Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
O.Moreira A.Kumar A.Lele H.Salunkhe J.P.Vink P.v.d.Wolf
Talks about:
dataflow (2) control (2) analysi (2) mode (2) base (2) architectur (1) solomon (1) schedul (1) perform (1) vector (1)
Person: Kees van Berkel
DBLP: Berkel:Kees_van
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2015-LeleMB #case study #data flow
- FP-scheduling for mode-controlled dataflow: a case study (AL, OM, KvB), pp. 1257–1260.
- DATE-2014-SalunkheMB #analysis #data flow #modelling
- Mode-Controlled Dataflow based modeling & analysis of a 4G-LTE receiver (HS, OM, KvB), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2008-KumarB
- Vectorization of Reed Solomon Decoding and Mapping on the EVP (AK, KvB), pp. 450–455.
- DATE-2008-VinkBW #analysis #architecture #performance
- Performance Analysis of SoC Architectures Based on Latency-Rate Servers (JPV, KvB, PvdW), pp. 200–205.