71 papers:
HT-2015-PeraN #recommendation- Analyzing Book-Related Features to Recommend Books for Emergent Readers (MSP, YKN), pp. 221–230.
CHI-2015-ShilkrotHEMN #named #smarttech- FingerReader: A Wearable Device to Explore Printed Text on the Go (RS, JH, WME, PM, SCN), pp. 2363–2372.
DHM-EH-2015-NakamuraKKMK #development #self #student #using- Development of a Self-learning System for Chest Auscultation Skills Using an RFID Reader for Nursing Students (MN, KK, YK, JM, MKP), pp. 474–481.
HCI-DE-2015-WatsonS #assessment #using- Using Readers’ and Organizations’ Goals to Guide Assessment of Success in Information Websites (RBW, JHS), pp. 283–294.
RecSys-2015-KazaiCYV #personalisation- A Personalised Reader for Crowd Curated Content (GK, DC, IY, MV), pp. 325–326.
HT-2014-HerzigMR #detection #social #social media #topic- An author-reader influence model for detecting topic-based influencers in social media (JH, YM, HR), pp. 46–55.
HT-2014-LehmannMLLK #behaviour #wiki- Reader preferences and behavior on Wikipedia (JL, CMB, DL, ML, AK), pp. 88–97.
HT-2014-YamadaIUTTT- Evaluating the helpfulness of linked entities to readers (IY, TI, SU, ST, HT, YT), pp. 169–178.
CIKM-2014-VouzoukidouAC #named #query #ranking #realtime- MeowsReader: Real-Time Ranking and Filtering of News with Generalized Continuous Top-k Queries (NV, BA, VC), pp. 2066–2068.
RecSys-2014-GarcinGF #mobile #named #personalisation- Focal: a personalized mobile news reader (FG, FG, BF), pp. 369–370.
RecSys-2014-PeraN14a #automation #recommendation- Automating readers’ advisory to make book recommendations for K-12 readers (MSP, YKN), pp. 9–16.
DocEng-2013-Marinai- Reflowing and annotating scientific papers on eBook readers (SM), pp. 241–244.
HT-2013-VigoH #information management- Challenging information foraging theory: screen reader users are not always driven by information scent (MV, SH), pp. 60–68.
CHI-2013-KaneFW #documentation #gesture #lens- Access lens: a gesture-based screen reader for real-world documents (SKK, BF, JOW), pp. 347–350.
CSCW-2013-HalfakerKT #wiki- Making peripheral participation legitimate: reader engagement experiments in wikipedia (AH, OK, DT), pp. 849–860.
OCSC-2013-LeeKS #case study #experience #social- Assessing the Possibility of a Social e-Book by Analyzing Reader Experiences (SL, JIK, CS), pp. 50–57.
KDD-2013-El-AriniXFG #documentation #representation- Representing documents through their readers (KEA, MX, EBF, CG), pp. 14–22.
PPoPP-2013-CalciuDLLMS- NUMA-aware reader-writer locks (IC, DD, YL, VL, VJM, NS), pp. 157–166.
PPoPP-2013-DiceLLLM #algorithm #hardware #memory management #transaction #using- Using hardware transactional memory to correct and simplify and readers-writer lock algorithm (DD, YL, YL, VL, MM), pp. 261–270.
CIKM-2012-MaSYC #summary #topic- Topic-driven reader comments summarization (ZM, AS, QY, GC), pp. 265–274.
ICDAR-2011-BarbozaLP #automation #documentation #summary #using- Using Readers’ Highlighting on Monochromatic Documents for Automatic Text Transcription and Summarization (RdSB, RDL, VMdSP), pp. 212–216.
ICPC-2011-SamaraweeraSQ #approach #programming #towards- Programming from the Reader’s Perspective: Toward an Expectations Approach (GS, MS, JQ), pp. 211–212.
CHI-2011-TashmanE #problem- Active reading and its discontents: the situations, problems and ideas of readers (CST, WKE), pp. 2927–2936.
CHI-2011-ThayerLHSSD- The imposition and superimposition of digital reading technology: the academic potential of e-readers (AT, CPL, LHH, HS, PS, ND), pp. 2917–2926.
IDGD-2011-MaR #bibliography #perspective- Reading Chinese in e-Book Readers: A Review (LM, PLPR), pp. 211–219.
CHI-2010-YuM #readability #web- Enhancing web page readability for non-native readers (CHY, RCM), pp. 2523–2532.
CSCW-2010-AntinC #wiki- Readers are not free-riders: reading as a form of participation on wikipedia (JA, CC), pp. 127–130.
CSCW-2010-GeyerD #topic- Inspired by the audience: a topic suggestion system for blog writers and readers (WG, CD), pp. 237–240.
SIGIR-2010-WanLX #named #summary- EUSUM: extracting easy-to-understand english summaries for non-native readers (XW, HL, JX), pp. 491–498.
CASE-2009-MysoreNUMR #algorithm #performance- An efficient algorithm for RFID reader positioning for coverage of irregularly-shaped areas (NM, PN, RSU, RM, SR), pp. 233–240.
HCI-VAD-2009-BuzziBL- Accessing e-Learning Systems via Screen Reader: An Example (MCB, MB, BL), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2008-BaumerST #process- Exploring the role of the reader in the activity of blogging (EB, MS, BT), pp. 1111–1120.
CHI-2008-ChenGDLA #navigation- Navigation techniques for dual-display e-book readers (NC, FG, MD, CL, MA), pp. 1779–1788.
SIGIR-2008-HuSL #comprehension #documentation #feedback #summary- Comments-oriented document summarization: understanding documents with readers’ feedback (MH, AS, EPL), pp. 291–298.
DocEng-2007-NollM #case study #comparative #documentation #metadata- Authors vs. readers: a comparative study of document metadata and content in the www (MGN, CM), pp. 177–186.
HT-2007-WrightP #case study- A study of publisher, writer, and reader: different perspectives on digital fiction (HW, DP), pp. 157–158.
ITiCSE-2007-FreireFPT #education #using #web- Using screen readers to reinforce web accessibility education (APF, RPdMF, DMBP, MAST), pp. 82–86.
CHI-2007-LampeJR- Follow the reader: filtering comments on slashdot (CL, EWJ, PR), pp. 1253–1262.
SIGIR-2007-LinYC #question #what- What emotions do news articles trigger in their readers? (KHYL, CY, HHC), pp. 733–734.
HT-2005-HooperW05a- The StorySpinner sculptural reader (CJH, MJW), pp. 288–289.
ICDAR-2005-LuoZPLX #mobile- Camera based mixed-lingual card reader for mobile device (XPL, LXZ, GP, JL, BHX), pp. 665–669.
ICPR-v1-2004-LuoLZ #design #implementation- Design and Implementation of a Card Reader based on Build-in Camera (XPL, JL, LXZ), pp. 417–420.
DocEng-2002-FurutaN #community #documentation #programmable #semantics #web- Applying caT’s programmable browsing semantics to specify world-wide web documents that reflect place, time, reader, and community (RF, JCN), pp. 10–17.
ICDAR-2001-LladosLCQ #automation #named- ICAR: Identity Card Automatic Reader (JL, FL, VC, JQ), pp. 470–475.
CHI-2001-BackCGHM- Listen reader: an electronically augmented paper-based book (MB, JC, RG, SRH, SLM), pp. 23–29.
ECOOP-2001-StromA- The Optimistic Readers Transformation (RES, JSA), pp. 275–301.
HT-2000-Bernstein- More than legible: on links that readers don’t want to follow (MB), pp. 216–217.
CIKM-2000-Berleant #interactive #modelling- Models for Reader Interaction with Texts (DB), pp. 127–133.
SAC-2000-OzakuUMI #network #topic- Topic Search for Intelligent Network News Reader HISHO (HO, KU, MM, HI), pp. 28–33.
HT-1999-Calvi #quote- “Lector in Rebus”: The Role of the Reader and the Characteristics of Hyperreading (LC), pp. 101–109.
ICDAR-1999-GorskiAABPS #product line #recognition- A2iA Check Reader: A Family of Bank Check Recognition Systems (NG, VA, EA, OB, DP, JCS), pp. 523–526.
ICDAR-1999-MiletzkiBS #learning- Continuous Learning Systems: Postal Address Readers with Built-In Learning Capability (UM, TB, HS), pp. 329–332.
CHI-1999-Graham #documentation #personalisation- The Reader’s Helper: A Personalized Document Reading Environment (JG), pp. 481–488.
VLDB-1998-IshikawaSF #database #multi #named #query- MindReader: Querying Databases Through Multiple Examples (YI, RS, CF), pp. 218–227.
CHI-1998-OHaraSNS #documentation #library #student- Student Readers’ Use of Library Documents: Implications for Library Technologies (KO, FS, WMN, AS), pp. 233–240.
ICDAR-1997-MiyamotoISNT #analysis #documentation #requirements- Analysis of required elements for next-generation document reader on the basis of user requirements (TM, YI, KS, TN, YT), pp. 428–432.
ICDAR-1997-ShamilianBW- A retargetable table reader (JHS, HSB, TLW), pp. 158–163.
ICDAR-1997-SrihariK #integration- Integration of hand-written address interpretation technology into the United States Postal Service Remote Computer Reader system (SNS, EJK), pp. 892–896.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SrihariSRL- Name and Address Block Reader system for tax form processing (SNS, YCS, VR, DSL), pp. 5–10.
ICDAR-v2-1995-ChinW #recognition- A microprocessor-based optical character recognition check reader (FYLC, FW), pp. 982–985.
SAC-1995-PittasSS #documentation #hypermedia #modelling #multi- Reader’s document models and access strategies in hypermedia and multimedia systems (MP, SS, DS), pp. 253–257.
HT-1993-MichalakC #hypermedia- Hypertext and the Author/Reader Dialogue (SM, MC), pp. 174–182.
ICDAR-1993-FrankeO #classification #detection #statistics- Writing style detection by statistical combination of classifiers in form reader applications (JF, MFO), pp. 581–584.
ICDAR-1993-GuillevicS #performance #recognition- Cursive script recognition: A fast reader scheme (DG, CYS), pp. 311–314.
ICDAR-1993-LamJS- Anatomy of a form reader (SWKL, LJ, SNS), pp. 506–509.
HCI-SHI-1993-WangSHPW #evaluation #interface #speech #usability- A Usability Evaluation of Text and Speech Redundant Help Messages on a Reader Interface (EMYW, HS, LH, KP, NW), pp. 724–729.
HT-1991-Joyce #hypermedia- Storyspace as a Hypertext System for Writers and Readers of Varying Ability (MJ), pp. 381–387.
PPoPP-1991-Mellor-CrummeyS #multi #scalability- Scalable Reader-Writer Synchronization for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (JMMC, MLS), pp. 106–113.
ECHT-1990-Rouet #interactive- Interactive Text Processing by Inexperienced (Hyper-) Readers (JFR), pp. 250–260.
DAC-1989-Roberts #data-driven #named- CEDIF: A Data Driven EDIF Reader (MR), pp. 818–821.
HT-1989-MarshallI #how #hypermedia #online- Guided Tours and On-Line Presentations: How Authors Make Existing Hypertext Intelligible for Readers (CCM, PMI), pp. 15–26.