Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
E.Marcos V.A.Bollati B.Vela D.Granada P.Atzeni J.M.Cavero P.Cáceres V.d.Castro
Talks about:
model (6) develop (3) transform (2) databas (2) system (2) object (2) driven (2) studi (2) relat (2) case (2)
Person: Juan M. Vara
DBLP: Vara:Juan_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- MoDELS-2014-GranadaVBM #development #domain-specific language #effectiveness #visual notation
- Enabling the Development of Cognitive Effective Visual DSLs (DG, JMV, VAB, EM), pp. 535–551.
- SAC-2012-BollatiAMV #case study #model management #modelling
- Model Management Systems vs. Model Driven Engineering: a case study (VAB, PA, EM, JMV), pp. 865–872.
- ICMT-2009-VaraVBM #case study #database #development #modelling
- Supporting Model-Driven Development of Object-Relational Database Schemas: A Case Study (JMV, BV, VAB, EM), pp. 181–196.
- SAC-2007-VaraVCM #database #development #model transformation
- Model transformation for object-relational database development (JMV, BV, JMC, EM), pp. 1012–1019.
- SAC-2006-CaceresCVM #hypermedia #information management #model transformation #modelling #web
- Model transformations for hypertext modeling on web information systems (PC, VdC, JMV, EM), pp. 1232–1239.