Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Hayashi D.R.Ankrum M.Takeda ∅
Talks about:
variabl (3) heart (3) rate (3) analysi (2) vdt (2) cff (2) relationship (1) properti (1) monitor (1) develop (1)
Person: Kaoru Suzuki
DBLP: Suzuki:Kaoru
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- HCI-EI-1999-SuzukiA #difference #process
- Difference in the ANS activity between gaze angles while seated (KS, DRA), pp. 69–73.
- HCI-CC-1997-AnkrumS #monitoring #variability
- Heart Rate Variability in Eye-Level and Low Monitor Conditions (DRA, KS), pp. 571–574.
- HCI-CC-1997-Suzuki #analysis #development #evaluation #variability
- The Application of Heart Rate Variability Analysis on the Evaluation of Mental Strain and its Future Development (KS), pp. 559–562.
- HCI-ACS-1993-SuzukiH #effectiveness #on the #variability
- On a Simple and Effective Method to Analyze Heart Rate Variability (KS, YH), pp. 914–919.
- HCI-ACS-1993-TakedaHS
- The Fatigue Check System for VDT Workers by Measuring CFF (MT, YH, KS), pp. 618–623.
- HCI-ACS-1993-TakedaHS93a #analysis
- Analysis of Uric Properties for Stress Caused by VDT Work and Relationship Among CFF, HRV and VEP (MT, YH, KS), pp. 903–908.