Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Henderson ∅ M.J.Muller K.Carter E.A.Dykstra K.H.Madsen J.Greenbaum
Talks about:
participatori (2) design (2) scandinavian (1) technolog (1) trillium (1) challeng (1) variabl (1) respons (1) reflect (1) britain (1)
Person: Jeanette Blomberg
DBLP: Blomberg:Jeanette
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-1991-MullerBCDMG #challenge #design
- Participatory design in Britain and North America: responses to the “Scandinavian Challenge” (MJM, JB, KC, EAD, KHM, JG), pp. 389–392.
- CHI-1990-BlombergH #design #experience #lessons learnt
- Reflections on participatory design: lessons from the trillium experience (JB, AH), pp. 353–360.
- CSCW-1986-Blomberg #process
- The variable impact of computer technologies on the organization of work activities (JB), pp. 35–42.