Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Guestrin M.Xu E.B.Fox G.Veda D.Shahaf U.Paquet R.Herbrich J.V.Gael B.A.y.Arcas
Talks about:
blogospher (1) literatur (1) transpar (1) scientif (1) document (1) keyword (1) search (1) repres (1) reader (1) person (1)
Person: Khalid El-Arini
DBLP: El-Arini:Khalid
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- KDD-2013-El-AriniXFG #documentation #representation
- Representing documents through their readers (KEA, MX, EBF, CG), pp. 14–22.
- KDD-2012-El-AriniPHGA #modelling #personalisation
- Transparent user models for personalization (KEA, UP, RH, JVG, BAyA), pp. 678–686.
- KDD-2011-El-AriniG #keyword
- Beyond keyword search: discovering relevant scientific literature (KEA, CG), pp. 439–447.
- KDD-2009-El-AriniVSG
- Turning down the noise in the blogosphere (KEA, GV, DS, CG), pp. 289–298.