform (1) incorpor (1) general (1)
Person: Igor Karpov
DBLP: Karpov:Igor
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- AIIDE-2006-StanleyKMG #game studies #video
- The NERO Video Game (KOS, IK, RM, AG), pp. 151–152.
- AIIDE-2006-YongSMK #adaptation
- Incorporating Advice into Neuroevolution of Adaptive Agents (CHY, KOS, RM, IK), pp. 98–104.
- CIG-2006-KarpovDVSM #evaluation #game studies #integration #learning
- Integration and Evaluation of Exploration-Based Learning in Games (IK, TD, CV, KOS, RM), pp. 39–44.
- CIG-2007-ReisingerBKM #game studies
- Coevolving Strategies for General Game Playing (JR, EB, IK, RM), pp. 320–327.
- AIIDE-2008-KarpovSM #education #framework #game studies #named #platform #research
- OpenNERO: A Game Platform for AI Research and Education (IK, JS, RM).
- CIG-2011-SchrumKM #behaviour #named
- UT2: Human-like behavior via neuroevolution of combat behavior and replay of human traces (JS, IK, RM), pp. 329–336.