Tag #divide and conquer
37 papers:
CGO-2020-JavanmardAKPCH #algorithm #compilation #multi #parametricity #programming #recursion #using- Deriving parametric multi-way recursive divide-and-conquer dynamic programming algorithms using polyhedral compilers (MMJ, ZA, MK, LNP, RC, RJH), pp. 317–329.
PLDI-2019-FarzanN #composition #parallel- Modular divide-and-conquer parallelization of nested loops (AF, VN), pp. 610–624.
ICML-2018-XuSC #kernel- Optimal Tuning for Divide-and-conquer Kernel Ridge Regression with Massive Data (GX, ZS, GC), pp. 5479–5487.
PLDI-2017-FarzanN #parallel #synthesis- Synthesis of divide and conquer parallelism for loops (AF, VN), pp. 540–555.
QAPL-2017-SchuppNA #analysis #hybrid #reachability #set- Divide and Conquer: Variable Set Separation in Hybrid Systems Reachability Analysis (SS, JN, EÁ), pp. 1–14.
OOPSLA-2016-Itzhaky0SYLLC #algorithm #programming #using- Deriving divide-and-conquer dynamic programming algorithms using solver-aided transformations (SI, RS0, ASL, KY, YL, CEL, RAC), pp. 145–164.
ICML-2015-YangX15b #clustering #distributed #framework #graph- A Divide and Conquer Framework for Distributed Graph Clustering (WY, HX), pp. 504–513.
ASE-2015-NguyenNN #approach #migration #multi #source code #statistics- Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Multi-phase Statistical Migration for Source Code (T) (ATN, TTN, TNN), pp. 585–596.
ICML-c1-2014-HsiehSD #kernel- A Divide-and-Conquer Solver for Kernel Support Vector Machines (CJH, SS, ISD), pp. 566–574.
CASE-2014-ZhaoUH #flexibility #synthesis- A divide-and-conquer method for the synthesis of non-blocking supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems (MZ, MU, YH), pp. 455–460.
IFM-2013-Song00LD #analysis #reachability- Improved Reachability Analysis in DTMC via Divide and Conquer (SS, LG, JS, YL, JSD), pp. 162–176.
ICFP-2013-BernardyC #context-free grammar #parsing #performance- Efficient divide-and-conquer parsing of practical context-free languages (JPB, KC), pp. 111–122.
KDD-2012-Jordan #big data #statistics- Divide-and-conquer and statistical inference for big data (MIJ), p. 4.
HILT-2012-Taft #manycore #named #programming #tutorial #using- Tutorial: multicore programming using divide-and-conquer and work stealing (STT), pp. 13–14.
DATE-2012-AnagnostopoulosBKS #distributed #manycore #platform #runtime- A divide and conquer based distributed run-time mapping methodology for many-core platforms (IA, AB, GK, DS), pp. 111–116.
CIKM-2009-ZhuCWZWC #learning #query #ranking- To divide and conquer search ranking by learning query difficulty (ZAZ, WC, TW, CZ, GW, ZC), pp. 1883–1886.
POPL-2009-MorihataMHT #morphism #theorem- The third homomorphism theorem on trees: downward & upward lead to divide-and-conquer (AM, KM, ZH, MT), pp. 177–185.
SAC-2008-SeifertWK #algorithm #detection #interactive #paradigm- Application of divide-and-conquer algorithm paradigm to improve the detection speed of high interaction client honeypots (CS, IW, PK), pp. 1426–1432.
PLDI-2007-MoritaMMHT #automation #parallel #source code- Automatic inversion generates divide-and-conquer parallel programs (KM, AM, KM, ZH, MT), pp. 146–155.
CIG-2005-KishimotoM #approach #composition #problem- Dynamic Decomposition Search: A Divide and Conquer Approach and its Application to the One-Eye Problem in Go (AK, MM0).
ICPR-v1-2004-VirmajokiF #algorithm #clustering #graph- Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Creating Neighborhood Graph for Clustering (OV, PF), pp. 264–267.
KDD-2003-AliK #clustering #using #web- Golden Path Analyzer: using divide-and-conquer to cluster Web clickstreams (KA, SPK), pp. 349–358.
PDP-2003-DortaLRR #bound #parallel- Parallel Skeletons for Divide-and-Conquer and Branch-and-Bound techniques (ID, CL, CR, AR), pp. 292–298.
SAC-2002-Huang #parallel #theory and practice- Grid-enabled parallel divide-and-conquer: theory and practice (CHH), pp. 865–869.
PPoPP-2001-NieuwpoortKB #performance- Efficient load balancing for wide-area divide-and-conquer applications (RvN, TK, HEB), pp. 34–43.
CAV-2001-MoondanosSHK #equivalence #logic #named #verification- CLEVER: Divide and Conquer Combinational Logic Equivalence VERification with False Negative Elimination (JM, CJHS, ZH, DK), pp. 131–143.
ICML-2000-ChownD #approach #information management #learning- A Divide and Conquer Approach to Learning from Prior Knowledge (EC, TGD), pp. 143–150.
PPoPP-1999-RuginaR #algorithm #automation #parallel- Automatic Parallelization of Divide and Conquer Algorithms (RR, MCR), pp. 72–83.
DATE-1998-RuttenBEK #algorithm #logic #performance- An Efficient Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Exact Hazard Free Logic Minimization (JWJMR, MRCMB, CAJvE, MAJK), pp. 749–754.
PDP-1998-BadiaV #parallel #problem #symmetry- Exploiting the parallel divide-and-conquer method to solve the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem (JMB, AMV), pp. 13–19.
ICALP-1997-Roura #theorem- An Improved Master Theorem for Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences (SR), pp. 449–459.
PLILP-1996-Gorlatch #implementation #parallel- Systematic Extraction and Implementation of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism (SG), pp. 274–288.
PDP-1996-Hegland #equation #linear- Divide and Conquer for the Solution of Banded Linear Systems of Equations (MH), pp. 394–403.
ICALP-1993-FlajoletG - Exact Asymptotics of Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences (PF, MJG), pp. 137–149.
ICML-1993-JordanJ #approach #learning #statistics- Supervised Learning and Divide-and-Conquer: A Statistical Approach (MIJ, RAJ), pp. 159–166.
STOC-1991-Matousek #approximate #geometry- Approximations and Optimal Geometric Divide-And-Conquer (JM), pp. 505–511.
STOC-1976-BentleyS #multi- Divide-and-Conquer in Multidimensional Space (JLB, MIS), pp. 220–230.