Collaborated with:
K.Phalp S.Jeary A.Fouad A.Adlem J.Vincent
Talks about:
requir (2) architectur (1) comprehens (1) descript (1) within (1) implic (1) driven (1) model (1) embed (1) role (1)
Person: John Mathenge Kanyaru
DBLP: Kanyaru:John_Mathenge
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SCAM-J-2009-FouadPKJ11 #architecture #modelling #requirements
- Embedding requirements within Model-Driven Architecture (AF, KP, JMK, SJ), pp. 411–430.
- SCAM-J-2009-PhalpAJVK11 #case study #comprehension #requirements
- The role of comprehension in requirements and implications for use case descriptions (KP, AA, SJ, JV, JMK), pp. 461–486.