Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Denmark
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
∅ B.Dandanell J.Gørtz E.Zierau T.Vardanega G.Caspersen D.L.Chalmers
Talks about:
formal (2) applic (2) rais (2) ada (2) sequenti (1) descript (1) softwar (1) impress (1) generat (1) definit (1)
Person: Jan Storbank Pedersen
DBLP: Pedersen:Jan_Storbank
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- AdaEurope-1999-VardanegaCP #case study #embedded #realtime #reuse #using
- A Case Study in the Reuse of On-board Embedded Real-Time Software (TV, GC, JSP), pp. 425–436.
- FME-1993-DandanellGPZ #experience
- Experience from Applications of RAISE (BD, JG, JSP, EZ), pp. 52–63.
- VDME-1987-Pedersen
- VDM in Three Generations of Ada* Formal Descriptions (JSP), pp. 33–48.
- TFDA-1980-Pedersen #ada #semantics
- A Formal Semantics Definition of Sequential Ada (JSP), pp. 213–308.
- VDME-1991-ChalmersDGPZ #using
- Using RAISE — First Impressions from the LaCoS Applications (DLC, BD, JG, JSP, EZ), pp. 645–657.