Stem supercomput$ (all stems)
26 papers:
DATE-2015-ConficoniBTTB #energy- Energy-aware cooling for hot-water cooled supercomputers (CC, AB, AT, GT, LB), pp. 1353–1358.
HPDC-2015-LuuWGRCHPBY #behaviour #multi- A Multiplatform Study of I/O Behavior on Petascale Supercomputers (HL, MW, WG, RBR, PHC, KH, P, SB, YY), pp. 33–44.
DATE-2014-BartoliniCCTB #energy- Unveiling Eurora — Thermal and power characterization of the most energy-efficient supercomputer in the world (AB, MC, CC, GT, LB), pp. 1–6.
DAC-2013-GrossmanTBS #design #framework #simulation- The role of cascade, a cycle-based simulation infrastructure, in designing the anton special-purpose supercomputers (JPG, BT, JAB, DES), p. 9.
DATE-2013-Vigouroux #design #question #what- What designs for coming supercomputers? (XV), p. 469.
SAC-2013-DiwanCFLBHR #product line #web- Applying software product line engineering in building web portals for supercomputing services (PD, PC, EF, YL, TB, DEH, RR), pp. 1765–1771.
SAC-2011-CaniouCDA #constraints #parallel- Parallel constraint-based local search on the HA8000 supercomputer (abstract) (YC, PC, DD, SA), pp. 920–921.
FSE-2010-Sanbonmatsu #biology #comprehension #towards- Supercomputing in biology: towards understanding living systems in atomic detail (KYS), pp. 1–2.
HPDC-2010-AppavooWSURHSWS #framework #network- Providing a cloud network infrastructure on a supercomputer (JA, AW, DDS, VU, BSR, EVH, JS, RWW, US), pp. 385–394.
HPDC-2009-Gentzsch #experience- Sustainable HPC infrastructures — supercomputers, grids, and clouds: the DEISA experience (WG), pp. 69–70.
HPCA-2006-YuSHACGMPERTLG #performance- High performance file I/O for the Blue Gene/L supercomputer (HY, RKS, CH, GA, JGC, MG, JEM, JJP, TE, RBR, RT, RL, WDG), pp. 187–196.
SOFTVIS-2003-ZhouSC #analysis #graph #visualisation- Graph Visualization for the Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Extreme-Scale Supercomputers (CZ, KLS, TPC), pp. 143–149.
HPDC-2000-SchroderH #evaluation #policy- Evaluation of Task Assignment Policies for Supercomputing Servers: The Case for Load Unbalancing and Fairness (BS, MHB), pp. 211–220.
AdaEurope-1998-Stift #ada #object-oriented #physics- (Astro)Physical Supercomputing: Ada95 as a Safe, Object Oriented Alternative (MJS), pp. 128–139.
HPDC-1998-JuddCS #approach- The DOGMA Approach to High-Utilization Supercomputing (GJ, MJC, QS), pp. 64–70.
HPDC-1996-ChanPS #architecture #network #prototype- Prototyping Network Architectures on a Supercomputer (MCC, GP, RS), pp. 374–382.
HPDC-1996-FosterT- Enabling Technologies for Web-Based Ubiquitious Supercomputing (ITF, ST), pp. 112–119.
HPDC-1996-Konchady #distributed #using- Distributed Supercomputing Using ACTS (MK), pp. 172–181.
HPDC-1996-PapkaS #artificial reality #design #named- UbiWorld: An Environment Integrating Virtual Reality, Supercomputing and Design (MEP, RLS), pp. 306–307.
PEPM-1994-BerlinS #experience #partial evaluation #tool support- Partial Evaluation for Scientific Computing: The Supercomputer Toolkit Experience (AAB, RJS), pp. 133–141.
HPDC-1994-Stevens #multi- Multimedia Supercomputing: The Use of Supercomputers to Drive High-Performance Multimedia Systems and Virtual Environments (RS), p. 3.
HPDC-1992-BeckerD #distributed #simulation- Particle Simulation on Heterogeneous Distributed Supercomputers (JCB, LD), pp. 133–140.
DAC-1989-SadayappanV #matrix #performance #simulation- Efficient Sparse Matrix Factorization for Circuit Simulation on Vector Supercomputers (PS, VV), pp. 13–18.
JICSCP-1988-NilssonT88 #haskell #implementation- A Flat GHC Implementation for Supercomputers (MN, HT), pp. 1337–1350.
ASPLOS-1987-WeissS #case study #compilation #pipes and filters- A Study of Scalar Compilation Techniques for Pipelined Supercomputers (SW, JES), pp. 105–109.
DAC-1985-SuzukiTSK #design- Integrated design system for supercomputer SX-1/SX-2 (SS, KT, TS, MK), pp. 536–542.