Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.P.Grossman B.Towles D.E.Shaw A.C.Myers B.Liskov J.Kuskin M.Theobald R.O.Dror D.J.Ierardi R.H.Larson U.B.Schafer C.Young
Talks about:
anton (2) infrastructur (1) supercomput (1) parameter (1) support (1) special (1) hardwar (1) purpos (1) driven (1) design (1)
Person: Joseph A. Bank
DBLP: Bank:Joseph_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ASPLOS-2013-GrossmanKBTDILSTYS #fine-grained #hardware
- Hardware support for fine-grained event-driven computation in Anton 2 (JPG, JK, JAB, MT, ROD, DJI, RHL, UBS, BT, CY, DES), pp. 549–560.
- DAC-2013-GrossmanTBS #design #framework #simulation
- The role of cascade, a cycle-based simulation infrastructure, in designing the anton special-purpose supercomputers (JPG, BT, JAB, DES), p. 9.
- POPL-1997-BankLM #java
- Parameterized Types for Java (ACM, JAB, BL), pp. 132–145.