Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
O.Danvy I.Zerny I.Sergey V.Nagaraj Amrit Kumar 0001 Anton Trunov Ken Chan Guan Hao
Talks about:
semant (2) outermost (1) contract (1) abstract (1) program (1) scilla (1) reduct (1) machin (1) smart (1) safer (1)
Person: Jacob Johannsen
DBLP: Johannsen:Jacob
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- LOPSTR-2013-DanvyJ #automaton #reduction #semantics
- From Outermost Reduction Semantics to Abstract Machine (OD, JJ), pp. 91–108.
- PEPM-2011-DanvyJZ #semantics
- A walk in the semantic park (OD, JJ, IZ), pp. 1–12.
- OOPSLA-2019-SergeyNJ0TH #contract #programming
- Safer smart contract programming with Scilla (IS, VN, JJ, AK0, AT, KCGH), p. 30.