Collaborated with:
Romana Khan M.Dobreva D.Birrell E.McCulloch I.Ruthven Y.Ünal P.Feliciati
Talks about:
competit (1) collabor (1) spatial (1) librari (1) analysi (1) player (1) track (1) separ (1) locat (1) focus (1)
Person: Jonathan Sykes
DBLP: Sykes:Jonathan
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ECDL-2010-SykesDBMRUF #analysis #library
- A New Focus on End Users: Eye-Tracking Analysis for Digital Libraries (JS, MD, DB, EM, IR, YÜ, PF), pp. 510–513.
- DiGRA-2005-KhanS #collaboration #game studies
- Emotions evoked during collaborative and competitive play when players are co-located and spatially separated (RK, JS).