361 papers:
CBSE-2015-NandiMO #component #contract #probability #realtime #runtime- Stochastic Contracts for Runtime Checking of Component-based Real-time Systems (CN, AM, MO), pp. 111–116.
CASE-2015-SunWWL #data-driven #energy #runtime- Data driven production runtime energy control of manufacturing systems (ZS, DW, LW, LL), pp. 243–248.
DAC-2015-TodmanSL #configuration management #design #monitoring #runtime #verification- In-circuit temporal monitors for runtime verification of reconfigurable designs (TT, SS, WL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-YunPB #adaptation #named #parallel #runtime #self #thread- HARS: a heterogeneity-aware runtime system for self-adaptive multithreaded applications (JY, JP, WB), p. 6.
DATE-2015-DuqueDY #adaptation #behaviour #fault #reliability #runtime- Improving MPSoC reliability through adapting runtime task schedule based on time-correlated fault behavior (LARD, JMMD, CY), pp. 818–823.
DATE-2015-LinSKRM #debugging #detection #effectiveness #fault #performance #testing #validation- Quick error detection tests with fast runtimes for effective post-silicon validation and debug (DL, ES, SK, ER, SM), pp. 1168–1173.
TACAS-2015-BloemKKW #runtime #synthesis- Shield Synthesis: — Runtime Enforcement for Reactive Systems (RB, BK, RK, CW), pp. 533–548.
TACAS-2015-CiniF #ltl #proving #runtime #verification- An LTL Proof System for Runtime Verification (CC, AF), pp. 581–595.
TACAS-2015-RegerCR #monitoring #named #runtime- MarQ: Monitoring at Runtime with QEA (GR, HCC, DER), pp. 596–610.
PLDI-2015-EmaniO #approach #runtime- Celebrating diversity: a mixture of experts approach for runtime mapping in dynamic environments (MKE, MFPO), pp. 499–508.
FM-2015-AhrendtCPS #runtime #specification #verification- A Specification Language for Static and Runtime Verification of Data and Control Properties (WA, JMC, GJP, GS), pp. 108–125.
FM-2015-DuLT #independence #ltl #monitoring #policy #runtime- Trace-Length Independent Runtime Monitoring of Quantitative Policies in LTL (XD, YL, AT), pp. 231–247.
SEFM-2015-ColomboDF #runtime #verification- Investigating Instrumentation Techniques for ESB Runtime Verification (CC, GD, AF), pp. 99–107.
SEKE-2015-XiangQB #flexibility #java #runtime #verification- Flexible and Extensible Runtime Verification for Java (CX, ZQ, WB), pp. 595–600.
MoDELS-2015-KrikavaRS #framework #modelling #resource management #runtime #towards- Infrastructure as runtime models: Towards Model-Driven resource management (FK, RR, LS), pp. 100–105.
MoDELS-2015-SzvetitsZ #modelling #reuse #runtime- Reusable event types for models at runtime to support the examination of runtime phenomena (MS, UZ), pp. 4–13.
Onward-2015-CitoLGDKR #developer #feedback #metric #runtime #using- Runtime metric meets developer: building better cloud applications using feedback (JC, PL, HCG, AD, AK, AR), pp. 14–27.
OOPSLA-2015-AlvesGDLGRP #ambiguity #pointer #runtime- Runtime pointer disambiguation (PA, FG, JD, AL, TG, FR, FMQP), pp. 589–606.
OOPSLA-2015-LeeBZZVG #assessment #float #named #runtime- RAIVE: runtime assessment of floating-point instability by vectorization (WCL, TB, YZ, XZ, KV, RG), pp. 623–638.
POPL-2015-NgoMMP #black box #policy #runtime #security #source code- Runtime Enforcement of Security Policies on Black Box Reactive Programs (MN, FM, DM, FP), pp. 43–54.
SAC-2015-AbeywickramaSL #adaptation #monitoring #runtime #visualisation- Monitoring and visualizing adaptation of autonomic systems at runtime (DBA, NBS, ML), pp. 1857–1860.
SAC-2015-Ahn #architecture #object-oriented #re-engineering #runtime- Reconstruction of runtime software architecture for object-oriented systems (HA), pp. 1668–1669.
SAC-2015-AwadBESAS #anti #approach #detection #process #runtime- Runtime detection of business process compliance violations: an approach based on anti patterns (AA, AB, AE, RES, AA, SS), pp. 1203–1210.
SAC-2015-CharafeddineEFJ #component #runtime- Runtime enforcement for component-based systems (HC, KEH, YF, MJ), pp. 1789–1796.
SAC-2015-MilewiczVTQP #c #runtime #source code- Runtime checking C programs (RM, RV, JT, DQ, PP), pp. 2107–2114.
ICSE-v2-2015-RaudjarvG #android #runtime- JRebel.Android: Runtime Class- and Resource Reloading for Android (RR, ARG), pp. 741–744.
ASPLOS-2015-HicksSKS #debugging #lightweight #named #runtime #specification- SPECS: A Lightweight Runtime Mechanism for Protecting Software from Security-Critical Processor Bugs (MH, CS, STK, JMS), pp. 517–529.
ASPLOS-2015-NguyenWBFHX #big data #bound #compilation #named #runtime- FACADE: A Compiler and Runtime for (Almost) Object-Bounded Big Data Applications (KN, KW, YB, LF, JH, G(X), pp. 675–690.
ASPLOS-2015-XuLWZ #automation #power management #runtime- Automated OS-level Device Runtime Power Management (CX, FXL, YW, LZ), pp. 239–252.
HPDC-2015-BerrocalBDLC #data analysis #detection #lightweight #runtime- Lightweight Silent Data Corruption Detection Based on Runtime Data Analysis for HPC Applications (EB, LABG, SD, ZL, FC), pp. 275–278.
HPDC-2015-HaleD #kernel #operating system #parallel- A Case for Transforming Parallel Runtimes Into Operating System Kernels (KCH, PAD), pp. 27–32.
ISMM-2015-CameronSV #multi- The judgment of forseti: economic utility for dynamic heap sizing of multiple runtimes (CC, JS, DV), pp. 143–156.
PPoPP-2015-AmerLWBM #runtime #thread- MPI+Threads: runtime contention and remedies (AA, HL, YW, PB, SM), pp. 239–248.
PPoPP-2015-VassiliadisPCALBVN #energy #programming #runtime- A programming model and runtime system for significance-aware energy-efficient computing (VV, KP, CC, CDA, SL, NB, HV, DSN), pp. 275–276.
ISSTA-2015-DimjasevicG #analysis #assurance #generative #runtime #testing #verification- Test-case generation for runtime analysis and vice versa: verification of aircraft separation assurance (MD, DG), pp. 282–292.
RTA-2015-FrohnGHAS #bound #complexity #runtime- Inferring Lower Bounds for Runtime Complexity (FF, JG, JH, CA, TS), pp. 334–349.
CBSE-2014-BenedittoW #configuration management #runtime #using- Using a model to generate reconfiguration plans at runtime (MEMDB, CMLW), pp. 65–74.
CBSE-2014-BuresHP #architecture #continuation #modelling #product line #runtime- Strengthening architectures of smart CPS by modeling them as runtime product-lines (TB, PH, FP), pp. 91–96.
CBSE-2014-Porter #adaptation #component #composition #fine-grained #runtime- Runtime modularity in complex structures: a component model for fine grained runtime adaptation (BP), pp. 29–34.
ECSA-2014-HorcasPF #policy #runtime #security- Runtime Enforcement of Dynamic Security Policies (JMH, MP, LF), pp. 340–356.
WICSA-2014-BaresiGM #consistency #evolution #process #runtime- Consistent Runtime Evolution of Service-Based Business Processes (LB, SG, VPLM), pp. 77–86.
WICSA-2014-VierhauserRGDWZ #architecture #flexibility #framework #monitoring #runtime- A Flexible Framework for Runtime Monitoring of System-of-Systems Architectures (MV, RR, PG, CD, SW, HZ), pp. 57–66.
ASE-2014-LiC #runtime #validation- Symbolic state validation through runtime data (YL, SCC), pp. 187–198.
ASE-2014-RomanoE #library #memory management #named #runtime- symMMU: symbolically executed runtime libraries for symbolic memory access (AR, DRE), pp. 247–258.
DAC-2014-LeeL #embedded #runtime- Area-Efficient Event Stream Ordering for Runtime Observability of Embedded Systems (JCL, RL), p. 6.
VLDB-2014-NagelBV #code generation #performance #query- Code Generation for Efficient Query Processing in Managed Runtimes (FN, GMB, SDV), pp. 1095–1106.
TACAS-2014-BrockschmidtEFFG #analysis #complexity #integer #runtime #source code- Alternating Runtime and Size Complexity Analysis of Integer Programs (MB, FE, SF, CF, JG), pp. 140–155.
TACAS-2014-ReinbacherRS #health #realtime #runtime- Temporal-Logic Based Runtime Observer Pairs for System Health Management of Real-Time Systems (TR, KYR, JS), pp. 357–372.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-Bos #lightweight #reverse engineering #runtime- Lightweight runtime reverse engineering of binary file format variants (JvdB), pp. 367–370.
PEPM-2014-Fahndrich #ide #lessons learnt #runtime- Lessons from a web-based IDE and runtime (MF), pp. 1–2.
PLDI-2014-DeVitoRFAH #generative #runtime #using- First-class runtime generation of high-performance types using exotypes (ZD, DR, MF, AA, PH), p. 11.
PLDI-2014-LongSR #automation #fault #runtime- Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding (FL, SSD, MCR), p. 26.
FM-2014-GunadiT #android #case study #logic #metric #monitoring #operating system #performance #runtime- Efficient Runtime Monitoring with Metric Temporal Logic: A Case Study in the Android Operating System (HG, AT), pp. 296–311.
CHI-2014-DixonLF #implementation #runtime- Pixel-based methods for widget state and style in a runtime implementation of sliding widgets (MED, GL, JAF), pp. 2231–2240.
AdaEurope-2014-PedroPPP #ada #framework #programming language #runtime #towards #verification- Towards a Runtime Verification Framework for the Ada Programming Language (AdMP, DP, LMP, JSP), pp. 58–73.
CAiSE-2014-MurguzurCTS #process #runtime #staged- Context-Aware Staged Configuration of Process Variants@Runtime (AM, XDC, ST, GS), pp. 241–255.
SEKE-2014-CheMLC #network #online #protocol #runtime #testing- Testing Network Protocols: formally, at runtime and online (XC, SM, JL, ARC), pp. 90–93.
SEKE-2014-HartmannFNMKT #approach #modelling #reasoning #runtime #using- Reasoning at Runtime using time-distorted Contexts: A Models@run.time based Approach (TH, FF, GN, BM, JK, YLT), pp. 586–591.
SEKE-2014-NassarJSB #energy #generative #java #realtime #runtime- Generating Real-Time Profiles of Runtime Energy Consumption for Java Applications (MN, JJ, IS, MBB), pp. 592–597.
SEKE-2014-ZhuangZL #fine-grained #framework #layout #reuse #runtime- Runtime Code Reuse Attacks: A Dynamic Framework Bypassing Fine-Grained Address Space Layout Randomization (YZ, TZ, ZL), pp. 609–614.
SIGIR-2014-TangJY #optimisation #ranking #runtime- Cache-conscious runtime optimization for ranking ensembles (XT, XJ, TY), pp. 1123–1126.
OOPSLA-2014-BarrM #debugging #named- Tardis: affordable time-travel debugging in managed runtimes (ETB, MM), pp. 67–82.
GPCE-2014-KaminGAXYC #multi #optimisation #runtime- Optimization by runtime specialization for sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SK, MJG, BA, DX, BY, ZC), pp. 93–102.
RE-2014-TsigkanosPMGN #adaptation #requirements #runtime #security- Engineering topology aware adaptive security: Preventing requirements violations at runtime (CT, LP, CM, CG, BN), pp. 203–212.
SAC-2014-Al-RefaiCF #modelling #runtime #using- Using models to dynamically refactor runtime code (MAR, WC, RBF), pp. 1108–1113.
SAC-2014-PinisettyFJM #runtime- Runtime enforcement of regular timed properties (SP, YF, TJ, HM), pp. 1279–1286.
FSE-2014-JoinerRJDG #performance #policy #weaving- Efficient runtime-enforcement techniques for policy weaving (RJ, TWR, SJ, MD, VG), pp. 224–234.
ICSE-2014-ChenPYNZ #adaptation #generative #incremental #model transformation #runtime #self- Self-adaptation through incremental generative model transformations at runtime (BC, XP, YY, BN, WZ), pp. 676–687.
ASPLOS-2014-DingZZES #compilation #complexity #runtime #scheduling- Finding the limit: examining the potential and complexity of compilation scheduling for JIT-based runtime systems (YD, MZ, ZZ, SE, XS), pp. 607–622.
ASPLOS-2014-RibicY #energy- Energy-efficient work-stealing language runtimes (HR, YDL), pp. 513–528.
ASPLOS-2014-SantosRSW #mobile #runtime #using- Using ARM trustzone to build a trusted language runtime for mobile applications (NS, HR, SS, AW), pp. 67–80.
PPoPP-2014-LuoLHKP #hybrid #manycore #programming #runtime- Initial study of multi-endpoint runtime for MPI+OpenMP hybrid programming model on multi-core systems (ML, XL, KH, KCK, DKP), pp. 395–396.
CAV-2014-ChowdhuryJGD #monitoring #policy #privacy #runtime- Temporal Mode-Checking for Runtime Monitoring of Privacy Policies (OC, LJ, DG, AD), pp. 131–149.
ICST-2014-VarvaressosLMGH #automation #case study #debugging #game studies #monitoring #runtime #video- Automated Bug Finding in Video Games: A Case Study for Runtime Monitoring (SV, KL, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 143–152.
ISSTA-2014-ZhangW #concurrent #parallel #runtime #thread- Runtime prevention of concurrency related type-state violations in multithreaded applications (LZ, CW), pp. 1–12.
TAP-2014-KosmatovS #analysis #runtime #tutorial- Runtime Assertion Checking and Its Combinations with Static and Dynamic Analyses — Tutorial Synopsis (NK, JS), pp. 165–168.
ASE-2013-MeredithR #parametricity #performance #runtime #string #verification- Efficient parametric runtime verification with deterministic string rewriting (POM, GR), pp. 70–80.
ASE-2013-ZhangCW #concurrent #data type #named #runtime- Round-up: Runtime checking quasi linearizability of concurrent data structures (LZ, AC, CW), pp. 4–14.
DAC-2013-AlleMD #analysis #dependence #pipes and filters #runtime #synthesis- Runtime dependency analysis for loop pipelining in high-level synthesis (MA, AM, SD), p. 10.
DAC-2013-LiSARHP #adaptation #embedded #fault #named #runtime- RASTER: runtime adaptive spatial/temporal error resiliency for embedded processors (TL, MS, JAA, SR, JH, SP), p. 7.
DATE-2013-AhmadyanKV #algorithm #incremental #runtime #using #verification- Runtime verification of nonlinear analog circuits using incremental time-augmented RRT algorithm (SNA, JAK, SV), pp. 21–26.
DATE-2013-FirouziKTN #analysis #runtime- Incorporating the impacts of workload-dependent runtime variations into timing analysis (FF, SK, MBT, SRN), pp. 1022–1025.
DATE-2013-KimJC #estimation #mobile #runtime- Runtime power estimation of mobile AMOLED displays (DK, WJ, HC), pp. 61–64.
VLDB-2013-PopescuBEA #named #predict #runtime #scalability #towards- PREDIcT: Towards Predicting the Runtime of Large Scale Iterative Analytics (ADP, AB, VE, AA), pp. 1678–1689.
ITiCSE-2013-EganM #c #fault #runtime- Reducing novice C programmers’ frustration through improved runtime error checking (MHE, CM), p. 322.
FASE-2013-LasseterC #design pattern #invariant #runtime- Design Pattern-Based Extension of Class Hierarchies to Support Runtime Invariant Checks (JL, JC), pp. 163–178.
TACAS-2013-GrigoreDPT #automaton #runtime #verification- Runtime Verification Based on Register Automata (RG, DD, RLP, NT), pp. 260–276.
PLDI-2013-GaoSBMBL #runtime #smarttech #using- Using managed runtime systems to tolerate holes in wearable memories (TG, KS, SMB, KSM, DB, JRL), pp. 297–308.
SEFM-2013-WonischSW #monitoring #runtime- Zero Overhead Runtime Monitoring (DW, AS, HW), pp. 244–258.
SEKE-2013-CarmoCML #adaptation #monitoring #runtime #self- Runtime Monitoring and Auditing of Self-Adaptive Systems (S) (DHC, STC, LGPM, OL), pp. 731–736.
SEKE-2013-PereiraAS #data access #policy #relational #runtime- Runtime Values Driven by Access Control Policies — Statically Enforced at the Level of Relational Business Tiers (ÓMP, RLA, MYS), pp. 1–7.
MoDELS-2013-ZhangCZWY0L #modelling #runtime- Runtime Model Based Management of Diverse Cloud Resources (XZ, XC, YZ, YW, WY, GH, QL), pp. 572–588.
MoDELS-2013-ZhangCZWY0L #modelling #runtime- Runtime Model Based Management of Diverse Cloud Resources (XZ, XC, YZ, YW, WY, GH, QL), pp. 572–588.
PPDP-2013-MatsudaW #approach #bidirectional #for free #problem #runtime- Bidirectionalization for free with runtime recording: or, a light-weight approach to the view-update problem (KM, MW), pp. 297–308.
ER-BR-2013-Mylopoulos #design #modelling #requirements #runtime- Requirements Models at Design and Runtime (JM).
SAC-2013-GiustoP #adaptation #consistency #runtime- Disciplined structured communications with consistent runtime adaptation (CDG, JAP), pp. 1913–1918.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NavabpourJWBMBF #c #named #runtime #source code #verification- RiTHM: a tool for enabling time-triggered runtime verification for C programs (SN, YJ, CWWW, SB, RM, BB, SF), pp. 603–606.
ICSE-2013-CarzanigaGMPP #automation #runtime- Automatic recovery from runtime failures (AC, AG, AM, NP, MP), pp. 782–791.
CGO-2013-AnantpurG #dependence #execution #runtime- Runtime dependence computation and execution of loops on heterogeneous systems (JA, RG), p. 10.
CGO-2013-HuangJBJA #automation #parallel #runtime #using- Automatically exploiting cross-invocation parallelism using runtime information (JH, TBJ, SRB, NPJ, DIA), p. 11.
HPDC-2013-SajjapongseWB #clustering #multi #runtime- A preemption-based runtime to efficiently schedule multi-process applications on heterogeneous clusters with GPUs (KS, XW, MB), pp. 179–190.
PPoPP-2013-CarvalhoC #memory management #runtime #transaction- Runtime elision of transactional barriers for captured memory (FMC, JPC), pp. 303–304.
SOSP-2013-CuiSLLBXYGB #named #reliability #runtime #thread- Parrot: a practical runtime for deterministic, stable, and reliable threads (HC, JS, YHL, HL, BB, XX, JY, GAG, REB), pp. 388–405.
SOSP-2013-RossbachYCMF #compilation #named #runtime- Dandelion: a compiler and runtime for heterogeneous systems (CJR, YY, JC, JPM, DF), pp. 49–68.
ICLP-J-2013-ArbelaezTC #parallel #predict #runtime #satisfiability #using- Using sequential runtime distributions for the parallel speedup prediction of SAT local search (AA, CT, PC), pp. 625–639.
ISSTA-2013-LuoR #named #parallel #runtime #source code #thread- EnforceMOP: a runtime property enforcement system for multithreaded programs (QL, GR), pp. 156–166.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-NewmanK #architecture #embedded #resource management #runtime- A Runtime Resource-aware Architecture for Service-oriented Embedded Systems (PN, GK), pp. 61–70.
ASE-2012-NoureddineBRS #energy #monitoring #runtime- Runtime monitoring of software energy hotspots (AN, AB, RR, LS), pp. 160–169.
CASE-2012-MerzFV #automation #distributed #industrial #runtime- Dynamic redeployment of control software in distributed industrial automation systems during runtime (MM, TF, BVH), pp. 863–868.
DAC-2012-AuerbachBBCFRS #compilation #runtime- A compiler and runtime for heterogeneous computing (JSA, DFB, IB, PC, SJF, RMR, SS), pp. 271–276.
DAC-2012-HuangCBK #consistency #embedded #realtime #runtime- Conforming the runtime inputs for hard real-time embedded systems (KH, GC, CB, AK), pp. 430–436.
DATE-2012-MengC #3d #analysis #energy #performance #runtime- Analysis and runtime management of 3D systems with stacked DRAM for boosting energy efficiency (JM, AKC), pp. 611–616.
DATE-2012-WangTLG #runtime- Runtime power estimator calibration for high-performance microprocessors (HW, SXDT, XL, AG), pp. 352–357.
VLDB-2012-Jacques-SilvaGWWK #adaptation #runtime- Building User-defined Runtime Adaptation Routines for Stream Processing Applications (GJS, BG, RW, KLW, VK), pp. 1826–1837.
TACAS-2012-HamlenJS #aspect-oriented #certification #monitoring #runtime- Aspect-Oriented Runtime Monitor Certification (KWH, MJ, MS), pp. 126–140.
CSMR-2012-HamannVGK #monitoring #runtime- Abstract Runtime Monitoring with USE (LH, LV, MG, MK), pp. 549–552.
WCRE-2012-EspinhaZG #comprehension #runtime- Understanding the Runtime Topology of Service-Oriented Systems (TE, AZ, HGG), pp. 187–196.
FM-2012-BarringerFHRR #automaton #monitoring #performance #quantifier #runtime #towards- Quantified Event Automata: Towards Expressive and Efficient Runtime Monitors (HB, YF, KH, GR, DER), pp. 68–84.
IFM-2012-CalderS #algebra #case study #network #process #runtime #verification- Process Algebra for Event-Driven Runtime Verification: A Case Study of Wireless Network Management (MC, MS), pp. 21–23.
SEFM-2012-ColomboFMP #bound #configuration management #monitoring #named #resource management #runtime #verification- polyLarva: Runtime Verification with Configurable Resource-Aware Monitoring Boundaries (CC, AF, RM, GJP), pp. 218–232.
SFM-2012-GieseLBHNVW #adaptation #graph transformation #modelling #runtime- Graph Transformations for MDE, Adaptation, and Models at Runtime (HG, LL, BB, SH, SN, TV, SW), pp. 137–191.
EDOC-2012-DohringSG #adaptation #approach #aspect-oriented #model transformation #recursion #rule-based #runtime #weaving #workflow- Emulating Runtime Workflow Adaptation and Aspect Weaving by Recursive Rule-Based Sub-Process Selection — A Model Transformation Approach (MD, AS, IG), pp. 133–142.
EDOC-2012-HolmesZD #automation #modelling #monitoring #runtime #version control- Automating the Management and Versioning of Service Models at Runtime to Support Service Monitoring (TH, UZ, SD), pp. 211–218.
ICEIS-v3-2012-AkikiBY #adaptation #enterprise #modelling #runtime #user interface #using- Using Interpreted Runtime Models for Devising Adaptive User Interfaces of Enterprise Applications (PAA, AKB, YY), pp. 72–77.
ECMFA-2012-HamannHG #monitoring #ocl #protocol #runtime #state machine- OCL-Based Runtime Monitoring of Applications with Protocol State Machines (LH, OH, MG), pp. 384–399.
MoDELS-2012-AlferezP #evolution #modelling #runtime- Dynamic Evolution of Context-Aware Systems with Models at Runtime (GHA, VP), pp. 70–86.
MoDELS-2012-FouquetNMDBPJ #eclipse #framework #modelling #requirements #runtime- An Eclipse Modelling Framework Alternative to Meet the Models@Runtime Requirements (FF, GN, BM, ED, OB, NP, JMJ), pp. 87–101.
MoDELS-2012-AlferezP #evolution #modelling #runtime- Dynamic Evolution of Context-Aware Systems with Models at Runtime (GHA, VP), pp. 70–86.
MoDELS-2012-FouquetNMDBPJ #eclipse #framework #modelling #requirements #runtime- An Eclipse Modelling Framework Alternative to Meet the Models@Runtime Requirements (FF, GN, BM, ED, OB, NP, JMJ), pp. 87–101.
RE-2012-SalehiePOAN #adaptation #runtime #security- Requirements-driven adaptive security: Protecting variable assets at runtime (MS, LP, IO, RA, BN), pp. 111–120.
ICSE-2012-GhezziMS #component #monitoring #runtime- Runtime monitoring of component changes with Spy@Runtime (CG, AM, MS), pp. 1403–1406.
ICSE-2012-JinMLR #framework #monitoring #named #parametricity #performance #runtime- JavaMOP: Efficient parametric runtime monitoring framework (DJ, POM, CL, GR), pp. 1427–1430.
CC-2012-StreitHZH #adaptation #named #online #parallel #runtime- Sambamba: A Runtime System for Online Adaptive Parallelization (KS, CH, AZ, SH), pp. 240–243.
CGO-2012-ZhangGHLMA #fault tolerance #runtime- Runtime asynchronous fault tolerance via speculation (YZ, SG, JH, JWL, SAM, DIA), pp. 145–154.
HPDC-2012-BecchiSGPRC #clustering #memory management #multitenancy #runtime- A virtual memory based runtime to support multi-tenancy in clusters with GPUs (MB, KS, IG, AMP, VTR, STC), pp. 97–108.
CAV-2012-FredriksonJJRPSY #abstraction #performance #policy #refinement #runtime #using- Efficient Runtime Policy Enforcement Using Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (MF, RJ, SJ, TWR, PAP, HS, VY), pp. 548–563.
ICST-2012-CalvarTH #framework #monitoring #runtime- A Runtime Monitoring Framework for Event Streams with Non-primitive Arguments (JC, RTL, SH), pp. 499–508.
ICTSS-2012-LahamiFKJ #adaptation #distributed #runtime #testing #towards- Towards a TTCN-3 Test System for Runtime Testing of Adaptable and Distributed Systems (ML, FF, MK, MJ), pp. 71–86.
ECSA-2011-MassowHH #architecture #component #configuration management #performance #runtime #simulation- Performance Simulation of Runtime Reconfigurable Component-Based Software Architectures (RvM, AvH, WH), pp. 43–58.
ECSA-2011-PurhonenS #adaptation #performance #runtime- Runtime Performance Management of Information Broker-Based Adaptive Applications (AP, SS), pp. 203–206.
WICSA-2011-NewmanK #embedded #framework #runtime- A Runtime Resource-Management Framework for Embedded Service-Oriented Systems (PN, GK), pp. 123–126.
DAC-2011-Hazelwood #adaptation #embedded #runtime- Process-level virtualization for runtime adaptation of embedded software (KMH), pp. 895–900.
DATE-2011-HuangRBK #adaptation #runtime #workflow- A workflow for runtime adaptive task allocation on heterogeneous MPSoCs (JH, AR, CB, AK), pp. 1119–1134.
DATE-2011-JahnFH #adaptation #architecture #migration #multi #named #runtime- CARAT: Context-aware runtime adaptive task migration for multi core architectures (JJ, MAAF, JH), pp. 515–520.
DATE-2011-TendulkarPNKNK #communication #hardware #runtime- Fine-grain OpenMP runtime support with explicit communication hardware primitives (PT, VP, GN, SGK, DSN, MK), pp. 891–894.
PODS-2011-BenediktGS #runtime- Determining relevance of accesses at runtime (MB, GG, PS), pp. 211–222.
CSMR-2011-AmouiDET #adaptation #evolution #runtime #towards- Software Evolution towards Model-Centric Runtime Adaptivity (MA, MD, JE, LT), pp. 89–92.
WCRE-2011-OlszakRJ #java #runtime- Meta-Level Runtime Feature Awareness for Java (AO, MR, BNJ), pp. 271–274.
PLDI-2011-BurnimENS #correctness #named #nondeterminism #parallel #runtime #specification- NDSeq: runtime checking for nondeterministic sequential specifications of parallel correctness (JB, TE, GCN, KS), pp. 401–414.
ICALP-v2-2011-BrazdilKKV #analysis #bound #probability #recursion #runtime #source code- Runtime Analysis of Probabilistic Programs with Unbounded Recursion (TB, SK, AK, IHV), pp. 319–331.
FM-2011-BonakdarpourNF #runtime #verification- Sampling-Based Runtime Verification (BB, SN, SF), pp. 88–102.
SEFM-2011-FalconeJNBB #component #runtime #verification- Runtime Verification of Component-Based Systems (YF, MJ, THN, MB, SB), pp. 204–220.
HCI-DDA-2011-BomsdorfGHM #configuration management #design #execution #modelling #runtime- Configurable Executable Task Models Supporting the Transition from Design Time to Runtime (BB, SG, MH, JTM), pp. 155–164.
HCI-DDA-2011-BreinerBRSMD #adaptation #automation #generative #modelling #runtime #user interface #workflow- Automatic Adaptation of User Workflows within Model-Based User Interface Generation during Runtime on the Example of the SmartMote (KB, KB, TR, MS, GM, PD), pp. 165–174.
VISSOFT-2011-ChoudhuryR #behaviour #memory management #runtime #visualisation- Abstract visualization of runtime memory behavior (ANMIC, PR), pp. 1–8.
KEOD-2011-GaignardMWG #concept #parametricity #runtime #semantics- Characterizing Semantic Service Parameters with Role Concepts to Infer Domain-specific Knowledge at Runtime (AG, JM, BW, BG), pp. 59–70.
SEKE-2011-DengLSW #api #constraints #runtime #specification #verification- Specification and Runtime Verification of API Constraints on Interacting Objects (FD, HL, JS, QW), pp. 101–106.
ECMFA-2011-LudwigFBC #design #runtime #variability- Integrating Design and Runtime Variability Support into a System ADL (ML, NF, JPB, JC), pp. 270–281.
MoDELS-2011-SongHCZSSM #incremental #modelling #qvt #runtime- Instant and Incremental QVT Transformation for Runtime Models (HS, GH, FC, WZ, YS, WS, HM), pp. 273–288.
MoDELS-2011-SongHCZSSM #incremental #modelling #qvt #runtime- Instant and Incremental QVT Transformation for Runtime Models (HS, GH, FC, WZ, YS, WS, HM), pp. 273–288.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Bodden #approach #monitoring #runtime- Stateful breakpoints: a practical approach to defining parameterized runtime monitors (EB), pp. 492–495.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Filieri #runtime #verification- QoS verification and model tuning @ runtime (AF), pp. 408–411.
ICSE-2011-AraujoBL #concurrent #contract #java #modelling #runtime- Enabling the runtime assertion checking of concurrent contracts for the Java modeling language (WA, LCB, YL), pp. 786–795.
CGO-2011-ChakrabartiBBJS #graph #memory management #optimisation #runtime #transaction- The runtime abort graph and its application to software transactional memory optimization (DRC, PB, HJB, PGJ, RSS), pp. 42–53.
CGO-2011-HertzbergO #automation #parallel #runtime- Runtime automatic speculative parallelization (BH, KO), pp. 64–73.
HPDC-2011-RaviBAC #framework #gpu #runtime- Supporting GPU sharing in cloud environments with a transparent runtime consolidation framework (VTR, MB, GA, STC), pp. 217–228.
CSL-2011-SchnablS #complexity #runtime- The Exact Hardness of Deciding Derivational and Runtime Complexity (AS, JGS), pp. 481–495.
ICST-2011-Gonzalez-Sanchez #optimisation #runtime #testing- Cost Optimizations in Runtime Testing and Diagnosis of Systems of Systems (AGS), pp. 439–442.
ICST-2011-RubanovS #kernel #linux #runtime #verification- Runtime Verification of Linux Kernel Modules Based on Call Interception (VVR, EAS), pp. 180–189.
ICST-2011-SaifanDBP #consistency #implementation #mobile #runtime- Implementing and Evaluating a Runtime Conformance Checker for Mobile Agent Systems (AAS, JD, JSB, EP), pp. 269–278.
ECSA-2010-Phung-KhacGSBK #architecture #data transfer #distributed #evolution #modelling #runtime- Modelling Changes and Data Transfers for Architecture-Based Runtime Evolution of Distributed Applications (APK, JMG, MTS, AB, EK), pp. 392–400.
ASE-2010-HalleEBB #fault #model checking #navigation #runtime #state machine #web- Eliminating navigation errors in web applications via model checking and runtime enforcement of navigation state machines (SH, TE, CB, TB), pp. 235–244.
ASE-2010-HineSV #enterprise #modelling #named #runtime- Reac2o: a runtime for enterprise system models (CMH, JGS, SV), pp. 177–178.
DAC-2010-CochranR #consistency #detection #predict #runtime- Consistent runtime thermal prediction and control through workload phase detection (RC, SR), pp. 62–67.
DAC-2010-YeL #modelling #optimisation #parallel #performance #runtime #simulation- Parallel program performance modeling for runtime optimization of multi-algorithm circuit simulation (XY, PL), pp. 561–566.
DATE-2010-JavaidJHP #agile #estimation #pipes and filters #runtime- Rapid runtime estimation methods for pipelined MPSoCs (HJ, AJ, MSH, SP), pp. 363–368.
DATE-2010-SigdelTGPB #case study #evaluation #heuristic #runtime- Evaluation of runtime task mapping heuristics with rSesame — a case study (KS, MT, CG, ADP, KB), pp. 831–836.
VLDB-2010-SchadDQ #in the cloud #metric #runtime- Runtime Measurements in the Cloud: Observing, Analyzing, and Reducing Variance (JS, JD, JAQR), pp. 460–471.
FASE-2010-LehnerM #performance #runtime- Efficient Runtime Assertion Checking of Assignable Clauses with Datagroups (HL, PM), pp. 338–352.
SCAM-2010-SimpsonB #c #memory management #named #runtime #safety- MemSafe: Ensuring the Spatial and Temporal Memory Safety of C at Runtime (MSS, RB), pp. 199–208.
SEFM-2010-BersaniCFPR #constraints #integer #ltl #runtime #smt #specification #verification- SMT-based Verification of LTL Specification with Integer Constraints and its Application to Runtime Checking of Service Substitutability (MMB, LC, AF, MP, MR), pp. 244–254.
SEFM-2010-HussainL #ml #named #runtime #specification- temporaljmlc: A JML Runtime Assertion Checker Extension for Specification and Checking of Temporal Properties (FH, GTL), pp. 63–72.
SOFTVIS-2010-MyersD #abstraction #design #runtime- A map of the heap: revealing design abstractions in runtime structures (CM, DJD), pp. 63–72.
CAiSE-2010-SerralVP #adaptation #behaviour #evolution #runtime- Supporting Runtime System Evolution to Adapt to User Behaviour (ES, PV, VP), pp. 378–392.
EDOC-2010-Halle #contract #interface #ltl #monitoring #runtime- Cooperative Runtime Monitoring of LTL Interface Contracts (SH), pp. 227–236.
EDOC-2010-MosincatBJ #adaptation #automation #evolution #runtime- Runtime Adaptability through Automated Model Evolution (ADM, WB, MJ), pp. 217–226.
KR-2010-UroviBSA #multi #runtime #towards- Towards Runtime Support for Norm-Governed Multi-Agent Systems (VU, SB, KS, AA).
SEKE-2010-AvilaSCY #comparison #constraints #ocl #runtime- Runtime Constraint Checking Approaches for OCL, A Critical Comparison (CA, AS, YC, CY), pp. 393–398.
MoDELS-v2-2010-DenkerRGN #modelling #runtime- Modeling Features at Runtime (MD, JR, OG, ON), pp. 138–152.
MoDELS-v2-2010-SongHXCSM #api #metamodelling #runtime- Inferring Meta-models for Runtime System Data from the Clients of Management APIs (HS, GH, YX, FC, YS, HM), pp. 168–182.
OOPSLA-2010-McIlroyS #architecture #manycore #named #runtime- Hera-JVM: a runtime system for heterogeneous multi-core architectures (RM, JS), pp. 205–222.
OOPSLA-2010-SwaineTDFF #incremental #parallel #runtime- Back to the futures: incremental parallelization of existing sequential runtime systems (JS, KT, PAD, RBF, MF), pp. 583–597.
OOPSLA-2010-WegielK #type safety- Cross-language, type-safe, and transparent object sharing for co-located managed runtimes (MW, CK), pp. 223–240.
GPCE-2010-RompfO #approach #code generation #composition #domain-specific language #lightweight #runtime #staging- Lightweight modular staging: a pragmatic approach to runtime code generation and compiled DSLs (TR, MO), pp. 127–136.
SAC-OOPS-J-2008-PirkelbauerPMS10 #algorithm #concept #runtime- Dynamic algorithm selection for runtime concepts (PP, SP, MM, BS), pp. 773–786.
ICSE-2010-BencomoWSFL #requirements #runtime- Requirements reflection: requirements as runtime entities (NB, JW, PS, AF, EL), pp. 199–202.
ICSE-2010-CarzanigaGPP #automation #named #runtime- RAW: runtime automatic workarounds (AC, AG, NP, MP), pp. 321–322.
ICSE-2010-LewisW #fault #monitoring #runtime #using- Runtime repair of software faults using event-driven monitoring (CL, JW), pp. 275–280.
ASPLOS-2010-BerganADCG #compilation #execution #named #parallel #runtime #thread- CoreDet: a compiler and runtime system for deterministic multithreaded execution (TB, OA, JD, LC, DG), pp. 53–64.
ASPLOS-2010-HarrisTCU #architecture #multi #runtime- Dynamic filtering: multi-purpose architecture support for language runtime systems (TH, ST, AC, OSÜ), pp. 39–52.
HPDC-2010-EkanayakeLZGBQF #named #pipes and filters #runtime- Twister: a runtime for iterative MapReduce (JE, HL, BZ, TG, SHB, JQ, GF), pp. 810–818.
ICLP-2010-AlbertiGL10 #abduction #constraints #proving #runtime- Runtime Addition of Integrity Constraints in an Abductive Proof Procedure (MA, MG, EL), pp. 4–13.
ICST-2010-SantelicesHO #detection #evolution #interactive #runtime- Precisely Detecting Runtime Change Interactions for Evolving Software (RAS, MJH, AO), pp. 429–438.
RTA-2010-AvanziniM #complexity #runtime- Closing the Gap Between Runtime Complexity and Polytime Computability (MA, GM), pp. 33–48.
SAT-2010-KrocSS #empirical #runtime- An Empirical Study of Optimal Noise and Runtime Distributions in Local Search (LK, AS, BS), pp. 346–351.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-TaylorMO #adaptation #architecture #runtime- Architectural styles for runtime software adaptation (RNT, NM, PO), pp. 171–180.
ASE-2009-BurnimJSS #detection #infinity #lightweight #named #runtime- Looper: Lightweight Detection of Infinite Loops at Runtime (JB, NJ, CS, KS), pp. 161–169.
DATE-2009-FaruqueEH #adaptation #communication #configuration management #runtime- Configurable links for runtime adaptive on-chip communication (MAAF, TE, JH), pp. 256–261.
DATE-2009-HuynhM #configuration management #embedded #realtime #runtime- Runtime reconfiguration of custom instructions for real-time embedded systems (HPH, TM), pp. 1536–1541.
DATE-2009-KimYK #online #runtime #scalability- Program phase and runtime distribution-aware online DVFS for combined Vdd/Vbb scaling (JK, SY, CMK), pp. 417–422.
DATE-2009-SabeghiB #approach #configuration management #runtime #towards- Toward a runtime system for reconfigurable computers: A virtualization approach (MS, KB), pp. 1576–1579.
DATE-2009-XuVJ #runtime- Selective light Vth hopping (SLITH): Bridging the gap between runtime dynamic and leakage (HX, RV, WBJ), pp. 594–597.
ICPC-J-2008-DaltonWDH09 #behaviour #embedded #network #runtime #tool support #visualisation- Visualizing the runtime behavior of embedded network systems: A toolkit for TinyOS (ARD, SKW, SD, JOH), pp. 446–469.
PLDI-2009-XuAMRS #profiling #runtime- Go with the flow: profiling copies to find runtime bloat (G(X, MA, NM, AR, GS), pp. 419–430.
ICFP-2009-MarlowJS #haskell #manycore #runtime- Runtime support for multicore Haskell (SM, SLPJ, SS), pp. 65–78.
SEKE-2009-NusayrC #aspect-oriented #monitoring #runtime- Extending AOP to Support Broad Runtime Monitoring Needs (AN, JC), pp. 438–441.
MoDELS-2009-WolfeGP #algorithm #consistency #incremental #runtime- An Incremental Algorithm for High-Performance Runtime Model Consistency (CW, TCNG, WGP), pp. 357–371.
MoDELS-2009-WolfeGP #algorithm #consistency #incremental #runtime- An Incremental Algorithm for High-Performance Runtime Model Consistency (CW, TCNG, WGP), pp. 357–371.
OOPSLA-2009-Abi-AntounA #analysis #architecture #consistency #runtime #using- Static extraction and conformance analysis of hierarchical runtime architectural structure using annotations (MAA, JA), pp. 321–340.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-KloseO #aspect-oriented #classification #framework #monitoring #runtime- A Classification Framework for Pointcut Languages in Runtime Monitoring (KK, KO), pp. 289–307.
GPCE-2009-VillazonBAM #adaptation #java #runtime- Advanced runtime adaptation for Java (AV, WB, DA, PM), pp. 85–94.
SAC-2009-HalleV #monitoring #runtime #streaming #using #web #web service #xml- Runtime monitoring of web service choreographies using streaming XML (SH, RV), pp. 2118–2125.
SAC-2009-MondejarLPUM #aspect-oriented #composition #design #distributed #runtime- Designing a distributed AOP runtime composition model (RM, PGL, CP, PU, PM), pp. 539–540.
ESEC-FSE-2009-CardelliniCGPM #adaptation #architecture #runtime- Qos-driven runtime adaptation of service oriented architectures (VC, EC, VG, FLP, RM), pp. 131–140.
ASPLOS-2009-WegielK #predict- Dynamic prediction of collection yield for managed runtimes (MW, CK), pp. 289–300.
HPDC-2009-SonmezYIE #evaluation #predict #queue #runtime- Trace-based evaluation of job runtime and queue wait time predictions in grids (OOS, NY, AI, DHJE), pp. 111–120.
PPoPP-2009-MaA #compilation #data mining #mining #runtime- A compiler and runtime system for enabling data mining applications on gpus (WM, GA), pp. 287–288.
ICST-2009-MurphySK #ml #runtime #testing #using- Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking to Automate Metamorphic Testing in Applications without Test Oracles (CM, KS, GEK), pp. 436–445.
ISSTA-2009-SinhaSGJKH #exception #fault #java #locality #runtime- Fault localization and repair for Java runtime exceptions (SS, HS, CG, SJ, MK, MJH), pp. 153–164.
DAC-2008-SenOA #multi #predict #runtime #verification- Predictive runtime verification of multi-processor SoCs in SystemC (AS, VO, MSA), pp. 948–953.
DATE-2008-HongYBCEK #bias #runtime #scalability- Dynamic Voltage Scaling of Supply and Body Bias Exploiting Software Runtime Distribution (SH, SY, BB, KMC, SKE, TK), pp. 242–247.
ICPC-2008-DaltonH #behaviour #runtime #tool support #visualisation- A Toolkit for Visualizing the Runtime Behavior of TinyOS Applications (ARD, JOH), pp. 43–52.
ICPC-2008-RothlisbergerGN #ide #runtime- Exploiting Runtime Information in the IDE (DR, OG, ON), pp. 63–72.
PASTE-2008-Abi-AntounA #architecture #case study #runtime- A field study in static extraction of runtime architectures (MAA, JA), pp. 22–28.
PLDI-2008-WegielK #communication #coordination #memory management #named #type safety- XMem: type-safe, transparent, shared memory for cross-runtime communication and coordination (MW, CK), pp. 327–338.
FM-2008-AktugDG #monitoring #runtime- Provably Correct Runtime Monitoring (IA, MD, DG), pp. 262–277.
FM-2008-ChalinR #fault #ml #performance #runtime #using- JML Runtime Assertion Checking: Improved Error Reporting and Efficiency Using Strong Validity (PC, FR), pp. 246–261.
IFL-2008-GrelckP #architecture #implementation #parallel #runtime #thread- Implementation Architecture and Multithreaded Runtime System of S-Net (CG, FP), pp. 60–79.
SOFTVIS-2008-SundararamanB #c #c++ #interactive #java #named #runtime #visualisation- HDPV: interactive, faithful, in-vivo runtime state visualization for C/C++ and Java (JS, GB), pp. 47–56.
EDOC-2008-HalleV #message passing #monitoring #runtime #workflow- Runtime Monitoring of Message-Based Workflows with Data (SH, RV), pp. 63–72.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-PegoraroHDGR #framework #monitoring #runtime #web #web service- A Framework for Monitoring and Runtime Recovery of Web Service-Based Applications (RP, RBH, KD, KG, JMR), pp. 201–206.
SEKE-2008-KloukinasSM #distributed #runtime #verification- Estimating Event Lifetimes for Distributed Runtime Verification (CK, GS, KM), pp. 117–122.
SEKE-2008-TsigkritisS #dependence #runtime #security- Diagnosing Runtime Violations of Security & Dependability Properties (TT, GS), pp. 661–666.
BX-2008-Song1 #architecture #runtime- Architecture-Based Runtime System Management (HS), p. 47.
ECMDA-FA-2008-Barbier #runtime #state machine #uml- Supporting the UML State Machine Diagramsat Runtime (FB), pp. 338–348.
ECOOP-2008-SomanKD #memory management #multi #named #runtime #scalability- MTM2: Scalable Memory Management for Multi-tasking Managed Runtime Environments (SS, CK, LD), pp. 335–361.
OOPSLA-2008-ArnoldVY #detection #fault #named #performance #runtime- QVM: an efficient runtime for detecting defects in deployed systems (MA, MTV, EY), pp. 143–162.
OOPSLA-2008-GopinathanR #analysis #protocol #runtime- Enforcing object protocols by combining static and runtime analysis (MG, SKR), pp. 245–260.
SAC-2008-Al-GahmiC #middleware #runtime #towards- Towards a service-based middleware layer for runtime environments (AAG, JEC), pp. 507–511.
SAC-2008-LiQWLW #consistency #diagrams #interactive #java #runtime #source code #state machine #uml #verification- UML state machine diagram driven runtime verification of Java programs for message interaction consistency (XL, XQ, LW, BL, WEW), pp. 384–389.
SAC-2008-PirkelbauerPMS #c++ #concept #library #runtime #standard- Runtime concepts for the C++ standard template library (PP, SP, MM, BS), pp. 171–177.
FSE-2008-BoddenLH #fault #monitoring #programming #runtime- Finding programming errors earlier by evaluating runtime monitors ahead-of-time (EB, PL, LJH), pp. 36–47.
ICSE-2008-ChenSR #analysis #java #named #predict #runtime- jPredictor: a predictive runtime analysis tool for java (FC, TFS, GR), pp. 221–230.
HPCA-2008-ChenMP #constraints #graph #memory management #runtime #using #validation- Runtime validation of memory ordering using constraint graph checking (KC, SM, PP), pp. 415–426.
HPDC-2008-DiamosY #execution #named #runtime- Harmony: an execution model and runtime for heterogeneous many core systems (GFD, SY), pp. 197–200.
ISMM-2008-PhanSJ #memory management #runtime- Runtime support for region-based memory management in Mercury (QP, ZS, GJ), pp. 61–70.
PPoPP-2008-ChanZBQQG #named #parallel #runtime #scheduling #thread- SuperMatrix: a multithreaded runtime scheduling system for algorithms-by-blocks (EC, FGVZ, PB, ESQO, GQO, RAvdG), pp. 123–132.
PPoPP-2008-HoustonPRKFADH #interface #memory management #multi #runtime- A portable runtime interface for multi-level memory hierarchies (MH, JYP, MR, TJK, KF, AA, WJD, PH), pp. 143–152.
SAT-2008-HaimW #estimation #online #runtime #satisfiability- Online Estimation of SAT Solving Runtime (SH, TW), pp. 133–138.
TestCom-FATES-2008-Havelund #c #runtime #source code #verification- Runtime Verification of C Programs (KH), pp. 7–22.
VMCAI-2008-NguyenKC #logic #runtime- Runtime Checking for Separation Logic (HHN, VK, WNC), pp. 203–217.
CBSE-2007-FornasierWG #component #composition #named #programming #runtime #using- Soya: A Programming Model and Runtime Environment for Component Composition Using SSDL (PF, JW, IG), pp. 227–241.
CSMR-2007-AoumeurBS #adaptation #component #distributed #incremental #information management #runtime #specification #validation- Incremental Specification Validation and Runtime Adaptivity of Distributed Component Information systems (NA, KB, GS), pp. 123–136.
ICSM-2007-Bergin #adaptation #runtime- Runtime Adaptation of Long-Running Applications for Improved Caching (JB), pp. 509–510.
SCAM-2007-BinderHM #bytecode #java #re-engineering #runtime #standard- Reengineering Standard Java Runtime Systems through Dynamic Bytecode Instrumentation (WB, JH, PM), pp. 91–100.
PLDI-2007-ElmasQT #java #named #runtime #transaction- Goldilocks: a race and transaction-aware java runtime (TE, SQ, ST), pp. 245–255.
AGTIVE-2007-BoddenV #automaton #monitoring #runtime #specification #timeline- Transforming Timeline Specifications into Automata for Runtime Monitoring (EB, HV), pp. 249–264.
SEKE-2007-LiangDS #evolution #monitoring #runtime- Evolution and Runtime Monitoring of Software Systems (HL, JSD, JS), pp. 343–348.
MoDELS-2007-PilskalnsWI #debugging #runtime #uml #using- Runtime Debugging Using Reverse-Engineered UML (OP, SW, FI), pp. 605–619.
MoDELS-2007-PilskalnsWI #debugging #runtime #uml #using- Runtime Debugging Using Reverse-Engineered UML (OP, SW, FI), pp. 605–619.
ECOOP-2007-BoddenHL #monitoring #performance #program analysis #runtime #staged- A Staged Static Program Analysis to Improve the Performance of Runtime Monitoring (EB, LJH, OL), pp. 525–549.
OOPSLA-2007-ChenR #framework #named #performance #runtime #verification- Mop: an efficient and generic runtime verification framework (FC, GR), pp. 569–588.
SAC-2007-Hamid #memory management #runtime- Integrating a certified memory management runtime with proof-carrying code (NAH), pp. 1526–1533.
ISSTA-2007-TombBV #detection #fault #interprocedural #program analysis #runtime- Variably interprocedural program analysis for runtime error detection (AT, GPB, WV), pp. 97–107.
QoSA-2006-DuzbayevP #behaviour #predict #runtime- Runtime Prediction of Queued Behaviour (ND, IP), pp. 78–94.
DAC-2006-SinghMPO #nondeterminism #runtime- Gain-based technology mapping for minimum runtime leakage under input vector uncertainty (AKS, MM, RP, MO), pp. 522–527.
VLDB-2006-WangSLWYDRM #named #optimisation #query #runtime #semantics #xml- R-SOX: Runtime Semantic Query Optimization over XML Streams (SW, HS, ML, MW, SY, DD, EAR, MM), pp. 1207–1210.
ESOP-2006-Fruja #dot-net #runtime #type safety- Type Safety of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime (NGF), pp. 325–341.
ICPC-2006-StefikFA #comprehension #debugging #effectiveness #music #runtime #using- Layered Program Auralization: Using Music to Increase Runtime Program Comprehension and Debugging Effectiveness (AS, KF, RTA), pp. 89–93.
PLDI-2006-Adl-TabatabaiLMMSS #compilation #memory management #performance #runtime #transaction- Compiler and runtime support for efficient software transactional memory (ARAT, BTL, VM, BRM, BS, TS), pp. 26–37.
PLDI-2006-FeiM #execution #monitoring #named #runtime- Artemis: practical runtime monitoring of applications for execution anomalies (LF, SPM), pp. 84–95.
SOFTVIS-2006-SingerK #adaptation #runtime #visualisation- Visualized adaptive runtime subsystems (JS, CCK), pp. 195–196.
AdaEurope-2006-LiWQLYZZ #java #runtime #source code #specification #verification- Runtime Verification of Java Programs for Scenario-Based Specifications (XL, LW, XQ, BL, JY, JZ, GZ), pp. 94–105.
SEKE-2006-StenderKA #multi #runtime- Mobility-based Runtime Load Balancing in Multi-Agent Systems (JS, SK, SA), pp. 688–696.
ECOOP-2006-Mitchell #runtime- The Runtime Structure of Object Ownership (NM), pp. 74–98.
ECOOP-2006-MitchellSS #behaviour #modelling #runtime- Modeling Runtime Behavior in Framework-Based Applications (NM, GS, HS), pp. 429–451.
SPLC-2006-WangKHW #personalisation #privacy #runtime #web- PLA-based Runtime Dynamism in Support of Privacy-Enhanced Web Personalization (YW, AK, AvdH, JW), pp. 151–162.
CC-2006-GuoWWBOVCA #ambiguity #memory management #runtime- Selective Runtime Memory Disambiguation in a Dynamic Binary Translator (BG, YW, CW, MJB, GO, NV, JC, DIA), pp. 65–79.
CGO-2006-CooperD #compilation #graph #runtime- Tailoring Graph-coloring Register Allocation For Runtime Compilation (KDC, AD), pp. 39–49.
CGO-2006-NandaLLC #named #runtime #using- BIRD: Binary Interpretation using Runtime Disassembly (SN, WL, LCL, TcC), pp. 358–370.
HPDC-2006-YueMSN #adaptation #memory management #runtime- Runtime Support for Memory Adaptation in Scientific Applications via Local Disk and Remote Memory (CY, RTM, AS, DSN), pp. 183–194.
HPDC-2006-ZhangHXY #named #physics #runtime #scalability- PARM: Physics Aware Runtime Manager for Large-scale Scientific and Engineering Applications (YZ, SH, JX, JY), pp. 363–364.
PPoPP-2006-SahaAHMH #manycore #memory management #named #performance #runtime #transaction- McRT-STM: a high performance software transactional memory system for a multi-core runtime (BS, ARAT, RLH, CCM, BH), pp. 187–197.
PPoPP-2006-WangS #concurrent #detection #fault #performance #runtime #source code- Accurate and efficient runtime detection of atomicity errors in concurrent programs (LW, SDS), pp. 137–146.
MBT-2006-CallananGRSTZ #approach #monte carlo #runtime #verification- Runtime Verification for High-Confidence Systems: A Monte Carlo Approach (SC, RG, AR, SAS, MRT, EZ), pp. 41–52.
WICSA-2005-JooliaBCG #component #configuration management #framework #performance #runtime #specification- Mapping ADL Specifications to an Efficient and Reconfigurable Runtime Component Platform (AJ, TVB, GC, ATAG), pp. 131–140.
DATE-2005-LinkV #configuration management #runtime- Hotspot Prevention Through Runtime Reconfiguration in Network-On-Chip (GML, NV), pp. 648–649.
PLDI-2005-ElmasTQ #concurrent #detection #named #runtime #source code #verification- VYRD: verifYing concurrent programs by runtime refinement-violation detection (TE, ST, SQ), pp. 27–37.
VISSOFT-2005-SmithM #identification #interactive #java #runtime #source code- Identifying Structural Features of Java Programs by Analysing the Interaction of Classes at Runtime (MPS, MM), pp. 108–113.
SEKE-2005-MondragonGMS #generative #monitoring #runtime #specification- Generating Properties for Runtime Monitoring from Software Specification Patterns (OM, AQG, HM, OS), pp. 267–273.
ECOOP-2005-DaynesC #representation #runtime- Sharing the Runtime Representation of Classes Across Class Loaders (LD, GC), pp. 97–120.
OOPSLA-2005-ShankarSBS #analysis #runtime- Runtime specialization with optimistic heap analysis (AS, SSS, RB, JES), pp. 327–343.
CGO-2005-DasLCKYHC #optimisation #performance #runtime- Performance of Runtime Optimization on BLAST (AD, JL, HC, JK, PCY, WCH, DyC), pp. 86–96.
CGO-2005-WuEW #code generation #performance #runtime- Efficient SIMD Code Generation for Runtime Alignment and Length Conversion (PW, AEE, AW), pp. 153–164.
HPDC-2005-YangCHP #adaptation #distributed #runtime- Autonomic runtime manager for adaptive distributed applications (JY, HC, SH, MP), pp. 69–78.
DAC-2004-GuptaKSS #effectiveness #runtime- Selective gate-length biasing for cost-effective runtime leakage control (PG, ABK, PS, DS), pp. 327–330.
SIGMOD-2004-AchesonBBCEFJKRSSVZ #dot-net #runtime #sql- Hosting the .NET Runtime in Microsoft SQL Server (AA, MB, JAB, PC, EE, JF, XJ, CK, BR, GS, BS, RV, HZ), pp. 860–865.
CSMR-2004-HassounJC #architecture #metric #runtime- A Dynamic Runtime Coupling Metric for Meta-Level Architectures (YH, RJ, SC), pp. 339–346.
ICSM-2004-Gustavsson #evolution #problem #process #runtime- Strategies for Handling the Activity Problem in Runtime Software Evolution by Reducing Activity (JG), p. 525.
CAiSE-2004-BerkumBM #development #runtime #web- A Combined Runtime Environment and Web-Based Development Environment for Web Application Engineering (MvB, SB, AM), pp. 307–321.
POPL-2004-YuKS #dot-net #formal method #runtime- Formalization of generics for the .NET common language runtime (DY, AK, DS), pp. 39–51.
VMCAI-2004-BarringerGHS #rule-based #runtime #verification- Rule-Based Runtime Verification (HB, AG, KH, KS), pp. 44–57.
ASE-2003-TurnerGWBHSR #consistency #constraints #diagrams #implementation #modelling #runtime #uml #visual notation- Visual Constraint Diagrams: Runtime Conformance Checking of UML Object Models versus Implementations (CJT, TCNG, CW, JB, DH, HDS, AGR), pp. 271–276.
DATE-2003-KandemirZK #parallel #runtime- Runtime Code Parallelization for On-Chip Multiprocessors (MTK, WZ, MK), pp. 10510–10515.
DATE-2003-KodaseWS #constraints #embedded #realtime #runtime- Transforming Structural Model to Runtime Model of Embedded Software with Real-Time Constraints (SK, SW, KGS), pp. 20170–20175.
ICSM-2003-Gustavsson #classification #java #runtime- A Classification of Unanticipated Runtime Software Changes in Java (JG), pp. 4–12.
UML-2003-PleumannH #modelling #runtime #web- A Model-Driven Runtime Environment for Web Applications (JP, SH), pp. 190–204.
ESEC-FSE-2003-RanL #architecture #mobile #runtime- Making sense of runtime architecture for mobile phone software (AR, RL), pp. 367–370.
ESEC-FSE-2003-SenRA #analysis #parallel #runtime #safety #source code #thread- Runtime safety analysis of multithreaded programs (KS, GR, GA), pp. 337–346.
LCTES-2003-DhurjatiKAL #garbage collection #memory management #runtime #safety- Memory safety without runtime checks or garbage collection (DD, SK, VSA, CL), pp. 69–80.
DATE-2002-LeeWH #design #implementation #multi #runtime- Dynamic Runtime Re-Scheduling Allowing Multiple Implementations of a Task for Platform-Based Designs (TML, WW, JH), pp. 296–301.
DATE-2002-NitschK #embedded #runtime- The Use of Runtime Configuration Capabilities for Networked Embedded Systems (CN, UK), p. 1093.
VISSOFT-2002-SmithM #object-oriented #runtime #visualisation- Runtime Visualisation of Object Oriented Software (MPS, MM), p. 81.
SCAM-2001-HorganPW #analysis #java #metric #profiling #runtime #source code- Measurement and Analysis of Runtime Profiling Data for Java Programs (JH, JFP, JW), pp. 124–132.
PLDI-2001-KennedyS #design #dot-net #implementation #runtime- Design and Implementation of Generics for the .NET Common Language Runtime (AK, DS), pp. 1–12.
IFL-2001-Minamide #behaviour #runtime #type system- Runtime Behavior of Conversion Interpretation of Subtyping (YM), pp. 155–167.
CIKM-2001-RelueWH #generative #performance #runtime- Efficient Runtime Generation of Association Rules (RR, XW, HH), pp. 466–473.
ECOOP-2000-MalabarbaPGBB #java #runtime #type safety- Runtime Support for Type-Safe Dynamic Java Classes (SM, RP, JG, ETB, JFB), pp. 337–361.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-SkevoulisJ #detection #fault #invariant #java #runtime #source code #static analysis- Generic Invariant-Based Static Analysis Tool for Detection of Runtime Errors in Java Programs (SS, XJ), pp. 36–44.
TOOLS-USA-2000-LorenzP #assembly #component #runtime- Design-Time Assembly of Runtime Containment Components (DHL, PP), pp. 195–204.
SAC-2000-BougeMNP #architecture #case study #distributed #parallel #runtime #thread #using- Using the VI Architecture to Build Distributed, Multithreaded Runtime Systems: A Case Study (LB, JFM, RN, LP), pp. 704–709.
HPCA-2000-RadhakrishnanVJS #architecture #java #runtime- Architectural Issues in Java Runtime Systems (RR, NV, LKJ, AS), pp. 387–398.
AdaEurope-1999-KamradS #ada #implementation #runtime- An Ada Runtime System Implementation of the Ravenscar Profile for High Speed Application-Layer Data Switch (JMKI, BAS), pp. 26–38.
AdaEurope-1999-RuizG #implementation #low level #runtime- Implementing a New Low-Level Tasking Support for the GNAT Runtime System (JFR, JMGB), pp. 298–307.
LOPSTR-1999-Kulas #concept #prolog #runtime- Annotations for Prolog — A Concept and Runtime Handling (MK), pp. 234–254.
SAC-1999-SampleBH #coordination #named #runtime- Mars: Runtime Support for Coordinated Applications (NS, CB, MH), pp. 166–174.
HPDC-1999-UengSLL #configuration management #distributed #memory management #named #runtime- Proteus: A Runtime Reconfigurable Distributed Shared Memory System (JCU, CKS, WHL, CCL), pp. 347–348.
ICFP-1998-MinamideG #complexity #on the #runtime- On the Runtime Complexity of Type-Directed Unboxing (YM, JG), pp. 1–12.
AdaEurope-1998-MilletB #java #migration #runtime #virtual machine- Porting the GNAT Tasking Runtime System to the Java Virtual Machine (LM, TB), pp. 19–28.
ICSE-1998-OreizyMT #architecture #evolution #runtime- Architecture-Based Runtime Software Evolution (PO, NM, RNT), pp. 177–186.
ASPLOS-1998-Le #execution #runtime- An Out-of-Order Execution Technique for Runtime Binary Translators (BCL), pp. 151–158.
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ICLP-1994-Pedreschi #prolog #proving #runtime #source code- A Proof Method for Runtime Properties of Prolog Programs (DP), pp. 584–598.
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