218 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-IdreosPC #bibliography #data analysis- Overview of Data Exploration Techniques (SI, OP, SC), pp. 277–281.
SIGIR-2015-KneesS #bibliography #music #perspective #recommendation #retrieval #tutorial- Music Retrieval and Recommendation: A Tutorial Overview (PK, MS), pp. 1133–1136.
SLE-2015-Burger #attribute grammar #bibliography #graph grammar #motivation #perspective- Reference attribute grammar controlled graph rewriting: motivation and overview (CB), pp. 89–100.
LICS-2015-Ong #bibliography #higher-order #model checking #perspective- Higher-Order Model Checking: An Overview (LO), pp. 1–15.
DATE-2014-RuhrmairS #bibliography #modelling #perspective- PUF modeling attacks: An introduction and overview (UR, JS), pp. 1–6.
CSCW-2014-BossenJ #bibliography #how- How physicians “achieve overview”: a case-based study in a hospital ward (CB, LGJ), pp. 257–268.
DUXU-DI-2014-PalomakiHVH #bibliography #mobile #perspective #process- Methods to Study Everyday Activities in a Mobile Work Context — A Literature Overview (EP, KH, MV, MH), pp. 301–312.
LCT-NLE-2014-ParmaxiZ #bibliography- The Evolvement of Constructionism: An Overview of the Literature (AP, PZ), pp. 452–461.
EDOC-2014-KormanSHBE #assessment #bibliography #enterprise #risk management #security- Overview of Enterprise Information Needs in Information Security Risk Assessment (MK, TS, JH, JEB, ME), pp. 42–51.
ECIR-2014-StangeN #bibliography #collaboration #traceability- Search Maps — Enhancing Traceability and Overview in Collaborative Information Seeking (DS, AN), pp. 763–766.
SAC-2014-Silva #approach #automation #bibliography #quality #requirements #specification #validation- Quality of requirements specifications: a preliminary overview of an automatic validation approach (ARdS), pp. 1021–1022.
SIGMOD-2013-HullSV #bibliography #data transformation #perspective #process #tutorial- Data management perspectives on business process management: tutorial overview (RH, JS, RV), pp. 943–948.
VLDB-2013-ElmeleegyL0WWKDC #bibliography #data transformation #framework- Overview of Turn Data Management Platform for Digital Advertising (HE, YL, YQ, PW, MW, SK, AD, SC), pp. 1138–1149.
TACAS-2013-CranenGKSVWW #bibliography #tool support- An Overview of the mCRL2 Toolset and Its Recent Advances (SC, JFG, JJAK, FPMS, EPdV, WW, TACW), pp. 199–213.
CHI-2013-GilbertBCT #bibliography #statistics- “I need to try this”?: a statistical overview of pinterest (EG, SB, SC, LGT), pp. 2427–2436.
HIMI-D-2013-PetersSHKSJLJ #bibliography #locality #user interface- Overview of Global User Interfaces for Localization (CP, MS, MH, JK, SKS, DHJ, SL, HJ), pp. 357–364.
HIMI-D-2013-ZeshanMA #bibliography #ontology #quality #web #web service- Quality of Service Ontology Languages for Web Services Discovery: An Overview and Limitations (FZ, RM, MNA), pp. 400–407.
EDOC-2013-BraunE #bibliography #concept #network #online #risk management #social #towards- Towards a Conceptualization of Corporate Risks in Online Social Networks: A Literature Based Overview of Risks (RB, WE), pp. 267–274.
ICEIS-J-2013-HernandesBF13a #bibliography #process- An Overview of Experimental Studies on Software Inspection Process (EMH, AB, SF), pp. 118–134.
DAC-2012-CampanoniJHWB #bibliography- The HELIX project: overview and directions (SC, TMJ, GHH, GYW, DMB), pp. 277–282.
CHI-2012-MulloniSDBS- 360° panoramic overviews for location-based services (AM, HS, AD, PB, DS), pp. 2565–2568.
HILT-2012-Nilsen #bibliography #comprehension #java #memory management #safety #tutorial- Tutorial overview: understanding dynamic memory management in safety critical java (KN), pp. 15–22.
HILT-2012-Sanden #approach #bibliography #design #modelling #multi #tutorial- Design of Multitask Software: The Entity-life Modeling Approach (tutorial overview) (BIS), pp. 1–2.
RecSys-2012-NunesH #bibliography #perspective #recommendation- Personality-based recommender systems: an overview (MASNN, RH), pp. 5–6.
SEKE-2012-FerreiraS #approach #bibliography- An Overview of the RSLingo Approach (DdAF, ARdS), pp. 66–69.
SLE-2012-StevensonC #bibliography #grammar inference #re-engineering #state of the art- Grammatical Inference in Software Engineering: An Overview of the State of the Art (AS, JRC), pp. 204–223.
PPoPP-2012-GongHZ #bibliography #in the cloud #network #performance- An overview of CMPI: network performance aware MPI in the cloud (YG, BH, JZ), pp. 297–298.
PPoPP-2012-ZhongH #bibliography #graph- An overview of Medusa: simplified graph processing on GPUs (JZ, BH), pp. 283–284.
IJCAR-2012-KuhlweinLTUH #bibliography #evaluation #scalability- Overview and Evaluation of Premise Selection Techniques for Large Theory Mathematics (DK, TvL, ET, JU, TH), pp. 378–392.
ICDAR-2011-AbedWM #analysis #bibliography #contest #documentation #perspective #recognition- International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011) — Competitions Overview (HEA, LW, VM), pp. 1437–1443.
CSEET-2011-PeixotoPRP #bibliography #design #education #game studies #re-engineering #simulation- An overview of the main design characteristics of simulation games in Software Engineering education (DCCP, RMP, RFR, CIPSP), pp. 101–110.
SCAM-2011-KellyAAH #bibliography #topic- Recovering a Balanced Overview of Topics in a Software Domain (MBK, JSA, BA, AEH), pp. 135–144.
CHI-2011-JakobsenH #bibliography #interface #visualisation- Sizing up visualizations: effects of display size in focus+context, overview+detail, and zooming interfaces (MRJ, KH), pp. 1451–1460.
CHI-2011-WongsuphasawatGPWTS #bibliography #named #sequence #visualisation- LifeFlow: visualizing an overview of event sequences (KW, JAGG, CP, TDW, MTM, BS), pp. 1747–1756.
HIMI-v2-2011-ProctorV #bibliography #design #interactive #interface #perspective #web- Designing Web Sites and Interfaces to Optimize Successful User Interactions: Symposium Overview (RWP, KPLV), pp. 62–65.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Kong11a #bibliography- The Brief Overview of the Supply Chain Finance (LK), pp. 708–711.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BockischSMA #bibliography #execution- An Overview of ALIA4J — An Execution Model for Advanced-Dispatching Languages (CB, AS, MM, MA), pp. 131–146.
SAC-2011-Mammar #approach #bibliography #c #detection- An overview of a proof-based approach to detecting C vulnerabilities (AM), pp. 1343–1344.
SIGMOD-2010-Brown #analysis #array #bibliography #scalability- Overview of sciDB: large scale array storage, processing and analysis (PGB), pp. 963–968.
SIGMOD-2010-TaranovSKNKPBTAFPVZGGL #bibliography #database #named #xml- Sedna: native XML database management system (internals overview) (IT, IS, AK, LN, SDK, RP, AB, DT, KA, AF, PP, PV, NZ, MG, MPG, DL), pp. 1037–1046.
SEFM-2010-Pavlovic #bibliography #effectiveness #perspective #security- The Unreasonable Ineffectiveness of Security Engineering: An Overview (DP), pp. 12–18.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-BaraoS #bibliography #perspective- The SNARE Language Overview (AB, ARdS), pp. 344–349.
KDD-2010-KarguptaSG #bibliography #data mining #distributed #mining #performance- MineFleet®: an overview of a widely adopted distributed vehicle performance data mining system (HK, KS, MG), pp. 37–46.
KMIS-2010-Jezek #bibliography #implementation #repository- Universal Extra-functional Properties Repository — Model Overview and Implementation (KJ), pp. 382–385.
RE-2010-SawahMR #bibliography #elicitation #modelling #perspective #requirements #using- Using Cognitive Mapping to Elicit Modelling Requirements: An Overview (SES, AM, MR), pp. 357–363.
SAC-2010-JuniorPC #aspect-oriented #bibliography #empirical #evaluation #framework #uml- An overview and an empirical evaluation of UML-AOF: an UML profile for aspect-oriented frameworks (JUJ, RDP, VVdC), pp. 2289–2296.
ICSE-2010-MetayerMTMPCFH #approach #bibliography #case study #re-engineering- Liability in software engineering: overview of the LISE approach and illustration on a case study (DLM, MM, VVTT, EM, MLP, NC, SF, RH), pp. 135–144.
HPDC-2010-GrossmanGMSSW #bibliography #open science- An overview of the Open Science Data Cloud (RLG, YG, JM, MS, ASS, KPW), pp. 377–384.
DATE-2009-LiC #architecture #bibliography #memory management #tool support- An overview of non-volatile memory technology and the implication for tools and architectures (HL, YC), pp. 731–736.
ICDAR-2009-BaudrierBCDLM #bibliography #perspective #retrieval- Retrieval of the Ornaments from the Hand-Press Period: An Overview (EB, SB, SC, MD, JL, FMN), pp. 496–500.
PEPM-2009-Acar #bibliography #self- Self-adjusting computation: (an overview) (UAA), pp. 1–6.
HCI-NIMT-2009-ElliottCR #bibliography #visual notation- Overview of Meta-analyses Investigating Vibrotactile versus Visual Display Options (LRE, MDC, ESR), pp. 435–443.
ICLP-2009-ArandaAOPRTV #bibliography #declarative- An Overview of FORCES: An INRIA Project on Declarative Formalisms for Emergent Systems (JA, GA, CO, JAP, CR, MT, FDV), pp. 509–513.
CSEET-2008-JohnsgardM #bibliography #programming #using- Using Alice in Overview Courses to Improve Success Rates in Programming I (KJ, JM), pp. 129–136.
CSEET-2008-ThompsonE #bibliography #experience #student- Overview and Introduction to the Workshop: The Roles of Student Projects and Work Experience in Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes (JBT, HME), pp. 267–270.
KDD-2008-LingMZS #mining #multi #topic- Mining multi-faceted overviews of arbitrary topics in a text collection (XL, QM, CZ, BRS), pp. 497–505.
ICDAR-2007-Smith #bibliography- An Overview of the Tesseract OCR Engine (RS), pp. 629–633.
PASTE-2007-AikenBDDHH #bibliography- An overview of the saturn project (AA, SB, ID, TD, BH, PH), pp. 43–48.
HCI-IPT-2007-MavrommatiD #bibliography #perspective #tool support- End User Tools for Ambient Intelligence Environments: An Overview (IM, JD), pp. 864–872.
OCSC-2007-WangLS #bibliography #community #open source #perspective- Open Source Communities in China (Mainland): An Overview (YW, FL, JS), pp. 465–474.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-PetrieLZ #bibliography #challenge #perspective- SWS Challenge — First Year Overview (CJP, HL, MZ), pp. 407–412.
ICSE-2007-FroihoferGOG #bibliography #constraints #evaluation #java #validation- Overview and Evaluation of Constraint Validation Approaches in Java (LF, GG, JO, KMG), pp. 313–322.
DAC-2006-Martin #bibliography #challenge #design- Overview of the MPSoC design challenge (GM), pp. 274–279.
PODS-2006-Halpern #bibliography #knowledge base #perspective #statistics- From statistical knowledge bases to degrees of belief: an overview (JYH), pp. 110–113.
CHI-2006-NekrasovskiBMGM #bibliography #evaluation #navigation #perspective- An evaluation of pan & zoom and rubber sheet navigation with and without an overview (DN, AB, JM, FG, TM), pp. 11–20.
CIKM-2006-Garcia-Molina #bibliography #challenge- Pair-Wise entity resolution: overview and challenges (HGM), p. 1.
ICSE-2006-Selic #bibliography #named #tutorial #uml- Tutorial: an overview of UML 2 (BS), pp. 1069–1070.
DATE-2005-Schattkowsky #bibliography #design #uml- UML 2.0 — Overview and Perspectives in SoC Design (TS), pp. 832–833.
ITiCSE-2005-Impagliazzo #bibliography #education- Computing curricula overview project (JI), p. 347.
ICALP-2005-Libkin #bibliography #logic #perspective- Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview (LL), pp. 35–50.
CHI-2005-LamB #summary #web- Summary thumbnails: readable overviews for small screen web browsers (HL, PB), pp. 681–690.
GPCE-2005-NierstraszDD #bibliography #object-oriented #perspective #re-engineering- Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns — An Overview (ON, SD, SD), pp. 1–9.
VMCAI-2005-Martel #bibliography #semantics #source code #validation- An Overview of Semantics for the Validation of Numerical Programs (MM), pp. 59–77.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Gorgone #bibliography #education #information management- Information systems and the overview report for computing curricula 2004 (JTG), pp. 15–16.
AdaEurope-2004-Vinoski #bibliography #middleware- An Overview of Middleware (SV), pp. 35–51.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Azevedo #bibliography #order #requirements- Order Planning Decision Support System for Customer Driven Manufacturing: Overview of Main System Requirements (HP, ALA), pp. 417–422.
SIGIR-2004-Collins-ThompsonC #bibliography #information retrieval- Information retrieval for language tutoring: an overview of the REAP project (KCT, JC), pp. 544–545.
ICSE-2004-Selic #bibliography #named #tutorial #uml- Tutorial: An Overview of UML 2.0 (BS), pp. 741–742.
ASE-2003-HallZ #bibliography #validation- Overview of OpenModel-based Validation with Partial Information (RJH, AZ), pp. 347–351.
SIGMOD-2003-JohnsonD #bibliography #perspective #quality- Data Quality and Data Cleaning: An Overview (TJ, TD), p. 681.
AdaEurope-2003-Kienzle #bibliography #fault tolerance #perspective- Software Fault Tolerance: An Overview (JK), pp. 45–67.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BritoM #aspect-oriented #bibliography #development #perspective- Aspect-Oriented Software Development: An Overview (ISB, AMDM), pp. 531–534.
ICEIS-v4-2003-SerraoFM #bibliography #e-commerce #perspective- E-Commerce Payment Systems — An Overview (CS, PF, JM), pp. 486–493.
SEKE-2003-KendalAC #bibliography #development #hybrid #information management- A Brief Overview of HyM: A Methodology for the Development of Hybrid Intelligent Information Systems (SLK, KA, XC), pp. 322–326.
ICSE-2003-Selic #bibliography #tutorial #uml- Tutorial H2: An Overview of UML 2.0 (BS), pp. 755–756.
DATE-2002-Martin02a #bibliography #design #embedded #motivation #perspective #specification #uml- UML for Embedded Systems Specification and Design: Motivation and Overview (GM), pp. 773–775.
CHI-2002-BaudischGBS #comparative #evaluation- Keeping things in context: a comparative evaluation of focus plus context screens, overviews, and zooming (PB, NG, VB, PKS), pp. 259–266.
CHI-2002-SuhWRG #bibliography #documentation #interface- Popout prism: adding perceptual principles to overview+detail document interfaces (BS, AW, RR, AG), pp. 251–258.
SIGIR-2002-JonesPRSSKW #bibliography #information retrieval #ontology- Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies an overview of the SPIRIT project (CBJ, RP, AR, MS, MS, MJvK, RW), pp. 387–388.
SPLC-2002-Linden #architecture #bibliography #perspective #process #product line- Engineering Software Architectures, Processes and Platforms for System Families — ESAPS Overview (FvdL), pp. 383–398.
ICLP-2002-Angelopoulos #bibliography #finite #perspective #probability- Probabilistic Finite Domains: A Brief Overview (NA), p. 475.
ICLP-2002-BoigelotW #automaton #bibliography #constraints #finite #perspective #representation- Representing Arithmetic Constraints with Finite Automata: An Overview (BB, PW), pp. 1–19.
VLDB-2001-Draluk #bibliography #perspective #web #web service- Discovering Web Services: An Overview (VD), pp. 637–640.
PASTE-2001-Reiss #bibliography- An overview of BLOOM (SPR), pp. 2–5.
CHI-2001-HornbaekF #bibliography #documentation #interface #linear #usability- Reading of electronic documents: the usability of linear, fisheye, and overview+detail interfaces (KH, EF), pp. 293–300.
SVIS-2001-WinterKR #bibliography #graph- An Overview of the GXL Graph Exchange Language (AW, BK, VR), pp. 324–336.
KDD-T-2001-HanLP #bibliography #mining #perspective #scalability- Scalable frequent-pattern mining methods: an overview (JH, LVSL, JP), pp. 264–324.
ECOOP-2001-KiczalesHHKPG #aspectj #bibliography- An Overview of AspectJ (GK, EH, JH, MK, JP, WGG), pp. 327–353.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Mogyorodi #bibliography #perspective #testing- Requirements-Based Testing: An Overview (GM), pp. 286–295.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Webre #bibliography #perspective- Object Technology: An Executive Overview (HW), p. 331.
HPDC-2001-JohnstonTJ #bibliography #security- Overview of Security Considerations for Computational and Data Grids (WEJ, ST, KRJ), pp. 439–440.
CAV-2001-Leroy #bibliography #bytecode #java #perspective #verification- Java Bytecode Verification: An Overview (XL), pp. 265–285.
ASE-2000-LaleauM #bibliography #generative #specification #uml- An Overview of a Method and Its Support Tool for Generating B Specifications from UML Notations (RL, AM), pp. 269–272.
VLDB-2000-Ramaswamy #bibliography #perspective- E.piphany Epicenter Technology Overview (SR), p. 723.
WRLA-2000-Millen #analysis #bibliography #encryption #protocol #term rewriting- Applications of Term Rewriting to Cryptographic Protocol Analysis overview of the invited talk (JKM), pp. 229–234.
WRLA-2000-Nakashima #bibliography #information management- Cyber Assistance for Situtated Human Information Processing Overview of the invited talk (HN), pp. 292–293.
CAiSE-2000-DupuyLC #bibliography #specification #uml- An Overview of RoZ: A Tool for Integrating UML and Z Specifications (SD, YL, MCP), pp. 417–430.
SIGIR-2000-SwanA #automation #bibliography #generative #timeline- Automatic generation of overview timelines (RCS, JA), pp. 49–56.
TOOLS-USA-2000-Ritchie #bibliography #perspective- Object Technology: An Executive Overview (CR), pp. 387–390.
CL-2000-Miller #bibliography #perspective #syntax- Abstract Syntax for Variable Binders: An Overview (DM), pp. 239–253.
ASE-1999-BousquetZ #bibliography #testing- An Overview of Lutess: A Specification-based Tool for Testing Synchronous Software (LdB, NZ), pp. 208–215.
IFM-1999-MahonyD #bibliography #semantics- Overview of the Semantics of TCOZ (BPM, JSD), pp. 66–85.
HCI-CCAD-1999-RizzoBNCRLKKTH #bibliography #process- Virtual environments for targeting cognitive processes: an overview of projects at the University of Southern California (AAR, JGB, UN, CC, AvR, PL, KK, CK, MT, LH), pp. 1095–1099.
SIGAda-1999-Lopes #ada #bibliography #perspective #sql- Ada+SQL — an overview (AVL), pp. 157–162.
ICEIS-1999-Chattopadhyay #bibliography #enterprise #using- Overview of Enterprise Management Using SAP R/3 (SPC), p. VIII.
ICEIS-1999-Pinto #bibliography #distributed #framework #network- Distributed Networking Computer Model: SUNs JINI as an Advance in the Technology-An Overview of Javas Distributed Platform (HJPBPP), p. 790.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Liu #bibliography #database #deduction #object-oriented- Overview of the ROL2 Deductive Object-Oriented Database System (ML), p. 63–?.
ICSE-1999-Kontio #bibliography #development #risk management- Risk Management in Software Development: A Technology Overview and the Riskit Method (JK), pp. 679–680.
HPDC-1999-TakefusaMNAN #algorithm #bibliography #evaluation #performance #scheduling- Overview of a Performance Evaluation System for Global Computing Scheduling Algorithms (AT, SM, HN, KA, UN), pp. 97–104.
LICS-1999-HalpernF #bibliography #metric #perspective #reasoning- Plausibility Measures and Default Reasoning: An Overview (JYH, NF), pp. 130–135.
PODS-1998-Chaudhuri #bibliography #optimisation #query #relational- An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems (SC), pp. 34–43.
WRLA-1998-BorovanskyKKMR #bibliography- An overview of ELAN (PB, CK, HK, PEM, CR), pp. 55–70.
WRLA-1998-DiaconescuF #bibliography- An overview of CafeOBJ (RD, KF), pp. 285–298.
FM-1998-Canada #bibliography #perspective- Z/EVES Version 1.5: An Overview (OC), pp. 367–376.
FM-1998-Slotosch #bibliography #named- QUEST: Overview over the Project (OS), pp. 346–350.
SAC-1998-Konstantas #bibliography #distributed- Overview of a telepresence environment for distributed musical rehearsals (DK), pp. 456–457.
SAC-1998-PandaG #bibliography #information management- An overview of post information warfare data recovery (BP, JG), pp. 253–254.
DAC-1997-Tang #bibliography #design #process- Overview of Microelectromechanical Systems and Design Processes (WCT), pp. 670–673.
SAS-1997-Jones #abstract interpretation #bibliography #partial evaluation- Combining Abstract Interpretation and Partial Evaluation (Brief Overview) (NDJ), pp. 396–405.
HCI-CC-1997-AarasHBRT #bibliography #multi #perspective- A Three Years Follow-up Multidisciplinary Ergonomic Interventions. Overview (AA, GH, HHB, OR, MT), pp. 631–634.
HCI-SEC-1997-OhtaA #bibliography #network- A Sensor Network Management System-An Overview and Example (MO, YA), pp. 197–200.
KDD-1997-ProvostK #algorithm #bibliography #induction #perspective #scalability- Scaling Up Inductive Algorithms: An Overview (FJP, VK), pp. 239–242.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-LiGMY #bibliography #component #library- An Overview of JB (Jade Bird) Component Library System JBCL (KL, LG, HM, FY), pp. 206–213.
ICSE-1997-Perry #architecture #bibliography #state of the art- An Overview of the State of the Art in Software Architecture (DEP), pp. 590–591.
ITiCSE-1996-BerginBPMNRWGKJ #bibliography #design #visualisation- An overview of visualization: its use and design: report of the working group in visualization (JB, KB, MPM, MFM, TLN, SHR, JW, MG, SK, RJP), pp. 192–200.
CSCW-1996-GrudinPP #bibliography #tutorial- CSCW Overview (Tutorial) (JG, SEP, JFP), p. 3.
AKDDM-1996-FayyadPS #bibliography #data mining #information management #mining #perspective- From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery: An Overview (UMF, GPS, PS), pp. 1–34.
KDD-1996-Piatetsky-ShapiroBKKS #bibliography #data mining #industrial #information management #mining- An Overview of Issues in Developing Industrial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Applications (GPS, RJB, TK, WK, ES), pp. 89–95.
SIGMOD-1995-BaruFGHJPW #bibliography #parallel- An Overview of DB2 Parallel Edition (CKB, GF, AG, HIH, AJ, SP, WGW), pp. 460–462.
SIGMOD-1995-MattosM #bibliography #sql #standard #tutorial- An Overview of the Emerging Third-Generation SQL Standard (Tutorial) (NMM, JM), p. 468.
DLT-1995-BordihnF #bibliography #perspective- Accepting Grammars and Systems: An Overview (HB, HF), pp. 199–208.
CIKM-1995-SegevWB #bibliography- Electronic Catalogs: a Technology Overview and Survey Results (AS, DW, CB), pp. 11–18.
HPDC-1995-Richer #bibliography #challenge- Invited Paper: Overview of the MAGIC Project — Challenges and Accomplishments (IR), p. 139.
ILPS-1995-HarlandPW #bibliography #perspective #programming- Programming in Lygon: A Brief Overview (JH, DJP, MW), p. 636.
ILPS-1995-LevyR #bibliography #logic- Combining Rules and Description Logics: An Overview of CARIN (AYL, MCR), p. 635.
EDAC-1994-ByrneMLD #bibliography #optimisation #using- An Overview of Analogue Optimisation Using “AD-OPT” (EB, OM, DL, BD), pp. 540–545.
VLDB-1994-BernsteinD #bibliography #repository- An Overview of Repository Technology (PAB, UD), pp. 705–713.
CHI-1994-TaniHYTF94a #bibliography #named #scalability- Courtyard: integrating shared overview on a large screen and per-user detail on individual screens (MT, MH, KY, KT, MF), pp. 44–50.
KDD-1994-ImamM #bibliography- From Facts to Rules to Decisions: An Overview of the FRD-1 System (IFI, RSM), pp. 229–236.
CC-1994-Hedin #attribute grammar #bibliography- An Overview of Door Attribute Grammars (GH), pp. 31–51.
HPDC-1994-Sakai #bibliography #parallel- Overview of RWC Massively Parallel Computer Project (SS), p. 5.
FME-1993-Jonkers #bibliography- An Overview of the SPRINT Method (HBMJ), pp. 403–427.
SIGIR-1993-Harman #bibliography #retrieval- Overview of the First Text REtrieval Conference (DH), pp. 36–47.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-CattaneoCLZ #analysis #bibliography #database #evolution #object-oriented- Overview and Progress Report of the ESSE Project: Supporting Object-Oriented Database Schema Analysis and Evolution (FC, ACP, LL, RZ), pp. 63–74.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Henderson-SellersE #bibliography #perspective- Associated Paper: MOSES: An Overview (BHS, JME), pp. 561–571.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Wang93a #architecture #bibliography #perspective- Bedrock Architecture Overview (GW), pp. 577–581.
RE-1993-JarkeBRSV #bibliography #requirements- Theories underlying requirements engineering: an overview of NATURE at Genesis (MJ, JABJ, CR, AGS, YV), pp. 19–31.
ICSE-1993-Iscoe #bibliography #domain model #modelling #research- Domain Modeling — Overview & Ongoing Research at EDS (NI), pp. 198–200.
ILPS-1993-GudjonssonW #bibliography- Update In Place: Overview of the Siva Project (GG, WHW), pp. 94–113.
CHI-1992-Clancey #bibliography #learning #research- Overview of the Institute for Research on Learning (WJC), pp. 571–572.
CHI-1992-GrayJA #bibliography #validation- The precis of Project Ernestine or an overview of a validation of GOMS (WDG, BEJ, MEA), pp. 307–312.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Ege #bibliography #object-oriented #programming language- Overview of Object-Oriented Programming Languages (RKE), p. 427.
IWMM-1992-WeemeeuwD #bibliography #garbage collection #perspective- Garbage Collection in Aurora: An Overview (PW, BD), pp. 454–472.
CADE-1992-UribeFM #automation #bibliography #framework #proving- An Overview of FRAPPS 2.0: A Framework for Resolution-based Automated Proof Procedure Systems (TEU, AMF, MKM), pp. 721–725.
VDME-1991-1-Bear #bibliography- An Overview of HP-SL (SB), pp. 571–587.
VDME-1991-1-CraigenKMPS #bibliography #named #perspective- EVES: An Overview (DC, SK, IM, BP, MS), pp. 389–405.
KDD-1991-FrawleyPM #bibliography #database #information management #perspective- Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Overview (WJF, GPS, CJM), pp. 1–30.
KDD-1991-McLeishYGS #bibliography- Discovery of Medical Diagnostic Information: An Overview of Methods and Results (MM, PY, MG, TS), pp. 477–490.
PLILP-1991-LegeardL #bibliography- Short Overview of the CLPS System (BL, EL), pp. 431–433.
CAV-1991-NicollinS #algebra #bibliography #process #synthesis- An Overview and Synthesis on Timed Process Algebras (XN, JS), pp. 376–398.
ICLP-1991-AggounB #bibliography #compilation- Overview of the CHIP Compiler System (AA, NB), pp. 775–789.
ICLP-1991-Scowen #bibliography #problem #prolog #standard- An Overview of Prolog Standardization — Progress, Problems and Solutions (RSS), pp. 922–936.
IWPTS-1991-Berghe #bibliography #consistency #specification #standard #tool support- Overview of the Standardisation of Conformance Test Specifications and Tools: European Work, Contribution to ISO/CCITT and Worldwide Harmonisation (FvdB), pp. 297–310.
ECHT-1990-ShermanHMN #bibliography #hypermedia #multi #tool support- Building Hypertext on a Multimedia Toolkit: An Overview of Andrew Toolkit Hypermedia Facilities (MS, WJH, MM, TPN), pp. 13–24.
CAiSE-1990-Folkmanis #bibliography #perspective- ESPRIT Today — An Overview (JF), p. 283.
SIGMOD-1989-Kent #bibliography #problem #version control- An Overview of the Versioning Problem (WK), pp. 5–7.
VLDB-1989-VelezBD #bibliography #perspective- The O2 Object Manager: an Overview (FV, GB, VD), pp. 357–366.
RTA-1989-GarlandG #bibliography- An Overview of LP, The Larch Power (SJG, JVG), pp. 137–151.
RTA-1989-KapurZ #bibliography- An Overview of Rewrite Rule Laboratory (RRL) (DK, HZ), pp. 559–563.
ECOOP-1988-LaenensV #bibliography #database #object-oriented #programming language- An Overview of OOPS+, An Object-Oriented Database Programming Language (EL, DV), pp. 350–373.
OOPSLA-1988-Wirfs-BrockW #bibliography #composition #smalltalk- An Overview of Modular Smalltalk (AWB, BW), pp. 123–134.
CCHSC-1988-LippsMW #bibliography #case study #experience #named #program transformation #specification- OPTRAN — A Language/System for the Specification of Program Transformations: System Overview and Experiences (PL, UM, RW), pp. 52–65.
JICSCP-1988-NadathurM88 #bibliography #prolog- An Overview of λ-PROLOG (GN, DM), pp. 810–827.
DAC-1987-OwensI #bibliography #design- An Overview of the Penn State Design System (RMO, MJI), pp. 516–522.
DAC-1987-Trevillyan #bibliography #logic #synthesis- An Overview of Logic Synthesis Systems (LT), pp. 166–172.
HCI-CE-1987-Shackel #bibliography #research- An Overview of Research on Electronic Journals (BS), pp. 193–206.
ECOOP-1987-DeMichielG #bibliography #lisp #object-oriented #perspective- The Common Lisp Object System: An Overview (LGD, RPG), pp. 151–170.
ECOOP-1987-HurC #bibliography #object-oriented #parallel- Overview of a Parallel Object-Oriented Language CLIX (JHH, KC), pp. 265–273.
DAC-1986-Shahdad #bibliography- An overview of VHDL language and technology (MS), pp. 320–326.
VLDB-1986-FushimiKT #bibliography #database #parallel #relational- An Overview of The System Software of A Parallel Relational Database Machine GRACE (SF, MK, HT), pp. 209–219.
CADE-1986-BoyerM #bibliography #logic- Overview of a Theorem-Prover for A Computational Logic (RSB, JSM), pp. 675–678.
ICLP-1986-MorrisUG86 #bibliography #design #exclamation- Design Overview of the NAIL! System (KAM, JDU, AVG), pp. 554–568.
DAC-1985-GranackiKP #automation #bibliography #design #interface #natural language- The ADAM advanced design automation system: overview, planner and natural language interface (JJG, DK, ACP), pp. 727–730.
SIGIR-1985-Fox #bibliography #documentation #perspective #retrieval- Composite Document Extended Retrieval — An Overview (EAF), pp. 42–53.
ICSE-1985-Schaul #bibliography #design #education #re-engineering #using- Design Using Software Engineering Principles: Overview of an Educational Program (MS), pp. 201–209.
DAC-1984-Trischler #automation #bibliography #design #generative #perspective #testing- An integrated design for testability and automatic test pattern generation system: An overview (ET), pp. 209–215.
SIGMOD-1984-FishmanLW #bibliography #database- Overview of the Jasmin Database Machine (DHF, MYL, WKW), pp. 234–239.
ICALP-1984-FaginV #bibliography #dependence #formal method #perspective- The Theory of Data Dependencies — An Overview (RF, MYV), pp. 1–22.
DAC-1983-Dunn #bibliography #design #verification- An overview of the design and verification subsystem of the Engineering Design System (LND), pp. 237–238.
SIGMOD-1983-ChanDFGRS #ada #bibliography #database #distributed- Overview of an Ada Compatible Distributed Database Manager (AC, UD, SF, NG, DRR, DS), pp. 228–237.
DAC-1982-Collins #bibliography- IBM 3081 system overview and technology (CAC), pp. 75–82.
SCC-1982-AuslanderH #bibliography #compilation- An Overview of the PL.8 Compiler (MAA, MH), pp. 22–31.
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LFP-1982-Steele #bibliography #lisp- An Overview of Common Lisp (GLSJ), pp. 98–107.
ASPLOS-1982-JohnssonW #architecture #bibliography- An Overview of the Mesa Processor Architecture (RKJ, JDW), pp. 20–29.
DAC-1981-AtkinsLO #bibliography #design- Overview of an Arithmetic Design System (DEA, WL, SO), pp. 314–321.
LISP-1980-BurtonMBHKS #bibliography #lisp- Overview and Status of DoradoLISP (RRB, LM, DGB, WH, RMK, BAS), p. 243–?.
POPL-1980-Klint #bibliography #programming language- An Overview of the Summer Programming Language (PK), pp. 47–55.
FM-1979-BergFM #bibliography #correctness #perspective- Correctness of Software — An Overview (HKB, WRF, TGM), pp. 237–354.
FM-1979-BoydPW #bibliography #design- An Overview of RDM: Rational Design Methodology (DLB, AP, WTW), pp. 79–110.
ICSE-1979-McKeeman #bibliography #on the #perspective- On An Overview (WMM), p. 340.
DAC-1978-Rosene #bibliography #perspective- Phoenix system overview (AFR), p. 231.
VLDB-1978-AdibaCDGB #bibliography #database #distributed #perspective- Issues in Distributed Data Base Management Systems: A Technical Overview (MEA, JCC, RD, GG, JLB), pp. 89–110.
SIGIR-1978-Infodata #bibliography #perspective- Inquire System Overview (IS), pp. 171–174.
ICSE-1976-BallFLRR #bibliography- RIG, Rochester’s Intelligent Gateway: System Overview (Abstract) (JEB, JAF, JRL, RFR, PR), p. 132.
ICSE-1976-Browne #bibliography #evaluation #performance- A Critical Overview of Computer Performance Evaluation (JCB), pp. 138–145.
SOSP-1975-WulfLP #bibliography #development #operating system- Overview of the HYDRA Operating System Development (WAW, RL, CP), pp. 122–131.
SIGFIDET-1971-Browne #bibliography #perspective #privacy- Data Privacy and Integrity: An Overview (PSB), pp. 237–240.