Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Eriksson J.Börstler ∅ H.Morast
Talks about:
case (3) use (3) shell (2) pluss (2) model (2) approach (1) toolkit (1) telelog (1) support (1) product (1)
Person: Kjell Borg
DBLP: Borg:Kjell
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ASE-2005-ErikssonMBB #case study #modelling #product line #tool support
- The PLUSS toolkit — extending telelogic DOORS and IBM-rational rose to support product line use case modeling (ME, HM, JB, KB), pp. 300–304.
- SPLC-2005-ErikssonBB #approach #case study #domain model #modelling
- The PLUSS Approach — Domain Modeling with Features, Use Cases and Use Case Realizations (ME, JB, KB), pp. 33–44.
- CHI-1990-Borg #named #visual notation
- IShell: a visual UNIX shell (KB), pp. 201–207.