104 papers:
CASE-2015-Michalek #bound #standard- Motion control with minimization of a boundary off-track for non-Standard N-trailers along forward-followed paths (MMM), pp. 1564–1569.
DATE-2015-ParkAHYL #big data #energy #gpu #low cost #memory management #performance- Memory fast-forward: a low cost special function unit to enhance energy efficiency in GPU for big data processing (EP, JA, SH, SY, SL), pp. 1341–1346.
VLDB-2015-DongT #roadmap- A Time Machine for Information: Looking Back to Look Forward (XLD, WCT), pp. 2044–2055.
SAS-2015-BakhirkinBP #analysis #set- A Forward Analysis for Recurrent Sets (AB, JB, NP), pp. 293–311.
VLDB-2014-FuOPZ #component #declarative #javascript #named #using- FORWARD: Data-Centric UIs using Declarative Templates that Efficiently Wrap Third-Party JavaScript Components (YF, KWO, YP, EZ), pp. 1649–1652.
CSEET-2014-Wong #challenge #education #experience #lessons learnt #re-engineering- Experience of teaching Executive Master’s program in Software Engineering: Challenges, lessons learned, and path forward (WEW), pp. 186–187.
TACAS-2014-AdzkiyaSA #reachability- Forward Reachability Computation for Autonomous Max-Plus-Linear Systems (DA, BDS, AA), pp. 248–262.
SCAM-2014-JiangSGC #maintenance #on the #slicing- On the Accuracy of Forward Dynamic Slicing and Its Effects on Software Maintenance (SJ, RAS, MG, HC), pp. 145–154.
ICML-c1-2014-LiuYF #algorithm #constraints- Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithms for General Convex Smooth Functions over A Cardinality Constraint (JL, JY, RF), pp. 503–511.
ICML-c2-2014-SuttonMPH #equivalence #monte carlo- A new Q(λ) with interim forward view and Monte Carlo equivalence (RSS, ARM, DP, HvH), pp. 568–576.
SEKE-2014-JiangWZD #network #online #social- Forwarding Links without Browsing Links in Online Social Networks (JJ, XW, LZ, YD), pp. 636–641.
PPDP-2014-Haemmerle #constraints #logic programming #on the- On Combining Backward and Forward Chaining in Constraint Logic Programming (RH), pp. 213–224.
CSEET-2013-WongDFH #challenge #research- Undergraduates and research: Motivations, challenges, and the path forward (WEW, JD, GF, CH), pp. 341–345.
TACAS-2013-VizelGS #analysis #reachability #using- Intertwined Forward-Backward Reachability Analysis Using Interpolants (YV, OG, SS), pp. 308–323.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SaitoKII #behaviour- Influence of Deceleration Intention Indicating System of Forward Vehicle on Driver Behavior (YS, SK, MI, TI), pp. 548–557.
CIKM-2013-TeymorianFM #distributed #energy #query- Rank-energy selective query forwarding for distributed search systems (AYT, OF, MAM), pp. 389–398.
HPCA-2013-RobatmiliLEGSPBK #architecture #effectiveness #how #manycore #predict- How to implement effective prediction and forwarding for fusable dynamic multicore architectures (BR, DL, HE, MSSG, AS, AP, DB, SWK), pp. 460–471.
WCRE-2012-AlomariCM #approach #performance #scalability #slicing- A Very Efficient and Scalable Forward Static Slicing Approach (HWA, MLC, JIM), pp. 425–434.
CHI-2012-AlexanderHJIS #gesture- Putting your best foot forward: investigating real-world mappings for foot-based gestures (JA, TH, WJ, PI, SS), pp. 1229–1238.
CHI-2012-GuyURWO #enterprise #people #scalability- Best faces forward: a large-scale study of people search in the enterprise (IG, SU, IR, SW, TO), pp. 1775–1784.
CIKM-2012-TeymorianQF #distributed #energy #named #query- RESQ: rank-energy selective query forwarding for distributed search systems (AYT, XQ, OF), pp. 2579–2582.
Onward-2012-HansenLG #architecture #programming- Cognitive architectures: a way forward for the psychology of programming (MEH, AL, RLG), pp. 27–38.
HPCA-2012-MaJW12a #adaptation #algorithm #design #performance- Whole packet forwarding: Efficient design of fully adaptive routing algorithms for networks-on-chip (SM, NDEJ, ZW), pp. 467–478.
HPDC-2012-IlscheSCKJKIRNP #middleware- Enabling event tracing at leadership-class scale through I/O forwarding middleware (TI, JS, JC, DK, TJ, AK, KI, RBR, WEN, SP), pp. 49–60.
CSEET-2011-WongBDMOV #case study #education #experience #lessons learnt #testing- Teaching software testing: Experiences, lessons learned and the path forward (WEW, AB, VD, APM, JO, MAV), pp. 530–534.
CIAA-2011-GauwinN #xpath- Streamable Fragments of Forward XPath (OG, JN), pp. 3–15.
ICFP-2011-GillF #fault #implementation #performance- Deriving an efficient FPGA implementation of a low density parity check forward error corrector (AG, AF), pp. 209–220.
PLEASE-2011-Kulkarni #challenge- Use of SPLE to deliver custom solutions at product cost: challenges and a way forward (VK), pp. 1–5.
VMCAI-2011-GawlitzaLMSW #analysis #concurrent #process #reachability #source code- Join-Lock-Sensitive Forward Reachability Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Dynamic Process Creation (TMG, PL, MMO, HS, AW), pp. 199–213.
FoSSaCS-2010-WiesZH #analysis #bound #process- Forward Analysis of Depth-Bounded Processes (TW, DZ, TAH), pp. 94–108.
ICML-2010-LangT #probability #reasoning #relational- Probabilistic Backward and Forward Reasoning in Stochastic Relational Worlds (TL, MT), pp. 583–590.
ICPR-2010-ElmezainAM #gesture #random #recognition #robust #segmentation #using- A Robust Method for Hand Gesture Segmentation and Recognition Using Forward Spotting Scheme in Conditional Random Fields (ME, AAH, BM), pp. 3850–3853.
ICPR-2010-KalalMM #automation #detection #fault- Forward-Backward Error: Automatic Detection of Tracking Failures (ZK, KM, JM), pp. 2756–2759.
KDIR-2010-SiebersS #feature model- Interleaving Forward Backward Feature Selection (MS, US), pp. 454–457.
RecSys-2010-ResnickKHP #contest #named #question- Contests: way forward or detour? (PR, JAK, AH, JP), pp. 37–38.
SIGIR-2010-CambazogluVKAB #distributed #query- Query forwarding in geographically distributed search engines (BBC, EV, EK, CA, RABY), pp. 90–97.
OSDI-2010-PopaERS #network #rule-based- Building Extensible Networks with Rule-Based Forwarding (LP, NE, SR, IS), pp. 379–392.
ASE-2009-YuAB #analysis #generative #source code #string #using- Generating Vulnerability Signatures for String Manipulating Programs Using Automata-Based Forward and Backward Symbolic Analyses (FY, MA, TB), pp. 605–609.
DATE-2009-SathanurPBMM #clustering #design #variability- Physically clustered forward body biasing for variability compensation in nanometer CMOS design (AVS, AP, LB, GDM, EM), pp. 154–159.
DRR-2009-MeilenderB #algorithm #documentation #segmentation- Segmentation of continuous document flow by a modified backward-forward algorithm (TM, AB), pp. 1–10.
CSEET-2009-PadminiR #challenge #development- Issues in SE E-learning Development — Changing Phases and Challenges Going Forward (HAP, SSR), pp. 130–137.
ICALP-v2-2009-FinkelG #analysis- Forward Analysis for WSTS, Part II: Complete WSTS (AF, JGL), pp. 188–199.
CHI-2009-ChengLCC #named #video- SmartPlayer: user-centric video fast-forwarding (KYC, SJL, BYC, HHC), pp. 789–798.
ICEIS-J-2009-SousaLCA #algorithm #automation #metamodelling- A Step Forward in Semi-automatic Metamodel Matching: Algorithms and Tool (JdS, DL, DBC, ZA), pp. 137–148.
MoDELS-2009-MohanK #development #enterprise #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #user interface #visual notation- Model Driven Development of Graphical User Interfaces for Enterprise Business Applications — Experience, Lessons Learnt and a Way Forward (RM, VK), pp. 307–321.
MoDELS-2009-MohanK #development #enterprise #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #user interface #visual notation- Model Driven Development of Graphical User Interfaces for Enterprise Business Applications — Experience, Lessons Learnt and a Way Forward (RM, VK), pp. 307–321.
DAC-2008-LinSH #multi #realtime- A multi-resolution AHB bus tracer for real-time compression of forward/backward traces in a circular buffer (YTL, WCS, IJH), pp. 862–865.
ITiCSE-2008-Shaban-NejadH #education #learning #towards- Web-based dynamic learning through lexical chaining: a step forward towards knowledge-driven education (ASN, VH), p. 375.
SAC-2008-SaffarianM #algorithm #novel #protocol- A novel protocol to prevent malicious nodes from misdirecting forward ants in AntNet algorithm (MS, MCM), pp. 1849–1853.
PPoPP-2008-GiacomoniMV #concurrent #parallel #performance #pipes and filters #queue- FastForward for efficient pipeline parallelism: a cache-optimized concurrent lock-free queue (JG, TM, MV), pp. 43–52.
PPoPP-2008-IskraRYB #architecture #framework #named- ZOID: I/O-forwarding infrastructure for petascale architectures (KI, JWR, KY, PHB), pp. 153–162.
VMCAI-2008-RanzatoRT #abstraction #algorithm #refinement- A Forward-Backward Abstraction Refinement Algorithm (FR, ORD, FT), pp. 248–262.
CIAA-2007-HogbergMM #automaton #bisimulation- Backward and Forward Bisimulation Minimisation of Tree Automata (JH, AM, JM), pp. 109–121.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-BermejoGP #email #using- Attribute Construction for E-Mail Foldering by Using Wrappered Forward Greedy Search (PB, JAG, JMP), pp. 247–252.
POPL-2007-PearlmutterS #higher-order #lazy evaluation #multi- Lazy multivariate higher-order forward-mode AD (BAP, JMS), pp. 155–160.
CASE-2006-LopatinY #algorithm #approximate #polynomial #using- Using the forward search and the polynomial approximation algorithms in the exact algorithm for manipulator’s control in an unknown environment (PKL, ASY), pp. 206–211.
DAC-2006-JayaseelanLM- Exploiting forwarding to improve data bandwidth of instruction-set extensions (RJ, HL, TM), pp. 43–48.
DATE-2006-FrehseKR #abstraction #refinement #using #verification- Verifying analog oscillator circuits using forward/backward abstraction refinement (GF, BHK, RAR), pp. 257–262.
ICPR-v1-2006-SongK #cumulative #gesture #recognition #segmentation- Simultaneous Gesture Segmentation and Recognition based on Forward Spotting Accumulative HMMs (JS, DK), pp. 1231–1235.
FSE-2006-ZhangTG #execution #performance #slicing #source code- Dynamic slicing long running programs through execution fast forwarding (XZ, ST, RG), pp. 81–91.
PPoPP-2006-HuTH #algorithm #manycore #network #parallel #thread- High-performance IPv6 forwarding algorithm for multi-core and multithreaded network processor (XH, XT, BH), pp. 168–177.
IJCAR-2006-ChaudhuriPP #logic- A Logical Characterization of Forward and Backward Chaining in the Inverse Method (KC, FP, GP), pp. 97–111.
ESOP-2005-LeuschelV #deduction #slicing- Forward Slicing by Conjunctive Partial Deduction and Argument Filtering (ML, GV), pp. 61–76.
SCAM-2005-BinkleyH #slicing- Forward slices are smaller than backward slices (DB, MH), pp. 15–24.
DATE-DF-2004-PaulinPBLL #framework #multi #performance- Application of a Multi-Processor SoC Platform to High-Speed Packet Forwarding (PGP, CP, EB, ML, DL), pp. 58–63.
SCAM-2004-BinkleyDGHKO #execution #formal method #slicing- Formalizing Executable Dynamic and Forward Slicing (DB, SD, TG, MH, ÁK, LO), pp. 43–52.
KR-2004-Baget #algorithm #concept #graph- Improving the Forward Chaining Algorithm for Conceptual Graphs Rules (JFB), pp. 407–414.
ICSE-2004-ZhangGZ #diagrams #dynamic analysis #order #performance #slicing #using- Efficient Forward Computation of Dynamic Slices Using Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (XZ, RG, YZ), pp. 502–511.
ICSM-2003-BinkleyH #context-sensitive grammar #empirical #scalability #slicing- A Large-Scale Empirical Study of Forward and Backward Static Slice Size and Context Sensitivity (DB, MH), pp. 44–53.
ICLP-2003-KingL #logic programming #source code #verification- Forward versus Backward Verification of Logic Programs (AK, LL), pp. 315–330.
DAC-2002-WongMP #concept #synthesis- Forward-looking objective functions: concept & applications in high level synthesis (JLW, SM, MP), pp. 904–909.
FME-2002-CavalcantiN #refinement #simulation- Forward Simulation for Data Refinement of Classes (AC, DAN), pp. 471–490.
LOPSTR-2002-Vidal #declarative #multi #partial evaluation #slicing #source code- Forward Slicing of Multi-paradigm Declarative Programs Based on Partial Evaluation (GV), pp. 219–237.
SAC-2002-Moreau #fault tolerance #mobile #pointer- A fault-tolerant directory service for mobile agents based on forwarding pointers (LM), pp. 93–100.
CC-2002-WykMBK #attribute grammar #composition #design- Forwarding in Attribute Grammars for Modular Language Design (EVW, OdM, KB, PK), pp. 128–142.
CAV-2002-CabodiNQ #traversal #verification- Mixing Forward and Backward Traversals in Guided-Prioritized BDD-Based Verification (GC, SN, SQ), pp. 471–484.
VMCAI-2002-CharatonikMP #analysis #composition #termination- Compositional Termination Analysis of Symbolic Forward Analysis (WC, SM, AP), pp. 109–125.
DATE-2001-SamiSSZZ #embedded- Exploiting data forwarding to reduce the power budget of VLIW embedded processors (MS, DS, CS, VZ, RZ), pp. 252–257.
WCRE-J-1997-BaxterM00 #reverse engineering- Reverse engineering is reverse forward engineering (IDB, MM), pp. 131–147.
ICPR-v2-2000-SuzukiHS #component #performance- Fast Connected-Component Labeling Based on Sequential Local Operations in the Course of Forward Raster Scan Followed by Backward Raster Scan (KS, IH, NS), pp. 2434–2437.
ICDAR-1999-SeniS #online #recognition- Forward Search with Discontinuous Probabilities for Online Handwriting Recognition (GS, JS), pp. 741–744.
STOC-1999-ScheidelerV #performance #protocol- From Static to Dynamic Routing: Efficient Transformations of Store-and-Forward Protocols (CS, BV), pp. 215–224.
ICEIS-1999-ShinKHJKP #network- Client Cache-Index Forwarding for Reducing Network Traffic over Wireless Network for the WWW (HSS, GHK, SJH, ARJ, GHK, MSP), pp. 717–724.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-Taniar #query #traversal- Forward vs. Reverse Traversal in Path Expression Query Processing (DT), pp. 127–140.
HT-1997-Marshall #hypermedia- Looking Forward: Five Practices for Safer Hypertext (Keynote) (CCM), p. 241.
WCRE-1997-BaxterM #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering is Reverse Forward Engineering (IDB, MM), pp. 104–113.
ICSE-1997-WelschSK #object-oriented #re-engineering- Integrating Forward and Reverse Object-Oriented Software Engineering (CW, AS, SK), pp. 560–561.
STOC-1996-CypherHSV #algorithm- Universal Algorithms for Store-and-Forward and Wormhole Routing (RC, FMadH, CS, BV), pp. 356–365.
CAiSE-1995-Lehman #process- Process Improvement — The Way Forward (MML), pp. 1–11.
POPL-1994-BosschereDGK #interprocedural #optimisation- Call Forwarding: A Simple Interprocedural Optimization Technique for Dynamically Typed Languages (KDB, SKD, DG, SK), pp. 409–420.
ISSTA-1994-KorelY #slicing- Forward Computation of Dynamic Program Slices (BK, SY), pp. 66–79.
LFP-1992-NeubergerM #analysis #deduction #power of #precise #strict- A Precise Relationship Between the Deductive Power of Forward and Backward Strictness Analysis (MN, PM), pp. 127–138.
CADE-1992-Chen #empirical #knowledge-based #proving #theorem proving- Tactic-based Theorem Proving and Knowledge-based Forward Chaining: an Experiment with Nuprl and Ontic (WZC), pp. 552–566.
SIGMOD-1990-KiernanMS #database #deduction- Making Deductive Databases a Practical Technology: A Step Forward (GK, CdM, ES), pp. 237–246.
SEI-1990-Bustard #concurrent #education #experience #roadmap- An Experience of Teaching Concurrency: looking back, looking forward (DWB), pp. 123–135.
SEKE-1990-Iyengar #execution #logic programming #source code- Intelligent Forward Execution in Logic Programs (SRI), pp. 153–158.
ICSE-1989-DeMarco #re-engineering #roadmap- Twenty Years of Software Engineering: Looking Forward, Looking Back (TD), p. 134.
ICSE-1989-Jackson #re-engineering #roadmap- Software Engineering for Business DP: Looking Back and Looking Forward (MJ), p. 135.
SIGMOD-1988-Fischer #question- Nested Relations: A Step Forward — or Backward? (PCF), p. 2.
SIGIR-1988-Jones #roadmap- A Look Back and A Look Forward (KSJ), pp. 13–29.
OOPSLA-1987-McCullough- Transparent Forwarding: First Steps (PLM), pp. 331–341.
ICLP-1987-HentenryckD87 #logic programming- Forward Checking in Logic Programming (PVH, MD), pp. 229–256.
SCC-1982-MauneyF #algorithm #ll #lr #parsing- A Forward Move Algorithm for LL and LR Parsers (JM, CNF), pp. 79–87.
POPL-1978-PennelloD #algorithm #fault #lr- A Forward Move Algorithm for LR Error Recovery (TJP, FD), pp. 241–254.