672 papers:
CASE-2015-NelaturiB0K #automation- Automatic spatial planning for machining operations (SN, GB, CF, TK), pp. 677–682.
DATE-2015-GoncalvesLCTCB #algorithm #modelling #performance #reduction- A fast spatial variation modeling algorithm for efficient test cost reduction of analog/RF circuits (HRG, XL, MVC, VT, JMCJ, KMB), pp. 1042–1047.
DATE-2015-KuhnPABR- Spatial and temporal granularity limits of body biasing in UTBB-FDSOI (JMK, DP, HA, OB, WR), pp. 876–879.
SIGMOD-2015-TauheedHA #named #scalability- THERMAL-JOIN: A Scalable Spatial Join for Dynamic Workloads (FT, TH, AA), pp. 939–950.
SIGMOD-2015-WangZZLC #effectiveness #nearest neighbour- Optimal Spatial Dominance: An Effective Search of Nearest Neighbor Candidates (XW, YZ, WZ, XL, MAC), pp. 923–938.
VLDB-2015-AlyAMAHEO #adaptation #clustering- A Demonstration of AQWA: Adaptive Query-Workload-Aware Partitioning of Big Spatial Data (AMA, ASA, ARM, WGA, MSH, HE, MO), pp. 1968–1979.
VLDB-2015-AlyMHAOEQ #adaptation #clustering #named- AQWA: Adaptive Query-Workload-Aware Partitioning of Big Spatial Data (AMA, ARM, MSH, WGA, MO, HE, TQ), pp. 2062–2073.
VLDB-2015-ChengLCF0HZ #crowdsourcing #reliability- Reliable Diversity-Based Spatial Crowdsourcing by Moving Workers (PC, XL, ZC, RF, LC, JH, JZ), pp. 1022–1033.
VLDB-2015-EldawyAM #clustering- Spatial Partitioning Techniques in Spatial Hadoop (AE, LA, MFM), pp. 1602–1613.
VLDB-2015-EldawyMJ #pipes and filters #visualisation- A Demonstration of HadoopViz: An Extensible MapReduce System for Visualizing Big Spatial Data (AE, MFM, CJ), pp. 1896–1907.
VLDB-2015-NagarkarCB #query- Compressed Spatial Hierarchical Bitmap (cSHB) Indexes for Efficiently Processing Spatial Range Query Workloads (PN, KSC, AB), pp. 1382–1393.
ESOP-2015-AlbarghouthiBCK- Spatial Interpolants (AA, JB, BC, ZK), pp. 634–660.
CHI-2015-CoughlanCGBMPLS #named- ArtMaps: Interpreting the Spatial Footprints of Artworks (TC, LC, GG, SB, DM, DP, CL, RS, JS), pp. 407–416.
CHI-2015-GlassmanKMM #named #online #student- Mudslide: A Spatially Anchored Census of Student Confusion for Online Lecture Videos (ELG, JK, AMH, MRM), pp. 1555–1564.
CHI-2015-KimN #interactive #named- G-raff: An Elevating Tangible Block for Spatial Tabletop Interaction (CMK, TJN), pp. 4161–4164.
CHI-2015-MaiorPSW #human-computer #reliability #using- Examining the Reliability of Using fNIRS in Realistic HCI Settings for Spatial and Verbal Tasks (HAM, MP, SCS, MLW), pp. 3039–3042.
CHI-2015-PerraultLBZG #memory management #physics #semantics- Physical Loci: Leveraging Spatial, Object and Semantic Memory for Command Selection (STP, EL, YPB, SZ, YG), pp. 299–308.
CHI-2015-RadleJSLRR #elicitation #evaluation #interactive- Spatially-aware or Spatially-agnostic?: Elicitation and Evaluation of User-Defined Cross-Device Interactions (RR, HCJ, MS, ZL, HR, YR), pp. 3913–3922.
CHI-2015-ZhongLBB #image #named- RegionSpeak: Quick Comprehensive Spatial Descriptions of Complex Images for Blind Users (YZ, WSL, ELB, JPB), pp. 2353–2362.
CSCW-2015-QuattroneCM #bias #dataset- There’s No Such Thing as the Perfect Map: Quantifying Bias in Spatial Crowd-sourcing Datasets (GQ, LC, PDM), pp. 1021–1032.
HCI-IT-2015-KurosawaST #mobile- Spatial Arrangement of Data and Commands at Bezels of Mobile Touchscreen Devices (TK, BS, JT), pp. 227–237.
HIMI-IKC-2015-SotokawaMNSI #detection #evaluation- Driving Evaluation of Mild Unilateral Spatial Neglect Patients-Three High-Risk Cases Undetected by BIT After Recovery (TS, TM, JN, YS, MI), pp. 253–261.
HIMI-IKD-2015-0002S #approach #visualisation- An Approach to Spatial Visualizing Method for Information Structure to Enhance Remember to Look (JGL, DHS), pp. 67–73.
HIMI-IKD-2015-LawsonBTKHR #development- Human Factors to Consider During the Early Development and Dissemination of New Displays to Improve Spatial Orientation and Situation Awareness (BDL, JCB, LBIT, AMK, CRH, AHR), pp. 412–424.
LCT-2015-AltanC #analysis #animation #education- An Eye-Tracking Analysis of Spatial Contiguity Effect in Educational Animations (TA, KÇ), pp. 3–13.
LCT-2015-SoleimaniGHWG #empirical- CyberPLAYce, A Cyber-Physical-Spatial Storytelling Tool: Results from an Empirical Study with 8-10-Year-Old Storytellers (AS, KEG, DCH, IDW, CGM), pp. 438–446.
ICEIS-v2-2015-OliveiraF #bibliography #enterprise #framework #policy #sorting- A Spatial Data Infrastructure Review — Sorting the Actors and Policies from Enterprise Viewpoint (ILO, JLF), pp. 287–294.
ECIR-2015-LimCLK #community #constraints #detection #using- Detecting Location-Centric Communities Using Social-Spatial Links with Temporal Constraints (KHL, JC, CL, SK), pp. 489–494.
ICML-2015-JewellSB #process- Atomic Spatial Processes (SJ, NS, ABC), pp. 248–256.
KDD-2015-AntoineJWKA #twitter- Portraying Collective Spatial Attention in Twitter (ÉA, AJ, SW, YK, TA), pp. 39–48.
KDD-2015-WangYCSSZ #generative #named #recommendation- Geo-SAGE: A Geographical Sparse Additive Generative Model for Spatial Item Recommendation (WW, HY, LC, YS, SWS, XZ), pp. 1255–1264.
KDD-2015-ZhangZMH #assembly #co-evolution #named #performance- Assembler: Efficient Discovery of Spatial Co-evolving Patterns in Massive Geo-sensory Data (CZ, YZ, XM, JH), pp. 1415–1424.
RecSys-2015-KaragiannakisGS #automation #category theory #recommendation- OSMRec Tool for Automatic Recommendation of Categories on Spatial Entities in OpenStreetMap (NK, GG, DS, SA), pp. 337–338.
RecSys-2015-LuC #personalisation #recommendation- Exploiting Geo-Spatial Preference for Personalized Expert Recommendation (HL, JC), pp. 67–74.
SAC-2015-PedrosaT #approach #encoding #visual notation #word- Compact and discriminative approach for encoding spatial-relationship of visual words (GVP, AJMT), pp. 92–95.
SAC-2015-SioutisSC #composition #graph #on the #reasoning- On the use and effect of graph decomposition in qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning (MS, YS, JFC), pp. 1874–1879.
SAC-2015-SousaS #domain-specific language #simulation #tool support- A domain specific language for spatial simulation scenarios (DSL3S): introduction and tool support (LdS, ARdS), pp. 1854–1856.
HPCA-2015-LengZR #architecture #gpu- GPU voltage noise: Characterization and hierarchical smoothing of spatial and temporal voltage noise interference in GPU architectures (JL, YZ, VJR), pp. 161–173.
CASE-2014-AltMS #distributed- Compensation of spatially distributed disturbances in heat conduction systems (SA, FM, OS), pp. 860–865.
CASE-2014-ParkLK #implementation #visualisation- Implementation of spatial visualization for a tele-operated robot in a complex and hazardous environment (SP, YCL, GWK), pp. 285–289.
DATE-2014-AguileraLFMSK #algorithm #clustering #multi #process- Process variation-aware workload partitioning algorithms for GPUs supporting spatial-multitasking (PA, JL, AFF, KM, MJS, NSK), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KeramidasMKN #predict- Spatial pattern prediction based management of faulty data caches (GK, MM, AK, DN), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ZhangLHCW #multi #performance #predict- Joint Virtual Probe: Joint exploration of multiple test items’ spatial patterns for efficient silicon characterization and test prediction (SZ, FL, CKH, KTC, HW), pp. 1–6.
DRR-2014-GaoRKL #database #documentation #image #performance #retrieval- Fast structural matching for document image retrieval through spatial databases (HG, MR, DK, JL), p. ?–10.
HT-2014-ChoiAL #authoring #hypermedia #modelling- Spatial hypertext modeling for dynamic contents authoring system based on transclusion (JRC, SA, SBL), pp. 303–304.
HT-2014-ThomeeM #automation #equivalence- Automatic discovery of global and local equivalence relationships in labeled geo-spatial data (BT, GDFM), pp. 158–168.
SIGMOD-2014-AlarabiEAM #named #web #web service- TAREEG: a MapReduce-based web service for extracting spatial data from OpenStreetMap (LA, AE, RA, MFM), pp. 897–900.
VLDB-2014-ChenCCC #named #performance- SOPS: A System for Efficient Processing of Spatial-Keyword Publish/Subscribe (LC, YC, GC, XC), pp. 1601–1604.
VLDB-2014-ChenFZLXCCCTZ #crowdsourcing #framework #named- gMission: A General Spatial Crowdsourcing Platform (ZC, RF, ZZ, ZL, LX, LC, PC, CCC, YT, CJZ), pp. 1629–1632.
VLDB-2014-LiagourisMBT #effectiveness #encoding #rdf- An Effective Encoding Scheme for Spatial RDF Data (JL, NM, PB, MT), pp. 1271–1282.
VLDB-2014-ToGS #crowdsourcing #framework #privacy- A Framework for Protecting Worker Location Privacy in Spatial Crowdsourcing (HT, GG, CS), pp. 919–930.
VLDB-2015-SidlauskasJ14 #exclamation #implementation #in memory #matter #memory management- Spatial Joins in Main Memory: Implementation Matters! (DS, CSJ), pp. 97–100.
PLDI-2014-PhothilimthanaJSTCB #architecture #compilation #named #power management- Chlorophyll: synthesis-aided compiler for low-power spatial architectures (PMP, TJ, RS, NT, SC, RB), p. 42.
ICALP-v1-2014-Yin #graph #random- Spatial Mixing of Coloring Random Graphs (YY), pp. 1075–1086.
CHI-2014-EnsFI #effectiveness #interface- The personal cockpit: a spatial interface for effective task switching on head-worn displays (BME, RF, PPI), pp. 3171–3180.
CHI-2014-SpindlerSMD #mobile- Pinch-drag-flick vs. spatial input: rethinking zoom & pan on mobile displays (MS, MS, MM, RD), pp. 1113–1122.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-ChenDCY #comprehension #experience #user interface- Enhance User Experience Moving in Campus through Understanding Human Spatial Cognition (SMC, YSD, SFC, HCY), pp. 265–272.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Trocka-Leszczynska #order- The Contemporary Rural Landscape in the South-Western Region of Poland (Sudeten Region) — A Search for Spatial Order (ETL), pp. 470–481.
HCI-AIMT-2014-SakataTN #collaboration- Remote Collaboration with Spatial AR Support (NS, YT, SN), pp. 148–157.
HIMI-DE-2014-XingGRK #visualisation- Google Analytics Spatial Data Visualization: Thinking Outside of the Box (WX, RG, BR, TRK), pp. 120–127.
LCT-TRE-2014-MorrealeGCHLLSB #design #integration #mobile #visual notation- Visual and Spatial Data Integration in Mobile Application Design (PM, AG, DC, SH, JL, NL, CS, JB), pp. 173–181.
CIKM-2014-CuiYH #independence- Non-independent Cascade Formation: Temporal and Spatial Effects (BC, SJY, CH), pp. 1923–1926.
CIKM-2014-DongYMLSWWGY #multi #statistics- Maximizing Multi-scale Spatial Statistical Discrepancy (WD, RY, CM, CL, LS, LW, YW, PG, JY), pp. 471–480.
CIKM-2014-OuyangSTN #crowdsourcing #detection- Truth Discovery in Crowdsourced Detection of Spatial Events (WRO, MBS, AT, TJN), pp. 461–470.
CIKM-2014-ShaoKTG #case study #complexity #distance #navigation #network #query- Travel distance versus navigation complexity: a study on different spatial queries on road networks (JS, LK, ET, LG), pp. 1791–1794.
CIKM-2014-YangQ #image #mobile #retrieval #scalability #verification- Spatial Verification for Scalable Mobile Image Retrieval (XY, XQ), pp. 1903–1906.
ECIR-2014-LiEV #microblog- Geo-spatial Domain Expertise in Microblogs (WL, CE, APdV), pp. 487–492.
ICML-c1-2014-MillerBAG #analysis #process- Factorized Point Process Intensities: A Spatial Analysis of Professional Basketball (AM, LB, RPA, KG), pp. 235–243.
ICPR-2014-ChangCC #image- Spatially-Varying Image Warps for Scene Alignment (CHC, CJC, YYC), pp. 64–69.
ICPR-2014-ChiuHH #assessment #gender #similarity- Spatial Face Context with Gender Information for Group Photo Similarity Assessment (YIC, RYH, CRH), pp. 2673–2678.
ICPR-2014-El-GaalyTE #classification- Spatial-Visual Label Propagation for Local Feature Classification (TEG, MT, AME), pp. 3422–3427.
ICPR-2014-FranchiA #adaptation- Spatially-Variant Area Openings for Reference-Driven Adaptive Contour Preserving Filtering (GF, JA), pp. 1043–1048.
ICPR-2014-GiordanoPS #estimation #kernel #modelling #using- Kernel Density Estimation Using Joint Spatial-Color-Depth Data for Background Modeling (DG, SP, CS), pp. 4388–4393.
ICPR-2014-KacheleS #independence #recognition #set- Cascaded Fusion of Dynamic, Spatial, and Textural Feature Sets for Person-Independent Facial Emotion Recognition (MK, FS), pp. 4660–4665.
ICPR-2014-KimP #recognition- Ancient Coin Recognition Based on Spatial Coding (JK, VP), pp. 321–326.
ICPR-2014-KristoC- Optimized Window Arrangement for Spatial Pyramid Matching Scheme (K, CSC), pp. 1395–1400.
ICPR-2014-LiuFW #keyword- Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors (HL, TF, PW), pp. 785–790.
ICPR-2014-NakashikaHTA #3d #recognition #using- 3D-Object Recognition Based on LLC Using Depth Spatial Pyramid (TN, TH, TT, YA), pp. 4224–4228.
ICPR-2014-PlanincK #modelling- Combining Spatial and Temporal Information for Inactivity Modeling (RP, MK), pp. 4234–4239.
ICPR-2014-TabuchiTDIMKK #estimation #memory management #multi #people- Spatial People Density Estimation from Multiple Viewpoints by Memory Based Regression (YT, TT, DD, II, HM, TK, KK), pp. 2209–2214.
KDD-2014-MatsubaraSPF #automation #mining #named- FUNNEL: automatic mining of spatially coevolving epidemics (YM, YS, WGvP, CF), pp. 105–114.
KDD-2014-TayebiEGB #embedded #learning #predict #using- Spatially embedded co-offence prediction using supervised learning (MAT, ME, UG, PLB), pp. 1789–1798.
KR-2014-ZhangR #algebra #reasoning #representation- Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning in Angry Birds: The Extended Rectangle Algebra (PZ, JR).
SIGIR-2014-ChengCBB #approach #twitter- Who is the barbecue king of texas?: a geo-spatial approach to finding local experts on twitter (ZC, JC, HB, VB), pp. 335–344.
SIGIR-2014-ZhangCT #keyword #query- Processing spatial keyword query as a top-k aggregation query (DZ, CYC, KLT), pp. 355–364.
QAPL-2014-Feng #distributed #hybrid #modelling #probability #using- Patch-based Hybrid Modelling of Spatially Distributed Systems by Using Stochastic HYPE — ZebraNet as an Example (CF0), pp. 64–77.
HPCA-2014-AgrawalAT #energy #locality #named #process- Mosaic: Exploiting the spatial locality of process variation to reduce refresh energy in on-chip eDRAM modules (AA, AA, JT), pp. 84–95.
HPCA-2014-AwadS #behaviour #memory management #named- STM: Cloning the spatial and temporal memory access behavior (AA, YS), pp. 237–247.
DAC-2013-LiSARHP #adaptation #embedded #fault #named #runtime- RASTER: runtime adaptive spatial/temporal error resiliency for embedded processors (TL, MS, JAA, SR, JH, SP), p. 7.
DAC-2013-ZhangLSSR #automation #clustering- Automatic clustering of wafer spatial signatures (WZ, XL, SS, AJS, RAR), p. 6.
DATE-2013-HuangKCM #correlation #modelling #testing- Handling discontinuous effects in modeling spatial correlation of wafer-level analog/RF tests (KH, NK, JMCJ, YM), pp. 553–558.
DocEng-2013-AlvaroZ #layout- A shape-based layout descriptor for classifying spatial relationships in handwritten math (FA, RZ), pp. 123–126.
HT-2013-RuoccoR #image #proximity- Exploring temporal proximity and spatial distribution of terms in web-based search of event-related images (MR, HR), pp. 248–252.
ICDAR-2013-HollausGS #documentation #image #multi- Enhancement of Multispectral Images of Degraded Documents by Employing Spatial Information (FH, MG, RS), pp. 145–149.
ICDAR-2013-LiPXW #analysis #consistency #online #order #verification- A Stroke Order Verification Method for On-Line Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Tempo-spatial Consistency Analysis (RL, LP, EX, NW), pp. 999–1003.
ICDAR-2013-LiuLSX #documentation #image #modelling #retrieval #word- Modeling Local Word Spatial Configurations for Near Duplicate Document Image Retrieval (LL, YL, CYS, JX), pp. 235–239.
SIGMOD-2013-LongWWF #approach #distance #keyword #query- Collective spatial keyword queries: a distance owner-driven approach (CL, RCWW, KW, AWCF), pp. 689–700.
SIGMOD-2013-NobariTHKBA #clustering #in memory #named- TOUCH: in-memory spatial join by hierarchical data-oriented partitioning (SN, FT, TH, PK, SB, AA), pp. 701–712.
VLDB-2013-AjiWVLL0S #named #performance #pipes and filters- Hadoop-GIS: A High Performance Spatial Data Warehousing System over MapReduce (AA, FW, HV, RL, QL, XZ, JHS), pp. 1009–1020.
VLDB-2013-BambaRHA #geometry #graph #performance #statistics- Statistics Collection in Oracle Spatial and Graph: Fast Histogram Construction for Complex Geometry Objects (BB, SR, YH, RA), pp. 1021–1032.
VLDB-2013-ChenCJW #evaluation #keyword #query- Spatial Keyword Query Processing: An Experimental Evaluation (LC, GC, CSJ, DW), pp. 217–228.
VLDB-2013-EldawyM #framework #performance #pipes and filters- A Demonstration of SpatialHadoop: An Efficient MapReduce Framework for Spatial Data (AE, MFM), pp. 1230–1233.
VLDB-2013-SowellSCDG #analysis #in memory #memory management- An Experimental Analysis of Iterated Spatial Joins in Main Memory (BS, MAVS, TC, AJD, JG), pp. 1882–1893.
VLDB-2013-TaoHCC #approximate #database- Approximate MaxRS in Spatial Databases (YT, XH, DWC, CWC), pp. 1546–1557.
PLDI-2013-NowatzkiSCSER #architecture #constraints #framework #scheduling- A general constraint-centric scheduling framework for spatial architectures (TN, MST, LDC, KS, CE, BR), pp. 495–506.
CHI-2013-EdgeCW #learning #named- SpatialEase: learning language through body motion (DE, KYC, MW), pp. 469–472.
CHI-2013-KaufmannA #interactive #memory management #navigation #performance- Studying spatial memory and map navigation performance on projector phones with peephole interaction (BK, DA), pp. 3173–3176.
CHI-2013-LeeOIB #2d #3d #interactive #named- SpaceTop: integrating 2D and spatial 3D interactions in a see-through desktop environment (JL, AO, HI, CNB), pp. 189–192.
CHI-2013-PeceSWJWKS #mobile #named- Panoinserts: mobile spatial teleconferencing (FP, WS, FW, SJ, TW, JK, AS), pp. 1319–1328.
CHI-2013-ScarrCGM #consistency #interface #performance #robust #testing- Testing the robustness and performance of spatially consistent interfaces (JS, AC, CG, SM), pp. 3139–3148.
CHI-2013-SodhiJFBM #3d #collaboration #mobile #named- BeThere: 3D mobile collaboration with spatial input (RS, BRJ, DAF, BPB, GM), pp. 179–188.
CHI-2013-YinOPZ #adaptation #approach- Making touchscreen keyboards adaptive to keys, hand postures, and individuals: a hierarchical spatial backoff model approach (YY, TO, KP, SZ), pp. 2775–2784.
CSCW-2013-GopalakrishnanHB #distributed #network #similarity- Voluntary turnover in a distributed work setting: an examination of the role of spatial propinquity and role similarity in project affiliation networks (GMG, DSH, SPB), pp. 329–340.
DUXU-NTE-2013-GokturkP #navigation- Effects of In-Car Navigation Systems on User Perception of the Spatial Environment (MG, AP), pp. 57–64.
HCI-III-2013-BlezingerSH #concept #human-computer- Unifying Conceptual and Spatial Relationships between Objects in HCI (DB, AFgS, CH), pp. 10–18.
HCI-UC-2013-Brouwers #comparison #hypermedia #navigation #physics- Search Strategies in Hypermedia Navigation and Spatial Abilities: A Comparison with Physical Navigation (AB), pp. 136–145.
HIMI-D-2013-TsangCC- Effects of Stimulus Orientation, Grouping and Alignment on Spatial S-R Compatibility (SNHT, KWLC, AHSC), pp. 650–659.
HIMI-HSM-2013-YamanakaUIHSY #design- Web- and Mobile-Based Environment for Designing and Presenting Spatial Audiovisual Content (MY, MU, YI, SH, HS, TY), pp. 430–439.
VISSOFT-2013-BradleyH #composition #development #named #navigation- Visuocode: A software development environment that supports spatial navigation and composition (DRB, IJH), pp. 1–4.
ICEIS-v1-2013-ZaamouneBPB #analysis #approach #multi #relational- A New Relational Spatial OLAP Approach for Multi-resolution and Spatio-multidimensional Analysis of Incomplete Field Data (MZ, SB, FP, PB), pp. 145–152.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CuzzocreaF #analysis #comparative #exclamation #metamodelling #power of #state of the art- Comparative Analysis of State-of-the-Art Spatial Data Warehouse Meta-models — Catching the Expressive Power of SDW Schemas! (AC, RdNF), pp. 302–309.
CIKM-2013-ChenCC #network #query- Spatial-temporal query homogeneity for KNN object search on road networks (YJC, KTC, MSC), pp. 1019–1028.
CIKM-2013-FerenceLJY- Spatial search for K diverse-near neighbors (GF, WCL, HJJ, DNY), pp. 19–28.
ECIR-2013-WaltherK #detection #twitter- Geo-spatial Event Detection in the Twitter Stream (MW, MK), pp. 356–367.
ICML-c3-2013-JiaVD #on the- On Compact Codes for Spatially Pooled Features (YJ, OV, TD), pp. 549–557.
KEOD-2013-ChaabaneG #challenge #formal method #ontology- Matching Spatial Ontologies — A Challenge of Formalization (SC, FG), pp. 355–360.
KEOD-2013-Marc-ZweckerBZB #owl #reasoning- Qualitative Spatial Reasoning in RCC8 with OWL and SWRL (SMZ, FdBdB, CZM, FLB), pp. 214–221.
MLDM-2013-ValencioKMSM #3d #data mining #mining #visualisation- 3D Geovisualisation Techniques Applied in Spatial Data Mining (CRV, TK, CAdM, RCGdS, JMM), pp. 57–68.
RecSys-2013-HuE #modelling #online #recommendation #social #social media #topic- Spatial topic modeling in online social media for location recommendation (BH, ME), pp. 25–32.
SAC-2013-BaltzerRZ #scalability- Building a scalable spatial OLAP system (OB, ARC, NZ), pp. 13–15.
SAC-2013-FazioR #comparison #network- Spatial interpolation: an analytical comparison between kriging and RBF networks (VSF, MR), pp. 2–7.
SAC-2013-LeeJS #locality- Demand-based flash translation layer considering spatial locality (YL, TJ, IS), pp. 1550–1551.
SAC-2013-RezguiMY- High-resolution spatial interpolation on cloud platforms (AR, ZM, CY), pp. 377–382.
DRR-2012-LiMV #visual notation- Quantify spatial relations to discover handwritten graphical symbols (JL, HM, CVG).
HT-2012-Francisco-RevillaF #adaptation #hypermedia- Adaptive spatial hypermedia in computational journalism (LFR, ÁF), pp. 313–314.
PODS-2012-TirthapuraW #data type- Rectangle-efficient aggregation in spatial data streams (ST, DPW), pp. 283–294.
SIGMOD-2012-SarmaLGMH #performance #scalability- Efficient spatial sampling of large geographical tables (ADS, HL, HG, JM, AYH), pp. 193–204.
VLDB-2012-AlyAO #query- Spatial Queries with Two kNN Predicates (AMA, WGA, MO), pp. 1100–1111.
VLDB-2012-CaoCJNOPW #named #performance #retrieval #web- SWORS: A System for the Efficient Retrieval of Relevant Spatial Web Objects (XC, GC, CSJ, JJN, BCO, NTP, DW), pp. 1914–1917.
VLDB-2012-ChoiCT #algorithm #database #scalability- A Scalable Algorithm for Maximizing Range Sum in Spatial Databases (DWC, CWC, YT), pp. 1088–1099.
VLDB-2012-Jensen #data transformation #web- Data Management on the Spatial Web (CSJ), p. 1696.
VLDB-2012-LuoLZCG #distributed #keyword #named #network- DISKs: A System for Distributed Spatial Group Keyword Search on Road Networks (SL, YL, SZ, GC, JG), pp. 1966–1969.
VLDB-2012-WenzelEMK #query- Complex Preference Queries Supporting Spatial Applications for User Groups (FW, ME, SM, WK), pp. 1946–1949.
TACAS-2012-CairesV #concurrent #logic #model checking #named #specification- SLMC: A Tool for Model Checking Concurrent Systems against Dynamical Spatial Logic Specifications (LC, HTV), pp. 485–491.
CHI-2012-BoariFFC #mobile- Augmenting spatial skills with mobile devices (DB, MF, DSF, KC), pp. 1611–1620.
CHI-2012-BoonsukGK #interface #video- The impact of three interfaces for 360-degree video on spatial cognition (WB, SBG, JWK), pp. 2579–2588.
CHI-2012-FischerH #aspect-oriented #design #human-computer- Urban HCI: spatial aspects in the design of shared encounters for media facades (PTF, EH), pp. 307–316.
CHI-2012-YataniBT #feedback #named #people #representation #using #visual notation- SpaceSense: representing geographical information to visually impaired people using spatial tactile feedback (KY, NB, KNT), pp. 415–424.
CSCW-2012-YataniGT #collaboration #coordination #feedback #visual notation- Investigating effects of visual and tactile feedback on spatial coordination in collaborative handheld systems (KY, DG, KNT), pp. 661–670.
ICEIS-v1-2012-AndradeBS #retrieval- A Temporal Search Engine to Improve Geographic Data Retrieval in Spatial Data Infrastructures (FGdA, CdSB, US), pp. 56–65.
ICEIS-v1-2012-BoulilBP #approach #ocl #quality #uml- A UML & Spatial OCL based Approach for Handling Quality Issues in SOLAP Systems (KB, SB, FP), pp. 99–104.
CIKM-2012-HuangLTF #keyword #performance #query- Efficient safe-region construction for moving top-K spatial keyword queries (WH, GL, KLT, JF), pp. 932–941.
CIKM-2012-KamathCCS #community #modelling #social #social media- Spatial influence vs. community influence: modeling the global spread of social media (KYK, JC, ZC, DZS), pp. 962–971.
CIKM-2012-LiWXCS #network #query #social- Spatial-aware interest group queries in location-based social networks (YL, DW, JX, BC, WS), pp. 2643–2646.
CIKM-2012-LiXF #database #keyword #nearest neighbour- Keyword-based k-nearest neighbor search in spatial databases (GL, JX, JF), pp. 2144–2148.
CIKM-2012-WangSE #correlation #retrieval #video- Improving bag-of-visual-words model with spatial-temporal correlation for video retrieval (LW, DS, EE), pp. 1303–1312.
CIKM-2012-ZhanZZL #nondeterminism- Finding top k most influential spatial facilities over uncertain objects (LZ, YZ, WZ, XL), pp. 922–931.
ICML-2012-VaroquauxGT #clustering #correlation #design- Small-sample brain mapping: sparse recovery on spatially correlated designs with randomization and clustering (GV, AG, BT), p. 178.
ICPR-2012-BespalovQBS #classification #image #scalability #using- Large-scale image classification using supervised spatial encoder (DB, YQ, BB, AS), pp. 581–584.
ICPR-2012-GuyonBZ #constraints #detection #matrix #rank #robust- Foreground detection via robust low rank matrix factorization including spatial constraint with Iterative reweighted regression (CG, TB, EHZ), pp. 2805–2808.
ICPR-2012-LeeLHL #re-engineering #sequence #video- Super-resolution reconstruction of video sequences based on wavelet-domain spatial and temporal processing (CML, CJL, CYH, WNL), pp. 194–197.
ICPR-2012-Lotte #classification- A new feature and associated optimal spatial filter for EEG signal classification: Waveform Length (FL), pp. 1302–1305.
ICPR-2012-MengQYMCM #process #recognition #semantics- Activity recognition based on semantic spatial relation (LM, LQ, PY, JM, XC, DNM), pp. 609–612.
ICPR-2012-NakamuraSMS #artificial reality- Calibration-free projector-camera system for spatial augmented reality on planar surfaces (TN, FdS, SM, HS), pp. 85–88.
ICPR-2012-NegrelPG #categorisation #image #using- Using spatial pyramids with compacted VLAT for image categorization (RN, DP, PHG), pp. 2460–2463.
ICPR-2012-TuiaMVFR #classification #image- Discovering relevant spatial filterbanks for VHR image classification (DT, MDM, MV, RF, AR), pp. 3212–3215.
ICPR-2012-XiaoZZ #consistency #ranking #retrieval- Spatial consistency based selective reranking for content based object retrieval (TX, CZ, HZ), pp. 417–420.
ICPR-2012-ZhangLC #analysis #detection #multi #novel- A novel spatial-temporal multi-scale method for detection and analysis of infrared multiple moving objects (TZ, HL, JC), pp. 1884–1887.
ICPR-2012-ZhangSSLWTBC #category theory #image #kernel- Spatial graphlet matching kernel for recognizing aerial image categories (LZ, MS, LS, XL, YW, DT, JB, CC), pp. 2813–2816.
ICPR-2012-ZhangZC #recognition- Action recognition based on spatial-temporal pyramid sparse coding (XZ, HZ, XC), pp. 1455–1458.
ICPR-2012-ZhangZX #segmentation- MRI segmentation of brain tissue based on spatial prior and neighboring pixels affinities (ZZ, QZ, YX), pp. 89–92.
KDD-2012-YangSLC #network #on the #query #social- On socio-spatial group query for location-based social networks (DNY, CYS, WCL, MSC), pp. 949–957.
KEOD-2012-HmidaCBN #3d #logic #using- From 9-IM Topological Operators to Qualitative Spatial Relations using 3D Selective Nef Complexes and Logic Rules for Bodies (HBH, CC, FB, CN), pp. 208–213.
KEOD-2012-RiegenHR #ontology #reasoning- Combining Qualitative Spatial Reasoning and Ontological Reasoning for Supporting Robot Tasks (SvR, LH, PR), pp. 377–380.
KR-2012-CohnRS #analysis #representation #video- Thinking Inside the Box: A Comprehensive Spatial Representation for Video Analysis (AGC, JR, MS).
KR-2012-Huang #reasoning- Compactness and Its Implications for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning (JH).
KR-2012-Renz #constraints #reasoning- Implicit Constraints for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning (JR).
SIGIR-2012-HechtCQSRGD #semantics- Explanatory semantic relatedness and explicit spatialization for exploratory search (BH, SC, MQ, JS, MR, DG, DD), pp. 415–424.
SAC-2012-HuangHYY #algorithm #approximate #correlation #network- An in-network approximate data gathering algorithm exploiting spatial correlation in wireless sensor networks (CCH, JLH, JAY, LYY), pp. 550–555.
SAC-2012-YinC #interactive #mobile #named #open source- MobiSpatial: open source for mobile spatial interaction (JY, JDC), pp. 572–573.
HPCA-2012-AdriaensCKS #multi- The case for GPGPU spatial multitasking (JA, KC, NSK, MJS), pp. 79–90.
DAC-2011-IqbalSH #dependence #fault #monte carlo #named #power management #probability #scheduling- SEAL: soft error aware low power scheduling by Monte Carlo state space under the influence of stochastic spatial and temporal dependencies (NI, MAS, JH), pp. 134–139.
DATE-2011-KobayashiH #analysis #correlation #power management- An LOCV-based static timing analysis considering spatial correlations of power supply variations (SK, KH), pp. 559–562.
HT-2011-Bernstein #hypermedia- Can we talk about spatial hypertext (MB), pp. 103–112.
HT-2011-SolisA #experience #hypermedia #using #wiki- An experience using a spatial hypertext Wiki (CS, NA), pp. 133–142.
HT-2011-TakahashiOYIOT #analysis #using #wiki- Evaluating significance of historical entities based on tempo-spatial impacts analysis using Wikipedia link structure (YT, HO, MY, HI, SO, KT), pp. 83–92.
ICDAR-2011-SimistiraPSK #segmentation #word- Enhancing Handwritten Word Segmentation by Employing Local Spatial Features (FS, VP, TS, VK), pp. 1314–1318.
SIGMOD-2011-CaoCJO #keyword #query- Collective spatial keyword querying (XC, GC, CSJ, BCO), pp. 373–384.
SIGMOD-2011-LuLC #nearest neighbour- Reverse spatial and textual k nearest neighbor search (JL, YL, GC), pp. 349–360.
SIGMOD-2011-RoyC #database #performance #semantics- Location-aware type ahead search on spatial databases: semantics and efficiency (SBR, KC), pp. 361–372.
SFM-2011-ClarkeDHJSSSW #behaviour #modelling #variability- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability with the HATS Abstract Behavioral Modeling Language (DC, ND, RH, EBJ, IS, JS, RS, PYHW), pp. 417–457.
CHI-2011-HolzW #gesture- Data miming: inferring spatial object descriptions from human gesture (CH, AW), pp. 811–820.
CHI-2011-KandoganKMP #how #interface #problem- How a freeform spatial interface supports simple problem solving tasks (EK, JK, TPM, PP), pp. 925–934.
CHI-2011-RieckeFRM #self- Spatialized sound enhances biomechanically-induced self-motion illusion (vection) (BER, DF, JJR, TPM), pp. 2799–2802.
CHI-2011-Vazquez-AlvarezB #interface #mobile #multi- Eyes-free multitasking: the effect of cognitive load on mobile spatial audio interfaces (YVA, SAB), pp. 2173–2176.
CHI-2011-WigdorBPLW #gesture #interactive #multi #precise- Rock & rails: extending multi-touch interactions with shape gestures to enable precise spatial manipulations (DW, HB, JP, JL, SW), pp. 1581–1590.
CSCW-2011-MarshallRP #interactive #physics #using- Using F-formations to analyse spatial patterns of interaction in physical environments (PM, YR, NP), pp. 445–454.
DHM-2011-ElepfandtS #artificial reality #interactive #multimodal- Multimodal, Touchless Interaction in Spatial Augmented Reality Environments (ME, MS), pp. 263–271.
DHM-2011-WegerichR #adaptation #artificial reality- A Context-Aware Adaptation System for Spatial Augmented Reality (AW, MR), pp. 417–425.
DUXU-v1-2011-TurnerC #interface #question- Phone Use and Aging: Do Spatial Interface Metaphors Help? (MT, RC), pp. 678–686.
HCI-UA-2011-HopeOHL #design #multi- Spatial Design, Designers and Users: Exploring the Meaning of Multi-party Service Cognition (TH, MO, YH, MHL), pp. 328–335.
HIMI-v2-2011-YuCW #communication #framework #interactive #named #problem #product line- SAM: A Spatial Interactive Platform for Studying Family Communication Problem (GJY, TWC, YCW), pp. 207–216.
IDGD-2011-LinH11a #music- The Effect of Music on Spatial Ability (HL, HYH), pp. 185–191.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChenZ #analysis #bound- Analysis on the Spatial Variation of the Center of Gravity of Inbound Tourism in China (YC, HZ), pp. 441–447.
ICEIS-v4-2011-OanaVZ #framework #implementation- An Integrated Framework for the Implementation and Continous Improvement of the Romanian Spatial Data Infrastructure (CO, CV, LZ), pp. 176–183.
CIKM-2011-GamperBCI #multimodal #network- Defining isochrones in multimodal spatial networks (JG, MHB, WC, MI), pp. 2381–2384.
CIKM-2011-LiuYS #dataset #query- Subject-oriented top-k hot region queries in spatial dataset (JL, GY, HS), pp. 2409–2412.
CIKM-2011-OroR #approach #learning #named- SILA: a spatial instance learning approach for deep webpages (EO, MR), pp. 2329–2332.
KDD-2011-MalbasaV #scalability- Spatially regularized logistic regression for disease mapping on large moving populations (VM, SV), pp. 1352–1360.
KDIR-2011-SethCRSB #analysis #query #similarity- A Tale of Two (Similar) Cities — Inferring City Similarity through Geo-spatial Query Log Analysis (RS, MC, DR, DS, SB), pp. 179–189.
KEOD-2011-BelouaerBM- Spatial Knowledge in Planning Language (LB, MB, AIM), pp. 71–80.
MLDM-2011-ChenER #mining #parametricity #using- Mining Spatial Trajectories Using Non-parametric Density Functions (CSC, CFE, NJR), pp. 496–510.
SAC-2011-KanjilalS #database #modelling #network- Spatial network modeling for databases (VK, MS), pp. 827–832.
SAC-2011-LiuCC #network #query- Voronoi-based range query for trajectory data in spatial networks (SL, LC, GC), pp. 1022–1026.
SAC-2011-TeranishiTH #named #network- HDOV: an overlay network for wide area spatial data collection (YT, ST, KH), pp. 506–513.
DAC-2010-ShenTX #algorithm #analysis #correlation #linear #power management #statistics- A linear algorithm for full-chip statistical leakage power analysis considering weak spatial correlation (RS, SXDT, JX), pp. 481–486.
DATE-2010-BraakHKHS #realtime #resource management #runtime- Run-time spatial resource management for real-time applications on heterogeneous MPSoCs (TDtB, PKFH, JK, JH, GJMS), pp. 357–362.
HT-2010-KimS #hypermedia #visualisation- Interpretation and visualization of user history in a spatial hypertext system (DK, FMSI), pp. 255–264.
HT-2010-MatiasC #hypermedia #named #web- Emberlight: share and publish spatial hypertext to the web (JNM, FC), pp. 311–312.
HT-2010-PaekHS #hypermedia #learning- Spatial contiguity and implicit learning in hypertext (SP, DH, AS), pp. 291–292.
HT-2010-WolffMZ #approach #feedback #hypermedia #summary #visual notation- Visual summaries of data: a spatial hypertext approach to user feedback (AW, PM, ZZ), pp. 287–288.
SIGMOD-2010-EmrichKKRZ- Boosting spatial pruning: on optimal pruning of MBRs (TE, HPK, PK, MR, AZ), pp. 39–50.
VLDB-2010-CaoCJ #web- Retrieving Top-k Prestige-Based Relevant Spatial Web Objects (XC, GC, CSJ), pp. 373–384.
VLDB-2010-MathioudakisBK #identification- Identifying, Attributing and Describing Spatial Bursts (MM, NB, NK), pp. 1091–1102.
VLDB-2010-SharifzadehS #diagrams #named #nearest neighbour #performance #query- VoR-Tree: R-trees with Voronoi Diagrams for Efficient Processing of Spatial Nearest Neighbor Queries (MS, CS), pp. 1231–1242.
VLDB-2011-OroRS10 #documentation #named #query #towards #web #xpath- SXPath — Extending XPath towards Spatial Querying on Web Documents (EO, MR, SS), pp. 129–140.
VLDB-2011-Rocha-JuniorVDN10 #performance #query- Efficient Processing of Top-k Spatial Preference Queries (JBRJ, AV, CD, KN), pp. 93–104.
FoSSaCS-2010-AcciaiBZ #behaviour #logic #on the #simulation- On the Relationship between Spatial Logics and Behavioral Simulations (LA, MB, GZ), pp. 146–160.
SCAM-2010-SimpsonB #c #memory management #named #runtime #safety- MemSafe: Ensuring the Spatial and Temporal Memory Safety of C at Runtime (MSS, RB), pp. 199–208.
CHI-2010-ChoKJSS #distance #interface #proximity #query- Dynamic query interface for spatial proximity query with degree-of-interest varied by distance to query point (MC, BHK, DKJ, YGS, JS), pp. 693–702.
CHI-2010-SongGGF #interactive #mobile #named #using- MouseLight: bimanual interactions on digital paper using a pen and a spatially-aware mobile projector (HS, FG, TG, GWF), pp. 2451–2460.
CSCW-2010-InkpenHCZ #distributed #video- Exploring spatialized audio & video for distributed conversations (KI, RH, MC, ZZ), pp. 95–98.
CSCW-2010-TakayamaN- Throwing voices: the psychological impact of the spatial height of projected voices (LT, CN), pp. 91–94.
SOFTVIS-2010-KuhnEN #case study #ide #visualisation- Embedding spatial software visualization in the IDE: an exploratory study (AK, DE, ON), pp. 113–122.
ECIR-2010-TangS #evaluation- Evaluation and User Preference Study on Spatial Diversity (JT, MS), pp. 179–190.
ICPR-2010-ArandaN- Angular Variation as a Monocular Cue for Spatial Perception (JA, AAN), pp. 3468–3471.
ICPR-2010-AsheriRPR #adaptation #fault #framework #kernel #process- A Gaussian Process Regression Framework for Spatial Error Concealment with Adaptive Kernels (HA, HRR, NP, MHR), pp. 4541–4544.
ICPR-2010-DaiYW #classification #image- Three-layer Spatial Sparse Coding for Image Classification (DD, WY, TW), pp. 613–616.
ICPR-2010-ErgulA #classification #topic #using- Scene Classification Using Spatial Pyramid of Latent Topics (EE, NA), pp. 3603–3606.
ICPR-2010-HuQHJT #recognition #using- Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context (QH, LQ, QH, SJ, QT), pp. 1521–1524.
ICPR-2010-HuWZW #classification #gender- Combining Spatial and Temporal Information for Gait Based Gender Classification (MH, YW, ZZ, YW), pp. 3679–3682.
ICPR-2010-IjiriLHM #performance #recognition- Efficient Facial Attribute Recognition with a Spatial Codebook (YI, SL, TXH, HM), pp. 1461–1464.
ICPR-2010-Ikizler-CinbisS #locality #recognition- Object Recognition and Localization Via Spatial Instance Embedding (NIC, SS), pp. 452–455.
ICPR-2010-JakkojuKJ #classification #performance #using- Fast and Spatially-Smooth Terrain Classification Using Monocular Camera (CJ, KMK, CVJ), pp. 4060–4063.
ICPR-2010-KimCKA #image- Spatial and Temporal Enhancement of Depth Images Captured by a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor (SYK, JHC, AK, MAA), pp. 2358–2361.
ICPR-2010-KuksaP #classification #performance #representation #sequence- Spatial Representation for Efficient Sequence Classification (PPK, VP), pp. 3320–3323.
ICPR-2010-LariosSSMLD #identification #kernel #random- Haar Random Forest Features and SVM Spatial Matching Kernel for Stonefly Species Identification (NL, BS, LGS, GMM, JL, TGD), pp. 2624–2627.
ICPR-2010-LettnerS #robust- Combining Spectral and Spatial Features for Robust Foreground-Background Separation (ML, RS), pp. 1969–1972.
ICPR-2010-LiuC #classification #image #string- Spatial String Matching for Image Classification (YL, VC), pp. 2937–2940.
ICPR-2010-LotteG #classification- Spatially Regularized Common Spatial Patterns for EEG Classification (FL, CG), pp. 3712–3715.
ICPR-2010-PapadopoulosMKS #analysis #approach #image #learning #semantics #statistics- A Statistical Learning Approach to Spatial Context Exploitation for Semantic Image Analysis (GTP, VM, IK, MGS), pp. 3138–3142.
ICPR-2010-SantoshWL #using #visual notation- Using Spatial Relations for Graphical Symbol Description (KCS, LW, BL), pp. 2041–2044.
ICPR-2010-SirmacekU #detection #network #using- Road Network Extraction Using Edge Detection and Spatial Voting (BS, CÜ), pp. 3113–3116.
ICPR-2010-SutthiwichaipornAJ #quality- Iterative Fingerprint Enhancement with Matched Filtering and Quality Diffusion in Spatial-Frequency Domain (PS, VA, SJ), pp. 1257–1260.
ICPR-2010-XueJ #3d #recognition- A New Rotation Feature for Single Tri-axial Accelerometer Based 3D Spatial Handwritten Digit Recognition (YX, LJ), pp. 4218–4221.
ICPR-2010-ZhaoWIZ #3d #recognition- Human 3D Motion Recognition Based on Spatial-Temporal Context of Joints (QZ, LW, HHSI, XZ), pp. 2740–2743.
KDD-2010-ChenLB #approach #detection #named #statistics- GLS-SOD: a generalized local statistical approach for spatial outlier detection (FC, CTL, APB), pp. 1069–1078.
KDIR-2010-MollerEDS #automation #ontology #recognition #using- Automatic Spatial Plausibility Checks for Medical Object Recognition Results using a Spatio-anatomical Ontology (MM, PE, AD, DS), pp. 5–13.
SIGIR-2010-PhamMM #categorisation #graph #image #modelling #visual notation- Spatial relationships in visual graph modeling for image categorization (TTP, PM, LM), pp. 729–730.
SAC-2010-AppiceCM #learning- Transductive learning for spatial regression with co-training (AA, MC, DM), pp. 1065–1070.
SAC-2010-JanssenPW #graph #similarity- Estimating node similarity from co-citation in a spatial graph model (JJ, PP, RW), pp. 1329–1333.
SAC-2010-JiKYC #3d #how #interactive #using- How to manage interactive dialogues of avatar agents by using 3D spatial information of virtual world (SHJ, JWK, TY, HGC), pp. 1181–1187.
SAC-2010-MacielNMMMF #collaboration #interactive- Collaborative interaction through spatially aware moving displays (AM, LPN, EMM, MHM, GMM, CMDSF), pp. 1229–1233.
SAC-2010-PelosiP #mobile #named- SMaC: spatial map caching technique for mobile devices (GP, GP), pp. 1829–1830.
DAC-2009-ChengGSQH #modelling #variability- Physically justifiable die-level modeling of spatial variation in view of systematic across wafer variability (LC, PG, CJS, KQ, LH), pp. 104–109.
DATE-2009-LongLFDY #adaptation #clustering #energy #network- Energy-efficient spatially-adaptive clustering and routing in wireless sensor networks (HL, YL, XF, RPD, HY), pp. 1267–1272.
HT-2009-MatiasW #hypermedia- Comparing spatial hypertext collections (JNM, DPW), pp. 45–50.
HT-2009-StyliarasC #hypermedia #named #towards #web- HyperSea: towards a spatial hypertext environment for web 2.0 content (GDS, SPC), pp. 35–44.
ICDAR-2009-AlyUFS #classification #statistics- Statistical Classification of Spatial Relationships among Mathematical Symbols (WA, SU, AF, MS), pp. 1350–1354.
ICDAR-2009-KhurshidFV #documentation #image #retrieval #word- Fusion of Word Spotting and Spatial Information for Figure Caption Retrieval in Historical Document Images (KK, CF, NV), pp. 266–270.
ICDAR-2009-KizuYTGS #2d #data mining #mining- 2D CAD Data Mining Based on Spatial Relation (HK, JY, TT, KG, NS), pp. 326–330.
ICDAR-2009-LettnerS #documentation #image #multi #segmentation- Spatial and Spectral Based Segmentation of Text in Multispectral Images of Ancient Documents (ML, RS), pp. 813–817.
SIGMOD-2009-GaoZ #database #nearest neighbour #query- Continuous obstructed nearest neighbor queries in spatial databases (YG, BZ), pp. 577–590.
VLDB-2009-CongJW #performance #retrieval #web- Efficient Retrieval of the Top-k Most Relevant Spatial Web Objects (GC, CSJ, DW), pp. 337–348.
VLDB-2009-SankaranarayananSA #network- Path Oracles for Spatial Networks (JS, HS, HA), pp. 1210–1221.
PLDI-2009-NagarakatteZMZ #bound #c #memory management #named #safety- SoftBound: highly compatible and complete spatial memory safety for c (SN, JZ, MMKM, SZ), pp. 245–258.
LATA-2009-NakamuraHT #predict- Prediction of Creole Emergence in Spatial Language Dynamics (MN, TH, ST), pp. 614–625.
CHI-2009-CosleyBLANASG #navigation #semantics #social- A tag in the hand: supporting semantic, social, and spatial navigation in museums (DC, JB, SL, BA, SN, PA, CS, GG), pp. 1953–1962.
DHM-2009-AksenovVLC #approach- Ambient Compass: One Approach to Model Spatial Relations (PA, GV, KL, KC), pp. 183–191.
DHM-2009-RobbinsCM #architecture #human-computer #modelling- Bridging the Gap between HCI and DHM: The Modeling of Spatial Awareness within a Cognitive Architecture (BR, DWC, AM), pp. 295–304.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Kwok- Tactile Spatial Cognition by the Palm (MGK), pp. 479–485.
HCI-VAD-2009-DoL #3d #artificial reality #game studies #multi- A Multiple-Level 3D-LEGO Game in Augmented Reality for Improving Spatial Ability (TVD, JWL), pp. 296–303.
IDGD-2009-LinYK- An Investigation of the Relationship between Digit Ratio and Spatial Ability (HL, MY, YK), pp. 266–273.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-GorawskiD #algorithm #distributed #execution #performance #query- Algorithms for Efficient Top-K Spatial Preference Query Execution in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment (MG, KD), pp. 43–48.
ICEIS-J-2009-MartinoBBF #analysis #multi #tool support- Integrating Google Earth within OLAP Tools for Multidimensional Exploration and Analysis of Spatial Data (SDM, SB, MB, FF), pp. 940–951.
CIKM-2009-ChenR #analysis #detection- Event detection from flickr data through wavelet-based spatial analysis (LC, AR), pp. 523–532.
ECIR-2009-ParamitaTS #image- Generic and Spatial Approaches to Image Search Results Diversification (MLP, JT, MS), pp. 603–610.
KDD-2009-DuJDLT #approach #migration #mining- Migration motif: a spatial — temporal pattern mining approach for financial markets (XD, RJ, LD, VEL, JHTJ), pp. 1135–1144.
KDD-2009-FrankEK #approach #classification #multi- A multi-relational approach to spatial classification (RF, ME, AJK), pp. 309–318.
KDD-2009-LozanoLNLPHA #modelling- Spatial-temporal causal modeling for climate change attribution (ACL, HL, ANM, YL, CP, JRMH, NA), pp. 587–596.
KDD-2009-WuSJRG #detection #framework #performance- A LRT framework for fast spatial anomaly detection (MW, XS, CJ, SR, JG), pp. 887–896.
KEOD-2009-ArkoudasBK #logic #reasoning- Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Via 3-Valued Heterogeneous Logic (KA, SB, SK), pp. 80–87.
RecSys-2009-Bitton #collaboration #online- A spatial model for collaborative filtering of comments in an online discussion forum (EB), pp. 393–396.
SAC-2009-HarshN #multi #using- Using geo-spatial session tagging for smart multicast session discovery (PH, REN), pp. 22–27.
SAC-2009-KangGC #predict #scalability- A new inter-layer prediction scheme for spatial scalability with different frame rates (JK, GG, KC), pp. 1779–1783.
SAC-2009-LinL #generative #mining- Optimal candidate generation in spatial co-location mining (ZL, SL), pp. 1441–1445.
SAC-2009-SiqueiraCTC- A spatial bitmap-based index for geographical data warehouses (TLLS, RRC, VCT, CDdAC), pp. 1336–1342.
ISMM-2009-GuCBZD #component #locality- A component model of spatial locality (XG, IC, TB, CZ, CD), pp. 99–108.
CSL-2009-MontanariPS #decidability #logic- A Decidable Spatial Logic with Cone-Shaped Cardinal Directions (AM, GP, PS), pp. 394–408.
ASE-2008-MooreS #analysis #design #layout- Combining the Analysis of Spatial Layout and Text to Support Design Exploration (JMM, FMSI), pp. 379–382.
DAC-2008-LiuTCC #correlation #modelling #statistics- Accurate and analytical statistical spatial correlation modeling for VLSI DFM applications (JHL, MFT, LC, CCPC), pp. 694–697.
DATE-2008-HolzenspiesHKS #multi #runtime #streaming- Run-time Spatial Mapping of Streaming Applications to a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSOC) (PKFH, JH, JK, GJMS), pp. 212–217.
DATE-2008-Liu08a #correlation #performance #random #simulation- Spatial Correlation Extraction via Random Field Simulation and Production Chip Performance Regression (BL), pp. 527–532.
DATE-2008-SingheeSR #correlation #kernel #performance #statistics- Exploiting Correlation Kernels for Efficient Handling of Intra-Die Spatial Correlation, with Application to Statistical Timing (AS, SS, RAR), pp. 856–861.
DATE-2008-ZhangYWYJX #correlation #performance #process #statistics- An Efficient Method for Chip-Level Statistical Capacitance Extraction Considering Process Variations with Spatial Correlation (WZ, WY, ZW, ZY, RJ, JX), pp. 580–585.
HT-2008-KimFB #navigation #social- Spatial annotation and social navigation support for electronic books (JKK, RF, PB), pp. 233–234.
SIGMOD-2008-FangFNRS #sql- Spatial indexing in microsoft SQL server 2008 (YF, MF, GN, MR, AES), pp. 1207–1216.
SIGMOD-2008-SametSA #database #distance #network #scalability- Scalable network distance browsing in spatial databases (HS, JS, HA), pp. 43–54.
SIGMOD-2008-UYMM #capacity #database- Capacity constrained assignment in spatial databases (LHU, MLY, KM, NM), pp. 15–28.
EDOC-2008-Czarski #enterprise #internet- More than Just an Internet Hype: Added Value with Spatial-Enabled Enterprise Applications (CC).
ICEIS-DISI-2008-GascuenaG #case study #modelling #multi #representation- A Study of the Spatial Representation in Multidimensional Models (CMG, RG), pp. 339–348.
CIKM-2008-LeeLZ #framework #named #network #performance #query- ROAD: an efficient framework for location dependent spatial queries on road networks (KCKL, WCL, BZ), pp. 1327–1328.
CIKM-2008-LeeSZL #mobile #query- Valid scope computation for location-dependent spatial query in mobile broadcast environments (KCKL, JS, BZ, WCL), pp. 1231–1240.
CIKM-2008-LinL #clique #mining #performance- Fast spatial co-location mining without cliqueness checking (ZL, SL), pp. 1461–1462.
ICPR-2008-CaoBLLH #classification #word- Audio-visual event classification via spatial-temporal-audio words (YC, SB, SHL, ML, SH), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-GuptaR #approach #clustering #multi- A microeconomic approach to multi-objective spatial clustering (UG, NR), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KuksaHP #detection #kernel #performance- Fast protein homology and fold detection with sparse spatial sample kernels (PPK, PHH, VP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MauthnerDB #component #robust- Robust tracking of spatial related components (TM, MD, HB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-NorellL #distance #image- Spatially-variant morphological operations on binary images based on the polar distance transform (KN, JL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TeoLCS #3d #constraints #recognition #robust- 3D ordinal constraint in spatial configuration for robust scene recognition (CLT, SL, LFC, JS), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-WangI #classification #image #markov #modelling #multi #semantics- Combining multiple spatial hidden Markov models in image semantic classification and annotation (LW, HHSI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-XiaoCZ #correlation- Entropic thresholding based on gray-level spatial correlation histogram (YX, ZC, TZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhengBT #comprehension #integration- Understanding vehicle motion via spatial integration of intensities (JYZ, YB, HTT), pp. 1–5.
KR-2008-RenzL #automation #calculus #complexity #proving- Automated Complexity Proofs for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Calculi (JR, JJL), pp. 715–723.
SAC-2008-BordognaPPP #nondeterminism #query- Evaluating uncertain location-based spatial queries (GB, MP, GP, GP), pp. 1095–1100.
SAC-2008-ChbeirCLY #information management- Track on Advances in Spatial and Image-Based Information Systems (ASIIS): editorial message (RC, CC, KJL, KY), p. 851.
SAC-2008-GrutterBH #ontology #reasoning- Extending an ontology-based search with a formalism for spatial reasoning (RG, BBM, MH), pp. 2266–2270.
SAC-2008-LevadaMTS #estimation #higher-order #parametricity #pseudo- Spatially non-homogeneous potts model parameter estimation on higher-order neighborhood systems by maximum pseudo-likelihood (ALML, NDAM, AT, DHPS), pp. 1733–1737.
SAC-2008-PaulyS #database- Spatial vagueness and imprecision in databases (AP, MS), pp. 875–879.
SAC-2008-TiakasPNM #estimation #network- Selectivity estimation in spatial networks (ET, ANP, AN, YM), pp. 852–856.
ASPLOS-2008-DeviettiBMZ #architecture #bound #c #named #programming language #safety- Hardbound: architectural support for spatial safety of the C programming language (JD, CB, MMKM, SZ), pp. 103–114.
HPDC-2008-YanR #automation #clustering #parallel #towards- Toward automatic parallelization of spatial computation for computing clusters (BY, PJR), pp. 45–54.
PPoPP-2008-DiamondRKGGB #algebra #distributed #linear #performance- High performance dense linear algebra on a spatially distributed processor (JRD, BR, SWK, RAvdG, KG, DB), pp. 63–72.
DAC-2007-Liu #correlation #design #framework #modelling- A General Framework for Spatial Correlation Modeling in VLSI Design (FL), pp. 817–822.
DAC-2007-SundaresanM #analysis #distributed- An Analysis of Timing Violations Due to Spatially Distributed Thermal Effects in Global Wires (KS, NRM), pp. 515–520.
DATE-2007-FanMTCH #correlation #order #reduction #statistics- Statistical model order reduction for interconnect circuits considering spatial correlations (JF, NM, SXDT, YC, XH), pp. 1508–1513.
ICDAR-2007-LemaitreGP #2d #analysis #approach #layout #markov- Preliminary experiments in layout analysis of handwritten letters based on textural and spatial information and a 2D Markovian approach (ML, EG, FJP), pp. 1023–1027.
VLDB-2007-IwuchukwuN #incremental #scalability #towards- K-Anonymization as Spatial Indexing: Toward Scalable and Incremental Anonymization (TI, JFN), pp. 746–757.
VLDB-2007-WongTFX #on the #performance- On Efficient Spatial Matching (RCWW, YT, AWCF, XX), pp. 579–590.
VLDB-2007-ZinnBG #modelling #query #using- Modeling and Querying Vague Spatial Objects Using Shapelets (DZ, JB, MG), pp. 567–578.
ITiCSE-2007-JonesB #navigation #source code- Spatial skills and navigation of source code (SJJ, GEB), pp. 231–235.
SCAM-2007-MolinaS #approximate #open source #performance #source code #using- Fast Approximate Matching of Programs for Protecting Libre/Open Source Software by Using Spatial Indexes (AJMM, TS), pp. 111–122.
ILC-2007-Harmon #analysis #lisp #tool support- Computational tools for the analysis of spatial patterns of gene expression in Common Lisp (CLH), p. 18.
CHI-2007-CockburnKAZ #interface #learning- Hard lessons: effort-inducing interfaces benefit spatial learning (AC, POK, JA, SZ), pp. 1571–1580.
CHI-2007-NguyenC #multi #named #trust #video- Multiview: improving trust in group video conferencing through spatial faithfulness (DTN, JC), pp. 1465–1474.
DHM-2007-XiangZ #retrieval- Motion Retrieval Based on Temporal-Spatial Features by Decision Tree (JX, HZ), pp. 224–233.
HCI-MIE-2007-Alexandris #human-computer #quote #semantics #using- “Show and Tell”: Using Semantically Processable Prosodic Markers for Spatial Expressions in an HCI System for Consumer Complaints (CA), pp. 13–22.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IchikawaN #navigation- Driver Support System: Spatial Cognitive Ability and Its Application to Human Navigation (KI, YN), pp. 1013–1019.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IkeiOK #interface #memory management- Spatial Electronic Mnemonics: A Virtual Memory Interface (YI, HO, TK), pp. 30–37.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-GorawskiG #approach #distributed #query- Distributed approach of continuous queries with knn join processing in spatial data warehouse (MG, WG), pp. 131–136.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-MalinowskiZ #implementation- Implementing spatial datawarehouse hierarchies in object-relational DBMSs (EM, EZ), pp. 186–191.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-MatiasM #data analysis #interactive- Revisiting the olap interaction to cope with spatial data and spatial data analysis (RM, JMP), pp. 157–163.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-OsbornB #2d- An insertion strategy for a two-dimensional spatial access method (WO, KB), pp. 295–300.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-BimonteTMF #metric #visualisation- Supporting Geographical Measures through a New Visualization Metaphor in Spatial OLAP (SB, AT, SDM, FF), pp. 19–26.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-SallaberryBLG #case study #evaluation #information retrieval #library #towards- Towards an IE and IR System Dealing with Spatial Information in Digital Libraries — Evaluation Case Study (CS, MB, JL, MG), pp. 190–197.
MLDM-2007-HuWW #clustering- Varying Density Spatial Clustering Based on a Hierarchical Tree (XH, DW, XW), pp. 188–202.
SIGIR-2007-Diaz #performance #predict #using- Performance prediction using spatial autocorrelation (FD), pp. 583–590.
SIGIR-2007-Schockaert #fuzzy #information retrieval #reasoning- Fuzzy temporal and spatial reasoning for intelligent information retrieval (SS), p. 921.
QAPL-2007-CianciaF #algebra #logic #modelling- Co-Algebraic Models for Quantitative Spatial Logics (VC, GLF), pp. 43–58.
SAC-2007-RegoBSSF #library #named #video- VideoLib: a video digital library with support to spatial and temporal dimensions (ASdCR, CdSB, ERdS, US, HFdF), pp. 1074–1078.
CSL-2007-BodirskyC #reasoning #revisited- Qualitative Temporal and Spatial Reasoning Revisited (MB, HC), pp. 194–207.
CSL-2007-FiliotTT #logic #satisfiability- Satisfiability of a Spatial Logic with Tree Variables (EF, JMT, ST), pp. 130–145.
ICLP-2007-VazFL #information management #named- Spatial-Yap: A Logic-Based Geographic Information System (DV, MF, RL), pp. 195–208.
CASE-2006-HuSHL #modelling #probability #using- Vision-based Indoor Scene Cognition Using a Spatial Probabilistic Modeling Method (JSH, TMS, HCH, PCL), pp. 620–625.
CASE-2006-PotsaidWF #adaptation #automation- Automation of Challenging Spatial-Temporal Biomedical Observations with the Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM) (BP, JTW, FPF), pp. 39–44.
DATE-2006-AhnYPKKC #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- A spatial mapping algorithm for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (MA, JWY, YP, YK, MK, KC), pp. 363–368.
DATE-2006-ZhangHC #analysis #correlation #statistics- Statistical timing analysis with path reconvergence and spatial correlations (LZ, YH, CCPC), pp. 528–532.
VLDB-2006-SharifzadehS #query- The Spatial Skyline Queries (MS, CS), pp. 751–762.
ICSM-2006-FisherCZ #comprehension #difference #using- Using Sex Differences to Link Spatial Cognition and Program Comprehension (MF, AC, LZ), pp. 289–298.
CHI-2006-MarentakisB #feedback- Effects of feedback, mobility and index of difficulty on deictic spatial audio target acquisition in the horizontal plane (GNM, SAB), pp. 359–368.
CSCW-2006-BardramHS #interactive #named #social- AwareMedia: a shared interactive display supporting social, temporal, and spatial awareness in surgery (JEB, TRH, MS), pp. 109–118.
CSCW-2006-HauberRBC #performance #social #trade-off- Spatiality in videoconferencing: trade-offs between efficiency and social presence (JH, HR, MB, AC), pp. 413–422.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-DoyleWBW #interface #mobile #multimodal #personalisation- A Multimodal Interface for Personalising Spatial Data in Mobile GIS (JD, JW, MB, DCW), pp. 71–78.
ECIR-2006-CloughJP #documentation- Judging the Spatial Relevance of Documents for GIR (PDC, HJ, RP), pp. 548–552.
ICPR-v1-2006-BerrettiB #3d #modelling- Modeling Spatial Relationships between 3D Objects (SB, ADB), pp. 119–122.
ICPR-v1-2006-BriassouliA #estimation #fault #fourier #segmentation- Spatial and Fourier Error Minimization for Motion Estimation and Segmentation (AB, NA), pp. 94–97.
ICPR-v2-2006-HeW #composition #empirical #image- Spatial-variant Image Filtering Based on Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (LH, HW), pp. 1196–1199.
ICPR-v2-2006-KimYL #estimation #image #interactive #modelling #parametricity #random #segmentation #using- New MRF Parameter Estimation Technique for Texture Image Segmentation using Hierarchical GMRF Model Based on Random Spatial Interaction and Mean Field Theory (DHK, IDY, SUL), pp. 365–368.
ICPR-v2-2006-ScarpaH #clustering #independence #segmentation- Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Spectral-Spatial-Independent Clustering (GS, MH), pp. 151–154.
ICPR-v3-2006-HarmoucheCAFA #classification #modelling- Bayesian MS Lesion Classification Modeling Regional and Local Spatial Information (RH, DLC, DLA, SJF, TA), pp. 984–987.
ICPR-v3-2006-PeiLX #detection #information retrieval- A Method For IR Point Target Detection Based on Spatial-temporal Bilateral Filter (JP, ZL, WX), pp. 846–849.
ICPR-v4-2006-FengL #clustering #graph #self- Self-Validated and Spatially Coherent Clustering with Net-Structured MRF and Graph Cuts (WF, ZQL), pp. 37–40.
ICPR-v4-2006-LienY #performance #predict #using- A Fast Mode Decision Method for H.264/AVC Using the Spatial-Temporal Prediction Scheme (CCL, CPY), pp. 334–337.
ICPR-v4-2006-PinaBB #recognition- Morphological recognition of the spatial patterns of olive trees (PP, TB, LPCB), pp. 845–848.
ICPR-v4-2006-ShanZSCG06a #recognition- Ensemble of Piecewise FDA Based on Spatial Histograms of Local (Gabor) Binary Patterns for Face Recognition (SS, WZ, YS, XC, WG), pp. 606–609.
ICPR-v4-2006-WangC #detection #using #video- Detecting Video Texts Using Spatial-Temporal Wavelet Transform (YKW, JMC), pp. 754–757.
ICPR-v4-2006-XuC #classification #invariant #multi- Multiscale Blob Features for Gray Scale, Rotation and Spatial Scale Invariant Texture Classification (QX, YQC), pp. 29–32.
ICPR-v4-2006-YuI #approach #named #semantics- Spatial-HMM: A new approach for Semantic Annotation of Histological (FY, HHSI), pp. 663–666.
KDD-2006-AgarwalMPVZ #approximate #performance #statistics- Spatial scan statistics: approximations and performance study (DA, AM, JMP, SV, ZZ), pp. 24–33.
SEKE-2006-BogornyEA #framework #mining #named #preprocessor- GEOARM: an Interoperable Framework to Improve Geographic Data Preprocessing and Spatial Association Rule Mining (VB, PME, LOA), pp. 79–84.
SAC-2006-AlmeidaG #algorithm #database #incremental #nearest neighbour #network #using- Using Dijkstra’s algorithm to incrementally find the k-Nearest Neighbors in spatial network databases (VTdA, RHG), pp. 58–62.
SAC-2006-EliasEC #consistency #multi- Dynamic consistency checking for temporal and spatial relations in multimedia presentations (SE, KSE, RC), pp. 1380–1384.
SAC-2006-MeyerAWMF #grid #performance #workflow- Planning spatial workflows to optimize grid performance (LAVCM, JA, MW, MM, ITF), pp. 786–790.
SAC-2006-ParkSH #query- Continuous spatial queries via wireless data broadcast (KP, MS, CSH), pp. 78–82.
SAC-2006-ZhangG #composition #constraints #geometry #graph #theorem proving- Spatial geometric constraint solving based on k-connected graph decomposition (GFZ, XSG), pp. 979–983.
SAC-2006-ZhouAL #database #image #interactive #retrieval #similarity #using- Dynamic interactive spatial similarity retrieval in iconic image databases using enhanced digraph (XMZ, CHA, TWL), pp. 46–51.
ASPLOS-2006-CoonsCBMK #algorithm #architecture #scheduling- A spatial path scheduling algorithm for EDGE architectures (KEC, XC, DB, KSM, SKK), pp. 129–140.
ASPLOS-2006-MishraCCVGB #execution #named- Tartan: evaluating spatial computation for whole program execution (MM, TJC, TC, GV, SCG, MB), pp. 163–174.
DAC-2005-BeattieZDK #3d #distributed #modelling- Spatially distributed 3D circuit models (MWB, HZ, AD, BK), pp. 153–158.
DAC-2005-ChangS #analysis #correlation #power management #process- Full-chip analysis of leakage power under process variations, including spatial correlations (HC, SSS), pp. 523–528.
DATE-2005-KempfDLAMKV #composition #framework #multi #simulation- A Modular Simulation Framework for Spatial and Temporal Task Mapping onto Multi-Processor SoC Platforms (TK, MD, RL, GA, HM, TK, BV), pp. 876–881.
DocEng-2005-KerneKSM #clustering #generative #hypermedia #semantics- Generative semantic clustering in spatial hypertext (AK, EK, VS, JMM), pp. 84–93.
HT-2005-AtzenbeckN #constraints- Constraints in spatial structures (CA, PJN), pp. 63–65.
HT-2005-Francisco-RevillaS #ambiguity #hypermedia #parsing- Parsing and interpreting ambiguous structures in spatial hypermedia (LFR, FMSI), pp. 107–116.
HT-2005-HansenCB #hypermedia- RSS as a distribution medium for geo-spatial hypermedia (FAH, BGC, NOB), pp. 254–256.
ICDAR-2005-BouterucheAR #gesture #recognition- Handwritten Gesture Recognition Driven by the Spatial Context of Strokes (FB, ÉA, NR), pp. 1221–1225.
SIGMOD-2005-HuXL #framework #monitoring #query- A Generic Framework for Monitoring Continuous Spatial Queries over Moving Objects (HH, JX, DLL), pp. 479–490.
VLDB-2005-XiaZKD #on the- On Computing Top-t Most Influential Spatial Sites (TX, DZ, EK, YD), pp. 946–957.
ICALP-2005-ConfortiMS #graph #logic- Spatial Logics for Bigraphs (GC, DM, VS), pp. 766–778.
CHI-2005-NguyenC #multi #named #video- MultiView: spatially faithful group video conferencing (DTN, JFC), pp. 799–808.
CHI-2005-WilliamsJFW- Children and emerging wireless technologies: investigating the potential for spatial practice (MW, OJ, CF, LW), pp. 819–828.
MLDM-2005-SharmaVTV #approach #database #mining #multi #novel- A Novel Approach of Multilevel Positive and Negative Association Rule Mining for Spatial Databases (LKS, OPV, UST, RV), pp. 620–629.
SEKE-2005-BogornyEA #data mining #framework #mining- A Reuse-based Spatial Data Preparation Framework for Data Mining (VB, PME, LOA), pp. 649–652.
SEKE-2005-ParkKYH #development #embedded #mobile- Development of an Embedded Spatial MMDBMS for Spatial Mobile Devices (JWP, JJK, JKY, KJH), pp. 683–688.
PADL-2005-Almendros-JimenezC #constraints #set- Solving Constraints on Sets of Spatial Objects (JMAJ, AC), pp. 158–173.
SAC-2005-HuP #3d #complexity #parametricity- Volume fractal dimensionality: a useful parameter for measuring the complexity of 3D protein spatial structures (MH, QP), pp. 172–176.
SAC-2005-KimY #metric #similarity- Similarity measurement for aggregation of spatial objects (BK, JPY), pp. 1213–1217.
SAC-2005-PaulyS #identification- Identifying topological predicates for vague spatial objects (AP, MS), pp. 587–591.
SAC-2005-QianZQ #classification #image- Spatial contextual noise removal for post classification smoothing of remotely sensed images (YQ, KZ, FQ), pp. 524–528.
LICS-2005-BonevaTT #logic- Expressiveness of a Spatial Logic for Trees (IB, JMT, ST), pp. 280–289.
DocEng-2004-Francisco-RevillaS #adaptation #hypermedia- Instructional information in adaptive spatial hypertext (LFR, FMSI), pp. 124–133.
HT-2004-BuchananBTJ #hypermedia #library- Integrating information seeking and structuring: exploring the role of spatial hypertext in a digital library (GB, AB, HWT, MJ), pp. 225–234.
HT-2004-Francisco-RevillaS #hypermedia #named- WARP: a web-based dynamic spatial hypertext (LFR, FMSI), pp. 235–236.
HT-2004-StottsSG #hypermedia #named #video- FaceSpace: endo- and exo-spatial hypermedia in the transparent video facetop (PDS, JMS, KG), pp. 48–57.
PODS-2004-BenediktLBW #first-order- A Characterization of First-Order Topological Properties of Planar Spatial Data (MB, CL, JVdB, TW), pp. 107–114.
PODS-2004-FerhatosmanogluRT #clustering- Replicated Declustering of Spatial Data (HF, AR, AST), pp. 125–135.
SIGMOD-2004-CohenK #algorithm #network- Spatially-decaying aggregation over a network: model and algorithms (EC, HK), pp. 707–718.
SIGMOD-2004-DasGR #approximate- Approximation Techniques for Spatial Data (AD, JG, MR), pp. 695–706.
SIGMOD-2004-QianZZ #approach #clustering #effectiveness #named #performance- FAÇADE: A Fast and Effective Approach to the Discovery of Dense Clusters in Noisy Spatial Data (YQ, GZ, KZ), pp. 921–922.
SIGMOD-2004-YiuM #clustering #network- Clustering Objects on a Spatial Network (MLY, NM), pp. 443–454.
VLDB-2004-BandiSAA #case study #database #hardware- Hardware Acceleration in Commercial Databases: A Case Study of Spatial Operations (NB, CS, AEA, DA), pp. 1021–1032.
VLDB-2004-IwerksSS #maintenance #query- Maintenance of Spatial Semijoin Queries on Moving Points (GSI, HS, KPS), pp. 828–839.
VLDB-2004-KolahdouzanS #database #nearest neighbour #network- Voronoi-Based K Nearest Neighbor Search for Spatial Network Databases (MRK, CS), pp. 840–851.
FoSSaCS-2004-Caires #behaviour #logic #π-calculus- Behavioral and Spatial Observations in a Logic for the π-Calculus (LC), pp. 72–89.
ICSM-2004-MohanGL #approach #complexity #comprehension #concept #using- An Approach to Understanding Program Comprehensibility Using Spatial Complexity, Concept Assignment and Typographical Style (AM, NG, PJL), p. 530.
WCRE-2004-MohanGL #approach #complexity #concept #using- An Initial Approach to Assessing Program Comprehensibility Using Spatial Complexity, Number of Concepts and Typographical Style (AM, NG, PJL), pp. 246–255.
SAS-2004-KuncakR #logic- Generalized Records and Spatial Conjunction in Role Logic (VK, MCR), pp. 361–376.
SAS-2004-NielsonNP #analysis- Spatial Analysis of BioAmbients (HRN, FN, HP), pp. 69–83.
CSCW-2004-TseHSG #clustering #dependence #how #people- Avoiding interference: how people use spatial separation and partitioning in SDG workspaces (ET, JH, SDS, SG), pp. 252–261.
ICEIS-v1-2004-CorcolesG #integration #web #xml- Study of Different Approaches to the Integration of Spatial XML Web Resources (JEC, PG), pp. 364–369.
ICEIS-v5-2004-Sneiders #tool support- Tool Support for Legal Enquiry: Focus on Spatial-Planning Law (ES), pp. 289–294.
ICPR-v2-2004-BerrettiB #clustering #multi #representation- Multiresolution Spatial Partitioning for Shape Representation (SB, ADB), pp. 775–778.
ICPR-v2-2004-BriassouliA #analysis- Fusion of Frequency and Spatial Domain Information for Motion Analysis (AB, NA), pp. 175–178.
ICPR-v2-2004-SageB #learning- Joint Spatial and Temporal Structure Learning for Task based Control (KS, HB), pp. 48–51.
ICPR-v4-2004-McKennaN #learning #using- Learning Spatial Context from Tracking using Penalised Likelihoods (SJM, HNC), pp. 138–141.
ICPR-v4-2004-SangiHS #analysis #difference #metric #using- Motion Analysis Using Frame Differences with Spatial Gradient Measures (PS, JH, OS), pp. 733–736.
KDD-2004-KummamuruKA #difference #learning #metric- Learning spatially variant dissimilarity (SVaD) measures (KK, RK, RA), pp. 611–616.
KDD-2004-NeillM #agile #clustering #detection- Rapid detection of significant spatial clusters (DBN, AWM), pp. 256–265.
KDD-2004-ZhangMCS #mining #performance- Fast mining of spatial collocations (XZ, NM, DWC, YS), pp. 384–393.
KR-2004-SchulzH #concept- Parthood as Spatial Inclusion — Evidence from biomedical Conceptualizations (SS, UH), pp. 55–63.
SAC-2004-QianZ #automation #clustering #named #performance- GraphZip: a fast and automatic compression method for spatial data clustering (YQ, KZ), pp. 571–575.
ASPLOS-2004-BudiuVCG- Spatial computation (MB, GV, TC, SCG), pp. 14–26.
HPCA-2004-ChenYFM #effectiveness #predict- Accurate and Complexity-Effective Spatial Pattern Prediction (CFC, SHY, BF, AM), pp. 276–287.
HT-2003-ShipmanGW #editing- Combining spatial and navigational structure in the hyper-hitchcock hypervideo editor (FMSI, AG, LW), pp. 124–125.
ICDAR-2003-LecoqM #visual notation- Spatial Alphanumerical Attributes for Graphical Treatings (JCL, MM), pp. 814–818.
SIGMOD-2003-SunAA #hardware- Hardware Acceleration for Spatial Selections and Joins (CS, DA, AEA), pp. 455–466.
SIGMOD-2003-ZhangZPTL #query- Location-based Spatial Queries (JZ, MZ, DP, YT, DLL), pp. 443–454.
VLDB-2003-LinLYZ #dataset #multi #scalability- Multiscale Histograms: Summarizing Topological Relations in Large Spatial Datasets (XL, QL, YY, XZ), pp. 814–825.
VLDB-2003-PapadiasZMT #database #network #query- Query Processing in Spatial Network Databases (DP, JZ, NM, YT), pp. 802–813.
FASE-2003-ScottBM #mobile #policy #security- Spatial Security Policies for Mobile Agents in a Sentient Computing Environment (DJS, ARB, AM), pp. 102–117.
CHI-2003-TanGSP #performance #visual notation- With similar visual angles, larger displays improve spatial performance (DST, DG, PS, RP), pp. 217–224.
CHI-2003-Yee03a #interactive- Peephole displays: pen interaction on spatially aware handheld computers (KPY), pp. 1–8.
ICEIS-v1-2003-MorochoSP #database #named #ontology #semantics- Ontologies: Solving Semantic Heterogeneity in a Federated Spatial Database System (VM, FS, LPV), pp. 347–352.
CIKM-2003-BoucelmaGL- The virGIS WFS-based spatial mediation system (OB, JYG, ZL), pp. 370–374.
KDD-2003-SequeiraZSC #data mining #locality #mining #source code- Improving spatial locality of programs via data mining (KS, MJZ, BKS, CDC), pp. 649–654.
SEKE-2003-BeaverS #data analysis #modelling #quality- Spatial Data Analysis as a Software Quality Modeling Technique (JMB, GAS), pp. 74–77.
OOPSLA-2003-TanterNCC #behaviour- Partial behavioral reflection: spatial and temporal selection of reification (ÉT, JN, DC, PC), pp. 27–46.
SAC-2003-HarmsDG #information management- Building Knowledge Discovery into a Geo-spatial Decision Support System (SKH, JSD, SG), pp. 445–449.
SAC-2003-PerrizoDDSDK #incremental #named- PINE — Podium Incremental Neighbor Evaluator for Classifying Spatial Data (WP, QD, AD, KS, QD, MK), pp. 503–508.
CGO-2003-BudiuG #memory management #optimisation- Optimizing Memory Accesses For Spatial Computation (MB, SCG), pp. 216–227.
PPoPP-2003-Kazar #data mining #mining #performance #scalability- High performance spatial data mining for very large data-sets (BMK), p. 1.
HT-2002-GronbaekVO #concept #hypermedia #implementation #prototype #towards- Towards geo-spatial hypermedia: Concepts and prototype implementation (KG, PPV, PØ), pp. 117–126.
HT-2002-ShipmanMMHA #hypermedia #semantics- Semantics happen: knowledge building in spatial hypertext (FMSI, JMM, PM, HwH, RA), pp. 25–34.
HT-2002-YamamotoNA #authoring #design #development #hypermedia #interactive #principle- Spatial Hypertext for linear-information authoring: Interaction design and system development based on the ART Design principle (YY, KN, AA), pp. 35–44.
SIGMOD-2002-KanthRA #comparison #using- Quadtree and R-tree indexes in oracle spatial: a comparison using GIS data (KVRK, SR, DA), pp. 546–557.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-Amarasinghe #architecture #compilation- Defying the speed of light: : a spatially-aware compiler for wire-exposed architectures (SPA), p. 70.
ICALP-2002-CardelliGG #graph #logic #query- A Spatial Logic for Querying Graphs (LC, PG, GG), pp. 597–610.
CHI-2002-CockburnM #2d #3d #effectiveness #memory management #physics- Evaluating the effectiveness of spatial memory in 2D and 3D physical and virtual environments (AC, BJM), pp. 203–210.
ICEIS-2002-SalemEKH #approach #clustering #database- A Density-Based Approach for Clustering Spatial Database (ABMS, TE, MFK, AEH), pp. 418–423.
CIKM-2002-PanF #data mining #library #mining #quote #video- “GeoPlot”: spatial data mining on video libraries (JYP, CF), pp. 405–412.
ICML-2002-PanangadanD #2d #correlation #learning #navigation- Learning Spatial and Temporal Correlation for Navigation in a 2-Dimensional Continuous World (AP, MGD), pp. 474–481.
ICPR-v1-2002-KoB #image #retrieval #using- Integrated Region-Based Image Retrieval Using Region??s Spatial Relationships (BK, HB), pp. 196–199.
ICPR-v1-2002-SinghS #analysis #case study #comparative- Spatial Texture Analysis: A Comparative Study (MS, SS), pp. 676–679.
ICPR-v1-2002-Wilkinson- Generalized Pattern Spectra Sensitive to Spatial Information (MHFW), pp. 21–24.
ICPR-v2-2002-Okombi-DibaMS #image #segmentation- Segmentation of Spatially Variant Image Textures (BROD, JM, KS), pp. 917–920.
ICPR-v3-2002-CheungI #retrieval #semantics- Semantic Retrieval by Spatial Relationships (KKTC, HHSI), pp. 16–19.
ICPR-v3-2002-DeschenesZF #estimation- Homotopy-Based Estimation of Depth Cues in Spatial Domain (FD, DZ, PF), pp. 627–630.
ICPR-v3-2002-HuH #component #image- Spatial Color Component Matching of Images (JH, EH), pp. 948–951.
SIGIR-2002-JonesPRSSKW #bibliography #information retrieval #ontology- Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies an overview of the SPIRIT project (CBJ, RP, AR, MS, MS, MJvK, RW), pp. 387–388.
SAC-2002-DingDP #classification #data type #using- Decision tree classification of spatial data streams using Peano Count Trees (QD, QD, WP), pp. 413–417.
HT-2001-ShipmanHMM #generative #hypermedia #visual notation- The visual knowledge builder: a second generation spatial hypertext (FMSI, HwH, PM, JMM), pp. 113–122.
ICDAR-2001-Likforman-Sulem #image #using #visual notation- Name Block Location in Facsimile Images Using Spatial/Visual Cues (LLS), pp. 680–684.
VLDB-2001-Adler- DB2 Spatial Extender — Spatial data within the RDBMS (DWA), pp. 687–690.
VLDB-2001-AnSVKIG #behaviour #data access #energy- Analyzing energy behavior of spatial access methods for memory-resident data (NA, AS, NV, MTK, MJI, SG), pp. 411–420.
VLDB-2001-SakuraiYKU #adaptation #query #similarity #using- Similarity Search for Adaptive Ellipsoid Queries Using Spatial Transformation (YS, MY, RK, SU), pp. 231–240.
STOC-2001-KempeKD #protocol- Spatial gossip and resource location protocols (DK, JMK, AJD), pp. 163–172.
CHI-2001-Baldis #comprehension #memory management- Effects of spatial audio on memory, comprehension, and preference during desktop conferences (JJB), pp. 166–173.
CIKM-2001-ChoHLP #integer #using- Dynamic and Hierarchical Spatial Access Method using Integer Searching (KC, YH, YL, EKP), pp. 341–348.
KDD-2001-HarelK #clustering #random #using- Clustering spatial data using random walks (DH, YK), pp. 281–286.
KDD-2001-Morimoto #database #mining #set- Mining frequent neighboring class sets in spatial databases (YM), pp. 353–358.
KDD-2001-ShekharLZ #algorithm #detection #graph #summary- Detecting graph-based spatial outliers: algorithms and applications (a summary of results) (SS, CTL, PZ), pp. 371–376.
MLDM-2001-SyG #analysis #approach #data mining #mining #statistics- Data Mining Approach Based on Information-Statistical Analysis: Application to Temporal-Spatial Data (BKS, AKG), pp. 128–140.
SAC-2001-MedeirosSSP #aspect-oriented #collaboration #coordination- Coordination aspects in a spatial group decision support collaborative system (SPJM, JMdS, JCMS, GdRBP), pp. 182–186.
HT-2000-MogensenG #3d #hypermedia #towards- Hypermedia in the virtual project room — toward open 3D spatial hypermedia (PM, KG), pp. 113–122.
PODS-2000-GeertsK #approximate #database #linear #logic #transitive #using- Linear Approximation of Planar Spatial Databases Using Transitive-Closure Logic (FG, BK), pp. 126–135.
PODS-2000-GrossR #constraints #database #generative- Uniform Generation in Spatial Constraint Databases and Applications (DG, MdR), pp. 254–259.
SIGMOD-2000-BarclaySG #named- TerraServer: A Spatial Data Warehouse (TB, DRS, JG), pp. 307–318.
SIGMOD-2000-CorralMTV #database #query- Closest Pair Queries in Spatial Databases (AC, YM, YT, MV), pp. 189–200.
SIGMOD-2000-FaloutsosSTT #using- Spatial Join Selectivity Using Power Laws (CF, BS, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 177–188.
SIGMOD-2000-LiBCS #image #named #retrieval- SPIRE: A Progressive Content-Based Spatial Image Retrieval Engine (CSL, LDB, VC, JRS), p. 598.
CHI-2000-RodensteinD #design- Talking in circles: designing a spatially-grounded audioconferencing environment (RR, JSD), pp. 81–88.
CSCW-2000-RodensteinD #social- Talking in circles: a spatially-grounded social environment (RR, JSD), p. 349.
ICML-2000-VuceticO #contest- Discovering Homogeneous Regions in Spatial Data through Competition (SV, ZO), pp. 1095–1102.
ICPR-v1-2000-BerrettiBV #retrieval- The Computational Aspect of Retrieval by Spatial Arrangement (SB, ADB, EV), pp. 5047–5051.
ICPR-v1-2000-ChaoNO #3d #invariant #recognition #representation- A Hierarchical Invariant Representation of Spatial Topology of 3D Objects and Its Application to Object Recognition (JC, MN, SO), pp. 1920–1923.
ICPR-v1-2000-HsiehF #image #retrieval #using- Color Image Retrieval Using Shape and Spatial Properties (ISH, KCF), pp. 5023–5026.
ICPR-v1-2000-SteinbachGEB #3d #multi #re-engineering #using- 3-D Object Reconstruction Using Spatially Extended Voxels and Multi-Hypothesis Voxel Coloring (EGS, BG, PE, AB), pp. 1774–1777.
ICPR-v1-2000-SuzukiSAO #analysis #image- Dynamic Shadow Compensation of Aerial Images Based on Color and Spatial Analysis (AS, AS, HA, SO), pp. 1317–1320.
ICPR-v1-2000-VogelhuberS #constraints #detection- Face Detection Based on Generic Local Descriptors and Spatial Constraints (VV, CS), pp. 5084–5087.
ICPR-v2-2000-MottlDLM #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Pattern Recognition in Spatial Data: A New Method of Seismic Explorations for Oil and Gas in Crystalline Basement Rocks (VM, SD, VL, IBM), pp. 2315–2318.
ICPR-v3-2000-KozlovMSRK #performance #segmentation- Fast Redundant Dyadic Wavelet Transform in Application to Spatial Registration of the Expression Patterns of Drosophila Segmentation Genes (KK, EM, MS, JR, DK), pp. 3463–3466.
ICPR-v3-2000-RomeroRT #performance- Fast Skeletonization of Spatially Encoded Objects (FR, LR, FT), pp. 3514–3517.
ICPR-v3-2000-ToczyskiP #bias #estimation #geometry #linear #process- Complementary Linear Biases in Spatial Derivative Estimation for Improving Geometry-Driven Diffusion Processes (WDT, NP), pp. 3001–3006.
ICPR-v4-2000-Zheng #analysis #flexibility- A Flexible Laser Range Sensor Based on Spatial-temporal Analysis (JYZ), pp. 4740–4743.
KR-2000-Bloch #representation- Spatial representation of spatial relationship knowledge (IB), pp. 247–258.
KR-2000-CristaniCB- Spatial Locations via Morpho-Mereology (MC, AGC, BB), pp. 15–25.
KR-2000-Stell #multi #representation- The Representation of Discrete Multi-resolution Spatial Knowledge (JGS), pp. 38–49.
SAC-2000-Vazirgiannis #nondeterminism- Uncertainty Handling in Spatial Relationships (MV), pp. 494–500.
HT-1999-ReinertBPN #collaboration #component #incremental #named #parsing- CAOS: A Collaborative and Open Spatial Structure Service Component with Incremental Spatial Parsing (OR, DBL, CAP, PJN), pp. 49–50.
ICDAR-1999-KamadaF #image #performance- High-speed, High-accuracy Binarization Method for Recognizing Text in Images of Low Spatial Resolutions (HK, KF), pp. 139–142.
ICDAR-1999-WorringT #clustering #documentation #segmentation #using- Segmentation of Color Documents by Line Oriented Clustering using Spatial Information (MW, LT), pp. 67–70.
PODS-1999-PapadiasMT #multi #optimisation #using- Processing and Optimization of Multiway Spatial Joins Using R-Trees (DP, NM, YT), pp. 44–55.
SIGMOD-1999-AcharyaPR #database #estimation- Selectivity Estimation in Spatial Databases (SA, VP, SR), pp. 13–24.
SIGMOD-1999-Keim #3d #database #geometry #performance #similarity- Efficient Geometry-based Similarity Search of 3D Spatial Databases (DAK), pp. 419–430.
SIGMOD-1999-MamoulisP #algorithm #integration #multi- Integration of Spatial Join Algorithms for Processing Multiple Inputs (NM, DP), pp. 1–12.
CHI-1999-RekimotoS #hybrid- Augmented Surfaces: A Spatially Continuous Work Space for Hybrid Computing Environments (JR, MS), pp. 378–385.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Stempfhuber #layout #user interface #visual notation- Dynamic spatial layout in graphical user interfaces (MS), pp. 137–141.
HCI-EI-1999-EdwardsEA- Isomorphic Sonification of Spatial Relations (ADNE, GEE, AVA), pp. 526–530.
ACIR-1999-ChennawasinCC #empirical #information retrieval #memory management #user interface- An Empirical Study of Memory and Information Retrieval with a Spatial User Interface (CC, JC, CC).
CIKM-1999-KimSC #database #image #ranking #representation- Spatial Match Representation Scheme Supporting Ranking in Iconic Images Databases (YJK, CBS, JWC), pp. 450–457.
CIKM-1999-SongWLLK- Transformation-Based Spatial Join (JWS, KYW, YKL, MJL, SWK), pp. 15–26.
CIKM-1999-YuOE #performance #scalability- Simple QSF-Trees: An Efficient and Scalable Spatial Access Method (BY, RO, MWE), pp. 5–14.
HPDC-1999-LigonMS #multi #problem- Spatially Decomposed Multigrain MOM Problems on NOWs (WBLI, AQM, DCSJ), pp. 149–155.
CSL-1999-Vianu #database #query- Topological Queries in Spatial Databases (VV), p. 1.
HT-1998-ChenC #approach #hypermedia #semantics- From Latent Semantics to Spatial Hypertext — An Integrated Approach (CC, MC), pp. 77–86.
PODS-1998-SegoufinV #database #invariant #query- Querying Spatial Databases via Topological Invariants (LS, VV), pp. 89–98.
PODS-1998-VandeurzenGG #database #linear #query- An Expressive Language for Linear Spatial Database Queries (LV, MG, DVG), pp. 109–118.
SIGMOD-1998-GrumbachRS #query- The DEDALE System for Complex Spatial Queries (SG, PR, LS), pp. 213–224.
SIGMOD-1998-HjaltasonS #algorithm #database #distance #incremental- Incremental Distance Join Algorithms for Spatial Databases (GRH, HS), pp. 237–248.
VLDB-1998-ArgePRSV #scalability- Scalable Sweeping-Based Spatial Join (LA, OP, SR, TS, JSV), pp. 570–581.
VLDB-1998-Mina- MapInfo SpatialWare: A Spatial Information Server for RDBMS (CM), p. 704.
VLDB-1998-PapadiasMD #algorithm #query- Algorithms for Querying by Spatial Structure (DP, NM, VD), pp. 546–557.
VLDB-1998-SheikholeslamiCZ #approach #clustering #database #multi #named #scalability- WaveCluster: A Multi-Resolution Clustering Approach for Very Large Spatial Databases (GS, SC, AZ), pp. 428–439.
VLDB-1998-ZimbraoS #approximate- A Raster Approximation For Processing of Spatial Joins (GZ, JMdS), pp. 558–569.
CHI-1998-BalakrishnanP- The PadMouse: Facilitating Selection and Spatial Positioning for the Non-Dominant Hand (RB, PP), pp. 9–16.
CIKM-1998-KimC #clustering #performance #query- Sibling Clustering of Tree-Based Spatial Indexes for Efficient Spatial Query Processing (KK, SKC), pp. 398–405.
CIKM-1998-PapadiasMM #constraints #image #retrieval #similarity- Image Similarity Retrieval by Spatial Constraints (DP, NM, DM), pp. 289–296.
ICPR-1998-AlbrechtM- Stereo photogrammetry with improved spatial resolution (PA, BM), pp. 845–849.
ICPR-1998-BakerS #nondeterminism #representation- Representation of uncertainty in spatial target tracking (TB, MJAS), pp. 1339–1342.
ICPR-1998-HjaltasonRSW #modelling #ranking #recognition #sorting #using- Using spatial sorting and ranking in model-based object recognition (GRH, MR, HS, IW), pp. 1347–1349.
ICPR-1998-LiQ #image #retrieval #using- Matching spatial relations using DB-tree for image retrieval (XL, XQ), pp. 1230–1234.
ICPR-1998-OjalaP #multi #parametricity- Nonparametric multichannel texture description with simple spatial operators (TO, MP), pp. 1052–1056.
ICPR-1998-PinzA #reasoning #recognition- Qualitative spatial reasoning to infer the camera position in generic object recognition (AP, JPA), pp. 770–773.
ICPR-1998-ZhaoO #adaptation #clustering- Adaptive local thresholding with fuzzy-validity-guided spatial partitioning (XZ, SHO), pp. 988–990.
KDD-1998-EsterFKS #algorithm #database #detection- Algorithms for Characterization and Trend Detection in Spatial Databases (ME, AF, HPK, JS), pp. 44–50.
SIGIR-1998-JoseFH #evaluation #image #query #retrieval- Spatial Querying for Image Retrieval: A User-Oriented Evaluation (JMJ, JF, DJH), pp. 232–240.
SAC-1998-MortonZHO #distributed #parallel- The parallelization of a physically based, spatially distributed hydrologic code for arctic regions (DJM, ZZ, LDH, SO), pp. 684–689.
HT-1997-MarshallS #hypermedia- Spatial Hypertext and the Practice of Information Triage (CCM, FMSI), pp. 124–133.
HT-1997-Neves- The Aleph: A Tool to Spatially Represent User Knowledge About the WWW Docuverse (FDN), pp. 197–207.
ICDAR-1997-IshideraNY #recognition #using #word- Unconstrained Japanese Address Recognition Using a Combination of Spatial Information and Word Knowledge (EI, DN, KY), p. 1016–?.
ICDAR-1997-Walischewski #automation #documentation #information management- Automatic Knowledge Acquisition for Spatial Document Interpretation (HW), p. 243–?.
PODS-1997-GuchtDGV #algebra #database #decidability #on the #set- On the Decidability of Semi-Linearity of Semi-Algebraic Sets and Its Implications for Spatial Databases (FD, MG, LV, DVG), pp. 68–77.
SIGMOD-1997-HanKS #data mining #mining #named #prototype- GeoMiner: A System Prototype for Spatial Data Mining (JH, KK, NS), pp. 553–556.
SIGMOD-1997-KoudasS- Size Separation Spatial Join (NK, KCS), pp. 324–335.
SIGMOD-1997-PatelYKTNBHRLEKGDN #evaluation #implementation- Building a Scaleable Geo-Spatial DBMS: Technology, Implementation, and Evaluation (JMP, JBY, NK, KT, BN, JB, NEH, KR, RL, CJE, JK, SG, DJD, JFN), pp. 336–347.
VLDB-1997-HuangJR #optimisation #traversal #using- Spatial Joins Using R-trees: Breadth-First Traversal with Global Optimizations (YWH, NJ, EAR), pp. 396–405.
VLDB-1997-WangYM #approach #data mining #grid #mining #named #statistics- STING: A Statistical Information Grid Approach to Spatial Data Mining (WW, JY, RRM), pp. 186–195.
CIKM-1997-AbdelmotyJ #consistency #database #maintenance #towards- Towards Maintaining Consistency of Spatial Databases (AIA, CBJ), pp. 293–300.
CIKM-1997-ChangKC #database #image #query #representation- A Spatial Match Representation Scheme for Indexing and Querying in Iconic Image Databases (JWC, YJK, KJC), pp. 169–176.
KDD-1997-EsterKSX #database #detection #set- Density-Connected Sets and their Application for Trend Detection in Spatial Databases (ME, HPK, JS, XX), pp. 10–15.
SAC-1997-CoppaNT #formal method #representation- A formal model for the discrete representation of spatial objects (FC, EN, MT), pp. 144–151.
SAC-1997-WeiqiY #multi- Spatial index based on multiple interval segments (XW, YF), pp. 152–154.
HT-1996-Tolva #word- Ut Pictura Hyperpoesis: Spatial Form, Visuality, and the Digital Word (JT), pp. 66–73.
PODS-1996-PapadimitriouSV #database #query- Topological Queries in Spatial Databases (CHP, DS, VV), pp. 81–92.
SIGMOD-1996-LoR- Spatial Hash-Joins (MLL, CVR), pp. 247–258.
SIGMOD-1996-PatelD- Partition Based Spatial-Merge Join (JMP, DJD), pp. 259–270.
VLDB-1996-SevcikK- Filter Trees for Managing Spatial Data over a Range of Size Granularities (KCS, NK), pp. 16–27.
CSCW-1996-BenfordBRG- Shared Spaces: Transportation, Artificiality, and Spatiality (SB, CB, GR, CG), pp. 77–86.
CSCW-1996-KuzuokaINN #collaboration #communication #named #video- GestureCam: A Video Communication System to Support Spatial Workspace Collaboration (Video Program) (HK, GI, YN, YN), p. 9.
CAiSE-1996-TryfonaS #database #modelling #on the- On Information Modeling to Support Interoperable Spatial Databases (NT, JS), pp. 210–221.
CIKM-1996-Henrich #adaptation #documentation- Adapting a Spatial Access Structure for Document Representations in Vector Space (AH), pp. 19–26.
CIKM-1996-LeePHC #composition #query #using- Spatial Query Processing Using Object Decomposition Method (YJL, HHP, NHH, CWC), pp. 53–61.
ICPR-1996-DunkerHS #3d #estimation #prototype #recognition #set #using- Single view recognition and pose estimation of 3D objects using sets of prototypical views and spatially tolerant contour representations (JD, GH, MS), pp. 14–18.
ICPR-1996-LasakulAK #analysis #formal method #image #linear #multi #using- A theory of image restoration for linear spatial degradation using multiresolution analysis (AL, KA, SK), pp. 422–426.
ICPR-1996-LimVW- Resolution consideration in spatially variant sensors (FLL, SV, GAWW), pp. 795–799.
ICPR-1996-NishimuraK0HNNO #image #locality #using- Effect of time-spatial size of motion image for localization by using the spotting method (TN, HK, YI, AH, SN, SN, RO), pp. 191–195.
ICPR-1996-SakaguchiM #feature model #recognition- Face feature extraction from spatial frequency for dynamic expression recognition (TS, SM), pp. 451–455.
KDD-1996-EsterKSX #algorithm #clustering #database #scalability- A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise (ME, HPK, JS, XX), pp. 226–231.
KDD-1996-KnorrN #concept #proximity- Extraction of Spatial Proximity Patterns by Concept Generalization (EMK, RTN), pp. 347–350.
KR-1996-CohnG #approach #representation- Representing Spatial Vagueness: A Mereological Approach (AGC, NMG), pp. 230–241.
KR-1996-Lemon #logic #semantics- Semantical Foundations of Spatial Logics (OL), pp. 212–219.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LoprestiZNS #recognition- Spatial sampling effects in optical character recognition (DPL, JZ, GN, PS), pp. 309–314.
PODS-1995-BrodskyLLM #constraints- Separability of Polyhedra for Optimal Filtering of Spatial and Constraint Data (AB, CL, JLL, MJM), pp. 54–65.
PODS-1995-PagelSW #clustering- Window Query-Optimal Clustering of Spatial Objects (BUP, HWS, MW), pp. 86–94.
VLDB-1995-BelussiF #correlation #query #using- Estimating the Selectivity of Spatial Queries Using the “Correlation” Fractal Dimension (AB, CF), pp. 299–310.
VLDB-1995-HoelS #benchmark #metric- Benchmarking Spatial Join Operations with Spatial Output (EGH, HS), pp. 606–618.
VLDB-1995-SistlaYLL #retrieval #similarity #using- Similarity based Retrieval of Pictures Using Indices on Spatial Relationships (APS, CTY, CL, KLL), pp. 619–629.
CHI-1995-ShipmanMM #using- Finding and Using Implicit Structure in Human-Organized Spatial Layouts of Information (FMSI, CCM, TPM), pp. 346–353.
CIKM-1995-AbdelmotyE #database #reasoning- A General Method for Spatial Reasoning in Spatial Databases (AIA, BAEG), pp. 312–317.
CIKM-1995-ManolopoulosNPV #generative #on the #random- On the Generation of Aggregated Random Spatial Regions (YM, EN, GP, MV), pp. 318–325.
KDD-1995-EsterKX #clustering #database #interface #scalability- A Database Interface for Clustering in Large Spatial Databases (ME, HPK, XX), pp. 94–99.
SAC-1995-BangL #database #named #performance- SMR-tree: an efficient index structure for spatial databases (KSB, HL), pp. 46–50.
SAC-1995-StearnsC #concept #machine learning #rule-based- Rule-based machine learning of spatial data concepts (SS, DCSC), pp. 242–247.
SAC-1995-Tunstel #fuzzy #mobile #navigation #representation- Fuzzy spatial map representation for mobile robot navigation (ET), pp. 586–589.
HT-ECHT-1994-MarshallSC #hypermedia #named- VIKI: Spatial Hypertext Supporting Emergent Structure (CCM, FMSI, JHC), pp. 13–23.
HT-ECHT-1994-MasudaIU #automation #navigation- Frame-Axis Model for Automatic Information Organizing and Spatial Navigation (YM, YI, MU), pp. 146–157.
PODS-1994-ParedaensBG #database #formal method #query #towards- Towards a Theory of Spatial Database Queries (JP, JVdB, DVG), pp. 279–288.
SIGMOD-1994-BrinkhoffKSS #multi- Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins (TB, HPK, RS, BS), pp. 197–208.
SIGMOD-1994-BrinkhoffKSS94a #named #performance #query- GENESYS: A System for Efficient Spatial Query Processing (TB, HPK, RS, BS), p. 519.
SIGMOD-1994-LoR #using- Spatial Joins Using Seeded Trees (MLL, CVR), pp. 209–220.
VLDB-1994-BrinkhoffK #clustering #database- The Impact of Global Clustering on Spatial Database Systems (TB, HPK), pp. 168–179.
VLDB-1994-HoelS #performance- Performance of Data-Parallel Spatial Operations (EGH, HS), pp. 156–167.
VLDB-1994-LuOT #on the- On Spatially Partitioned Temporal Join (HL, BCO, KLT), pp. 546–557.
VLDB-1994-NgH #clustering #data mining #effectiveness #mining #performance- Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining (RTN, JH), pp. 144–155.
VLDB-1994-SistlaYH #reasoning #retrieval- Reasoning About Spatial Relationships in Picture Retrieval Systems (APS, CTY, RH), pp. 570–581.
CIKM-1994-ArefS #database #process #proximity- Hashing by Proximity to Process Duplicates in Spatial Databases (WGA, HS), pp. 347–354.
CIKM-1994-ZhaoZ #approach #database #graph #roadmap #traversal- Spatial Data Traversal in Road Map Databases: A Graph Indexing Approach (JLZ, AZ), pp. 355–362.
KR-1994-Bennett #logic #reasoning- Spatial Reasoning with Propositional Logics (BB), pp. 51–62.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-AdnaniS #approach #information management #named #object-oriented- SPATIO2: An Object Oriented Approach for a Generalized Spatial Information System (MEA, MS), pp. 375–381.
SAC-1994-ChretienVLLP #design- The GéoSabrina design: the way to build a GIS above a spatial data server (DC, YV, TL, RL, DP), pp. 328–332.
DAC-1993-LaiFW #data type #performance #query- HV/VH Trees: A New Spatial Data Structure for Fast Region Queries (GGL, DSF, DFW), pp. 43–47.
HT-1993-MarshallS #hypermedia- Searching for the Missing Link: Discovering Implicit Structure in Spatial Hypertext (CCM, FMSI), pp. 217–230.
PODS-1993-PagelSTW #analysis #data type #performance #query #towards- Towards an Analysis of Range Query Performance in Spatial Data Structures (BUP, HWS, HT, PW), pp. 214–221.
SIGMOD-1993-BrinkhoffKS #performance #using- Efficient Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-Trees (TB, HPK, BS), pp. 237–246.
SIGMOD-1993-Egenhofer #database #navigation #requirements #what- What’s Special about Spatial? Database Requirements for Vehicle Navigation in Geographic Space (Extended Abstract) (MJE), pp. 398–402.
HCI-SHI-1993-BenfordF #interactive- Awareness, Focus, and Aura: A Spatial Model of Interaction in Virtual Worlds (SB, LEF), pp. 693–698.
ILPS-1993-Meyer #logic #reasoning #towards #visual notation- Logic and the Structure of Space — Towards a Visual Logic for Spatial Reasoning (BM), p. 674.
VLDB-1992-Samet #database- Spatial Databases (HS), p. 221.
CHI-1992-Kuzuoka #collaboration #video- Spatial Workspace Collaboration: A SharedView Video Support System for Remote Collaboration Capability (HK), pp. 533–540.
CHI-1992-OsbornA #interactive #interface #reasoning #visualisation- An Interface for Interactive Spatial Reasoning and Visualization (JRO, AMA), pp. 75–82.
CHI-1992-SellenBA #using- Using Spatial Cues to Improve Videoconferencing (AS, WB, JLA), pp. 651–652.
KR-1992-RandellCC #logic- A Spatial Logic based on Regions and Connection (DAR, ZC, AGC), pp. 165–176.
ML-1992-ConklinG- Spatial Analogy and Subsumption (DC, JIG), pp. 111–116.
PODS-1991-HelmMO #constraints #database #optimisation #query- Constraint-Based Query Optimization for Spatial Databases (RH, KM, MO), pp. 181–191.
SIGMOD-1991-BeckerSW- Spatial Priority Search: An Access Technique for Scaleless Maps (BB, HWS, PW), pp. 128–137.
VLDB-1991-ArefS #optimisation #query- Optimization for Spatial Query Processing (WGA, HS), pp. 81–90.
KR-1991-Kaufman #formal method #reasoning- A Formal Theory of Spatial Reasoning (SGK), pp. 347–356.
ML-1991-HirakiGYA #image #learning- Learning Spatial Relations from Images (KH, JHG, YY, YA), pp. 407–411.
OOPSLA-1991-BensonZ #biology #database- Symbolic and Spatial Database for Structural Biology (DB, GZ), pp. 329–339.
SIGMOD-1990-Orenstein #comparison #parametricity #query- A Comparison of Spatial Query Processing Techniques for Native and Parameter Spaces (JAO), pp. 343–352.
VLDB-1990-SeegerK #database #performance #robust- The Buddy-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Spatial Data Base Systems (BS, HPK), pp. 590–601.
SIGMOD-1989-Orenstein #database- Redundancy in Spatial Databases (JAO), pp. 295–305.
VLDB-1989-HenrichSW #multi- The LSD tree: Spatial Access to Multidimensional Point and Nonpoint Objects (AH, HWS, PW), pp. 45–53.
VLDB-1988-EgenhoferF #query #towards #user interface- Towards a Spatial Query Language: User Interface Considerations (MJE, AUF), pp. 124–133.
VLDB-1988-SeegerK #data access #design #implementation #performance- Techniques for Design and Implementation of Efficient Spatial Access Methods (BS, HPK), pp. 360–371.
SIGMOD-1987-FaloutsosSR #analysis #data access #object-oriented- Analysis of Object Oriented Spatial Access Methods (CF, TKS, NR), pp. 426–439.
SIGMOD-1986-Orenstein #database #object-oriented #query- Spatial Query Processing in an Object-Oriented Database System (JAO), pp. 326–336.
VLDB-1986-ManolaO #object-oriented #towards- Toward a General Spatial Data Model for an Object-Oriented DBMS (FM, JAO), pp. 328–335.
SIGMOD-1985-RoussopoulosL #database #using- Direct Spatial Search on Pictorial Databases Using Packed R-Trees (NR, DL), pp. 17–31.
SIGMOD-1984-Guttman #named- R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching (AG), pp. 47–57.
ICALP-1983-ReifS #logic #multi #network- A Multiprocess Network Logic with Temporal and Spatial Modalities (JHR, APS), pp. 629–639.
SIGMOD-1982-Tamminen #database #performance- Efficient Spatial Access to a Data Base (MT), pp. 200–206.
DAC-1981-Kalay #generative #interactive #testing- Interactive shape generation and spatial conflict testing (YEK), pp. 75–81.
SIGIR-1981-NoreaultD- Spatial Representations of Knowledge: Validity and Applications to Information Science (TN, JFD), pp. 113–125.
ICSE-1981-SheppardKC #comprehension #specification- The Effects of Symbology and Spatial Arrangement on the Comprehension of Software Specifications (SBS, EK, BC), pp. 207–214.
DAC-1979-CarlsonPC #3d #data transformation #design- The use of color and 3-D temporal and spatial data management techniques in computer-aided design (WEC, REP, CC), pp. 32–38.
VLDB-1979-Herot- Spatial Management of Data (Abstract) (CFH), p. 16.
DAC-1977-Jackson #evolution- Evolution of a spatial allocation system: Allocate (BJ), p. 265.
DAC-1976-AkbenH- A language for selective distortion of spatial structures (FA, SGH), pp. 141–150.
DAC-1973-KrawczykD #evaluation #generative- Space plan: A user oriented package for the evaluation and the generation of spatial inter-relationships (RJK, EED), pp. 121–138.
DAC-1972-BernholtzF #design- Spatial allocation in design and planning (AB, SF), pp. 181–189.
DAC-1971-WeinzapfelJP #image #interactive #multi #named #synthesis- IMAGE: An interactive computer system for multi-constrained spatial synthesis (GW, TEJ, JP), pp. 101–108.