Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
Collaborated with:
P.Eitschberger A.Beckmann J.Heichler S.Holmbacka J.Lilius J.Fedorowicz U.Meyer
Talks about:
structur (3) parallel (2) schedul (2) energi (2) cryptograph (1) processor (1) distribut (1) overhead (1) function (1) frequenc (1)
Person: Jörg Keller
DBLP: Keller:J=ouml=rg
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- PDP-2015-Eitschberger0 #energy #manycore #scalability #scheduling
- Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling in Manycore Processors with Frequency Scaling Overhead (PE, JK), pp. 541–548.
- PDP-2015-Holmbacka0EL #energy #manycore #modelling
- Accurate Energy Modelling for Many-Core Static Schedules (SH, JK, PE, JL), pp. 525–532.
- GRAPHITE-2012-BeckmannFKM #analysis #graph
- A structural analysis of the A5/1 state transition graph (AB, JF, JK, UM), pp. 5–19.
- PDP-2007-BeckmannK #encryption
- Parallel-External Computation of the Cycle Structure of Invertible Cryptographic Functions (AB, JK), pp. 526–533.
- PDP-2006-HeichlerK #distributed #parallel #query #random
- A Distributed Query Structure to Explore Random Mappings in Parallel (JH, JK), pp. 173–177.