Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Korea
1 × Portugal
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Schreiner W.Schuetzelhofer R.Smeikal J.Falb L.Froihofer G.Glos J.Osrael M.Jandl W.Radinger A.Szep
Talks about:
system (2) applic (2) model (2) base (2) constraint (1) hyperlink (1) enterpris (1) distribut (1) connector (1) overview (1)
Person: Karl M. Göschka
DBLP: G=ouml=schka:Karl_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICSE-2007-FroihoferGOG #constraints #evaluation #java #overview #validation
- Overview and Evaluation of Constraint Validation Approaches in Java (LF, GG, JO, KMG), pp. 313–322.
- SAC-2007-SchreinerG #component #embedded #modelling #uml
- Modeling component based embedded systems applications with explicit connectors in UML 2.0 (DS, KMG), pp. 1494–1495.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-SchuetzelhoferG #domain model #modelling #specification #verification #xml
- Formal Specification and Verification of XML-Based Business Domain Models (WS, KMG), pp. 209–216.
- ICSE-2003-SmeikalG #case study #distributed #fault tolerance
- Fault-tolerance in a Distributed Management System: a Case Study (RS, KMG), pp. 478–483.
- ICSE-2002-JandlRSG #corba #enterprise #integration
- Enterprise application integration by means of a generic CORBA LDAP gateway (MJ, WR, AS, KMG), p. 711.
- HT-1999-GoschkaF #database #generative #navigation #relational
- Dynamic Hyperlink Generation for Navigation in Relational Databases (KMG, JF), pp. 23–24.