Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
N.Satish K.Keutzer A.Ghosal R.Limaye S.Tripakis A.Prasad G.Wang T.N.Tran H.A.Andrade S.Abu-Mahmeed C.McCosh Z.Budimlic K.Kennedy K.Hogan P.Austin S.Rogers J.Kornerup
Talks about:
schedul (2) static (2) task (2) multiprocessor (1) decomposit (1) constraint (1) dataflow (1) communic (1) approach (1) variabl (1)
Person: Kaushik Ravindran
DBLP: Ravindran:Kaushik
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2012-GhosalLRTPWTA #analysis #data access #data flow #semantics
- Static dataflow with access patterns: semantics and analysis (AG, RL, KR, ST, AP, GW, TNT, HAA), pp. 656–663.
- CC-2009-Abu-MahmeedMBKRHARK #scheduling
- Scheduling Tasks to Maximize Usage of Aggregate Variables in Place (SAM, CM, ZB, KK, KR, KH, PA, SR, JK), pp. 204–219.
- DATE-2007-SatishRK #approach #communication #constraints #graph #multi #optimisation #scheduling
- A decomposition-based constraint optimization approach for statically scheduling task graphs with communication delays to multiprocessors (NS, KR, KK), pp. 57–62.