Collaborated with:
A.M.Vidal F.Almeida J.A.Gómez J.I.Aliaga S.Barrachina M.Castillo R.Mayo E.S.Quintana-Ortí G.Quintana-Ortí V.B.Pérez C.Rodríguez F.d.Sande A.Santos
Talks about:
parallel (3) symmetr (3) multiprocessor (2) eigenproblem (2) tridiagon (2) solv (2) multicomput (1) distribut (1) algorithm (1) toeplitz (1)
Person: José M. Badía
DBLP: Bad=iacute=a:Jos=eacute=_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- PDP-2007-AlmeidaGB #analysis #clustering #multi #performance #symmetry
- Performance analysis for clusters of symmetric multiprocessors (FA, JAG, JMB), pp. 121–128.
- PDP-2006-AliagaBBCMQQABRSS #interface #parallel #web #web service
- Parallelization of GSL: The Web Service Interface (JIA, JMB, SB, MC, RM, ESQO, GQO, FA, VBP, CR, FdS, AS), pp. 301–307.
- PDP-1998-BadiaV #divide and conquer #parallel #problem #symmetry
- Exploiting the parallel divide-and-conquer method to solve the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem (JMB, AMV), pp. 13–19.
- PDP-1995-BadiaV #matrix #multi #performance #problem #symmetry
- Efficient solution of the eigenproblem of banded symmetric Toeplitz matrices on multicomputers (JMB, AMV), pp. 416–423.
- PDP-1993-BadiaV #algorithm #distributed #memory management #parallel
- A parallel algorithm to solve tridiagonal systems on distributed memory multiprocessors (JMB, AMV), pp. 203–210.