Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × China
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Poland
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Torlone E.P.F.Chan G.Mecca P.Merialdo M.C.D.Bernardis N.M.Morfuni D.S.P.Jr. F.Bugiotti L.Rossi P.Cappellari G.Gianforme V.A.Bollati E.Marcos J.M.Vara M.Magnante M.Pecorone A.Masci G.Sindoni
Talks about:
model (8) databas (6) instanc (4) scheme (4) data (4) web (4) independ (3) system (3) relat (3) manag (3)
♂ Person: Paolo Atzeni
DBLP: Atzeni:Paolo
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- CAiSE-2012-AtzeniBR #database #framework #platform
- Uniform Access to Non-relational Database Systems: The SOS Platform (PA, FB, LR), pp. 160–174.
- SAC-2012-BollatiAMV #case study #model management #modelling
- Model Management Systems vs. Model Driven Engineering: a case study (VAB, PA, EM, JMV), pp. 865–872.
- SIGMOD-2007-AtzeniCG #independence #named
- MIDST: model independent schema and data translation (PA, PC, GG), pp. 1134–1136.
- VLDB-2003-TorloneA #named #web
- Chameleon: an Extensible and Customizable Tool for Web Data Translation (RT, PA), pp. 1085–1088.
- SIGMOD-2000-MerialdoAMMP #automation #data-driven #modelling #named #web
- Homer: a Model-Based CASE Tool for Data-Intensive Web Sites (PM, PA, MM, GM, MP), p. 586.
- SIGMOD-1998-MeccaAMMS
- The Araneus Web-Base Management System (GM, PA, AM, PM, GS), pp. 544–546.
- PODS-1997-AtzeniM
- Cut & Paste (PA, GM), pp. 144–153.
- SIGMOD-1997-AtzeniT #database #multi #named #semistructured data
- MDM: a Multiple-Data-Model Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Database Schemes (PA, RT), pp. 528–531.
- VLDB-1997-AtzeniMM #web
- To Weave the Web (PA, GM, PM), pp. 206–215.
- SIGMOD-1990-AtzeniT #independence #performance
- Efficient Updates to Independent Schemes in the Weak Instance Model (PA, RT), pp. 84–93.
- PODS-1989-AtzeniT #database
- Updating Databases in the Weak Instance Model (PA, RT), pp. 101–109.
- PODS-1987-AtzeniB
- A New Basis for the Weak Instance Model (PA, MCDB), pp. 79–86.
- VLDB-1987-AtzeniC #database #dependence #functional #independence
- Independent Database Schemes under Functional and Inclusion Dependencies (PA, EPFC), pp. 159–166.
- PODS-1986-ChanA #on the
- On the Properties and Characterization of Connection-tap-free Schemes (EPFC, PA), pp. 140–147.
- PODS-1985-AtzeniC #approach #performance #query
- Efficient Query Answering in the Representative Instance Approach (PA, EPFC), pp. 181–188.
- ICALP-1984-AtzeniM #constraints #database #dependence #functional #null
- Functional Dependencies and Disjunctive Existence Constraints in Database Relations with Null Values (PA, NMM), pp. 69–81.
- PODS-1982-AtzeniP #database #relational
- Assumptions in Relational Database Theory (PA, DSPJ), pp. 1–9.