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71 papers:

ICMLICML-2015-BounliphoneGTB #consistency #dependence
A low variance consistent test of relative dependency (WB, AG, AT, MBB), pp. 20–29.
ICMLICML-2015-HugginsNSM #markov #named #process
JUMP-Means: Small-Variance Asymptotics for Markov Jump Processes (JHH, KN, AS, VKM), pp. 693–701.
ICMLICML-2015-WangZ #clustering #named #parametricity
DP-space: Bayesian Nonparametric Subspace Clustering with Small-variance Asymptotics (YW, JZ), pp. 862–870.
CASECASE-2014-ChiuC #bound #detection #image
A variance-reduction method for thyroid nodule boundary detection on ultrasound images (LYC, AC), pp. 681–685.
HCIHCI-TMT-2014-LatoschikF #multimodal #reuse #scalability
Engineering Variance: Software Techniques for Scalable, Customizable, and Reusable Multimodal Processing (MEL, MF), pp. 308–319.
CIKMCIKM-2014-TaoW #performance #predict #query
Query Performance Prediction By Considering Score Magnitude and Variance Together (YT, SW), pp. 1891–1894.
CIKMCIKM-2014-ZhangHSWHH #evaluation
Generalized Bias-Variance Evaluation of TREC Participated Systems (PZ, LH, DS, JW, YH, BH), pp. 1911–1914.
POPLPOPL-2014-SharmaNA #program analysis #trade-off
Bias-variance tradeoffs in program analysis (RS, AVN, AA), pp. 127–138.
HCIDHM-SET-2013-BrooksB #game studies #using #video
Facilitators’ Intervention Variance and Outcome Influence When Using Video Games with Fibromyalgia Patients (ALB, EPB), pp. 163–172.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-KoedaKN #estimation
Relative Position Calibration between Two Haptic Devices Based on Minimum Variance Estimation (MK, YK, HN), pp. 72–79.
Maximum Variance Correction with Application to A* Search (WC, KQW, YC), pp. 302–310.
Mean Reversion with a Variance Threshold (MC, Ad), pp. 271–279.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-TamarCM #difference
Temporal Difference Methods for the Variance of the Reward To Go (AT, DDC, SM), pp. 495–503.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-WhitingZJL #multi
Temporal variance of intents in multi-faceted event-driven information needs (SW, KZ, JMJ, ML), pp. 989–992.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-ZhangSWH #composition #evaluation #information retrieval
Bias-variance decomposition of ir evaluation (PZ, DS, JW, YH), pp. 1021–1024.
SACSAC-2013-CostaFLAV #metaheuristic #optimisation #statistics
Optimization metaheuristics for minimizing variance in a real-world statistical application (EC, FF, ARL, HA, FMV), pp. 206–207.
CIKMCIKM-2012-CaiZ #injection #learning #rank
Variance maximization via noise injection for active sampling in learning to rank (WC, YZ), pp. 1809–1813.
ICMLICML-2012-CastroTM #policy
Policy Gradients with Variance Related Risk Criteria (DDC, AT, SM), p. 215.
ICMLICML-2012-KolarS #estimation
Variance Function Estimation in High-dimensions (MK, JS), p. 115.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-RobertsonK #evaluation #information retrieval #on the #topic
On per-topic variance in IR evaluation (SER, EK), pp. 891–900.
ECOOPECOOP-2012-AltidorRS #java
Java Wildcards Meet Definition-Site Variance (JA, CR, YS), pp. 509–534.
SACSAC-2012-YuHJSLH #novel #programming #segmentation
A novel segmentation method for convex lesions based on dynamic programming with local intra-class variance (MY, QH, RJ, ES, HL, CCH), pp. 39–44.
Taming the wildcards: combining definition- and use-site variance (JA, SSH, YS), pp. 602–613.
CIKMCIKM-2011-HsuC #analysis #component #independence #privacy
Privacy preservation by independent component analysis and variance control (CMH, MSC), pp. 925–930.
ECIRECIR-2011-ZucconAR #analysis
Back to the Roots: Mean-Variance Analysis of Relevance Estimations (GZ, LA, KvR), pp. 716–720.
ICMLICML-2011-MannorT #markov #optimisation #process
Mean-Variance Optimization in Markov Decision Processes (SM, JNT), pp. 177–184.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-GanjisaffarCL #modelling #precise #ranking
Bagging gradient-boosted trees for high precision, low variance ranking models (YG, RC, CVL), pp. 85–94.
DATEDATE-2010-LiSBNO #analysis #implementation
Power Variance Analysis breaks a masked ASIC implementation of AES (YL, KS, LB, DN, KO), pp. 1059–1064.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-ChaudhuriLN #optimisation #query
Variance aware optimization of parameterized queries (SC, HL, VRN), pp. 531–542.
VLDBVLDB-2010-SchadDQ #in the cloud #metric #runtime
Runtime Measurements in the Cloud: Observing, Analyzing, and Reducing Variance (JS, JD, JAQR), pp. 460–471.
ICMLICML-2010-ThieryS #policy #problem #trade-off
Least-Squares Policy Iteration: Bias-Variance Trade-off in Control Problems (CT, BS), pp. 1071–1078.
ICPRICPR-2010-Ramirez-OrtegonR #documentation #evaluation
Unsupervised Evaluation Methods Based on Local Gray-Intensity Variances for Binarization of Historical Documents (MARO, RR), pp. 2029–2032.
ICPRICPR-2010-SmithW #analysis
A Bias-Variance Analysis of Bootstrapped Class-Separability Weighting for Error-Correcting Output Code Ensembles (RSS, TW), pp. 61–64.
ECIRECIR-2009-Wang #analysis #documentation #information retrieval #ranking
Mean-Variance Analysis: A New Document Ranking Theory in Information Retrieval (JW0), pp. 4–16.
RecSysRecSys-2009-UmyarovT #estimation #modelling #rating #recommendation #using
Improving rating estimation in recommender systems using aggregation- and variance-based hierarchical models (AU, AT), pp. 37–44.
ICMLICML-2008-LuPV #analysis #component #multi
Uncorrelated multilinear principal component analysis through successive variance maximization (HL, KNP, ANV), pp. 616–623.
ICPRICPR-2008-LevadaMT #image #markov #modelling #on the #probability #random
On the asymptotic variances of Gaussian Markov Random Field model hyperparameters in stochastic image modeling (ALML, NDAM, AT), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-PaclikLND #analysis #estimation #multi #using
Variance estimation for two-class and multi-class ROC analysis using operating point averaging (PP, CL, JN, RPWD), pp. 1–4.
RecSysRecSys-2008-Kwon #rating #recommendation #using
Improving top-n recommendation techniques using rating variance (YK), pp. 307–310.
PODSPODS-2007-ZhangG #estimation
Variance estimation over sliding windows (LZ, YG), pp. 225–232.
CIAACIAA-2007-GoldwurmR #modelling #statistics
Average Value and Variance of Pattern Statistics in Rational Models (MG, RR), pp. 62–72.
CIKMCIKM-2007-LiA #approach #clustering #multi #named #relational
Diva: a variance-based clustering approach for multi-type relational data (TL, SSA), pp. 147–156.
POPLPOPL-2007-BerdineCCDO #analysis
Variance analyses from invariance analyses (JB, AC, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 211–224.
FATESTestCom-FATES-2007-VegaSD #quality #testing
Test Data Variance as a Test Quality Measure: Exemplified for TTCN-3 (DV, IS, GD), pp. 351–364.
CASECASE-2006-ChandrasekaranSPV #algorithm #optimisation #permutation #problem #scheduling
An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problems to Minimize Makespan, Total Flowtime and Completion Time Variance (SC, RKS, SGP, NV), pp. 513–518.
ICMLICML-2006-LeeGW #classification #using
Using query-specific variance estimates to combine Bayesian classifiers (CHL, RG, SW), pp. 529–536.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-Chen #adaptation #estimation
Noise Variance Adaptive SEA for Motion Estimation: A Two-Stage Schema (WGC), pp. 31–34.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-LuB #image #nearest neighbour #performance #retrieval
Fast Image Retrieval Based on Equal-average Equal-variance K-Nearest Neighbour Search (ZML, HB), p. 853–?.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-KyanG #clustering #self
Local Variance Driven Self-Organization for Unsupervised Clustering (MJK, LG), pp. 421–424.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ChaiWJZ #novel #recognition
A Novel Human Gait Recognition Method by Segmenting and Extracting the Region Variance Feature (YC, QW, JJ, RZ), pp. 425–428.
ECOOPECOOP-2006-EmirKRY #c# #constraints
Variance and Generalized Constraints for C# Generics (BE, AK, CVR, DY), pp. 279–303.
DATEDATE-2005-LiuFYO #analysis #correlation #graph #modelling
Hierarchical Variance Analysis for Analog Circuits Based on Graph Modelling and Correlation Loop Tracing (FL, JJF, DVY, SO), pp. 126–131.
Indexing continuously changing data with mean-variance tree (YX, SP, SL, RC, RS), pp. 1125–1132.
LICSLICS-2005-EsparzaKM #analysis #automaton #probability
Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic Pushdown Automata: Expectations and Variances (JE, AK, RM), pp. 117–126.
STOCSTOC-2004-Feige #bound #graph #independence #on the #random
On sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance, and estimating the average degree in a graph (UF), pp. 594–603.
ICMLICML-2004-MannorSST #bias #estimation
Bias and variance in value function estimation (SM, DS, PS, JNT).
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-SirisathitkulAU #distance #image #performance #using
Fast Color Image Quantization using Squared Euclidean Distance of Adjacent Color Points along the Highest Color Variance Axis (YS, SA, BU), pp. 656–659.
PODSPODS-2003-BabcockDMO #data type #maintenance
Maintaining variance and k-medians over data stream windows (BB, MD, RM, LO), pp. 234–243.
CIKMCIKM-2002-GreiffMP #information retrieval #probability
The role of variance in term weighting for probabilistic information retrieval (WRG, WTM, JMP), pp. 252–259.
ECOOPECOOP-2002-IgarashiV #on the #parametricity #type system
On Variance-Based Subtyping for Parametric Types (AI, MV), pp. 441–469.
ICMLICML-2001-SatoK #learning #markov #problem
Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning for Variance Penalized Markov Decision Problems (MS, SK), pp. 473–480.
ICMLICML-2000-Domingos00a #composition
A Unifeid Bias-Variance Decomposition and its Applications (PMD), pp. 231–238.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-HansenH #bias #composition #exponential #fault #independence #product line
General Bias/Variance Decomposition with Target Independent Variance of Error Functions Derived from the Exponential Family of Distributions (JVH, TH), pp. 2207–2210.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-TakasuA #categorisation #classification #comparison
Variance based classifier comparison in text categorization (AT, KA), pp. 316–317.
CSMRCSMR-1999-KarhinenST #approach #legacy
An Approach to Manage Variance in Legacy Systems (AK, MS, JOT), pp. 190–193.
An FPTAS for Agreeably Weighted Variance on a Single Machine (GJW), pp. 707–716.
Reducing Match Time Variance in Production Systems with HAL (PyL, AMKC), pp. 309–316.
ICMLICML-1996-KahaviW #bias #composition
Bias Plus Variance Decomposition for Zero-One Loss Functions (RK, DW), pp. 275–283.
ICMLICML-1995-KongD #bias
Error-Correcting Output Coding Corrects Bias and Variance (EBK, TGD), pp. 313–321.
High-Level Transformations for Minimizing Syntactic Variances (VC, DG, LR), pp. 413–418.
PLDIPLDI-1989-Sarkar #execution
Determining Average Program Execution Times and their Variance (VS), pp. 298–312.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.