Travelled to:
1 × Greece
Collaborated with:
J.Dittrich J.Quiané-Ruiz A.Jindal C.Pinkel S.Richter S.Schuh Y.Kargin V.Setty
Talks about:
eleph (3) mapreduc (1) without (1) varianc (1) cheetah (1) aggress (1) yellow (1) runtim (1) observ (1) measur (1)
Person: Jörg Schad
DBLP: Schad:J=ouml=rg
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- VLDB-2012-DittrichQRSJS #performance
- Only Aggressive Elephants are Fast Elephants (JD, JAQR, SR, SS, AJ, JS), pp. 1591–1602.
- SIGMOD-2011-Quiane-RuizPSD #pipes and filters
- RAFT at work: speeding-up mapreduce applications under task and node failures (JAQR, CP, JS, JD), pp. 1225–1228.
- VLDB-2010-DittrichQJKSS
- Hadoop++: Making a Yellow Elephant Run Like a Cheetah (Without It Even Noticing) (JD, JAQR, AJ, YK, VS, JS), pp. 518–529.
- VLDB-2010-SchadDQ #in the cloud #metric #runtime
- Runtime Measurements in the Cloud: Observing, Analyzing, and Reducing Variance (JS, JD, JAQR), pp. 460–471.