Travelled to:
1 × Italy
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
M.Mugnier ∅ M.Leclère M.Thomazo S.Rudolph
Talks about:
rule (3) existenti (2) algorithm (2) conceptu (1) variabl (1) generic (1) forward (1) improv (1) greedi (1) queri (1)
Person: Jean-François Baget
DBLP: Baget:Jean=Fran=ccedil=ois
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- KR-2012-ThomazoBMR #algorithm #query #set
- A Generic Querying Algorithm for Greedy Sets of Existential Rules (MT, JFB, MLM, SR).
- KR-2010-BagetLM #decidability
- Walking the Decidability Line for Rules with Existential Variables (JFB, ML, MLM).
- KR-2004-Baget #algorithm #concept #graph
- Improving the Forward Chaining Algorithm for Conceptual Graphs Rules (JFB), pp. 407–414.