Travelled to:
1 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Ravada D.Agrawal A.K.Singh N.An D.Abugov J.Sharma J.Banerjee X.Cheng R.Dolin M.O.Neary S.Prabhakar D.Wu A.E.Abbadi M.Freeston T.R.Smith J.Su
Talks about:
oracl (3) dimension (2) index (2) tree (2) data (2) comparison (1) spatial (1) similar (1) scalabl (1) quadtre (1)
Person: Kothuri Venkata Ravi Kanth
DBLP: Kanth:Kothuri_Venkata_Ravi
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- VLDB-2003-AnKR #performance
- Improving Performance with Bulk-Inserts in Oracle R-Trees (NA, KVRK, SR), pp. 948–951.
- SIGMOD-2002-KanthRA #comparison #using
- Quadtree and R-tree indexes in oracle spatial: a comparison using GIS data (KVRK, SR, DA), pp. 546–557.
- SIGMOD-1999-KanthRSB
- Indexing Medium-dimensionality Data in Oracle (KVRK, SR, JS, JB), pp. 521–522.
- SIGMOD-1998-KanthAS #database #reduction #similarity
- Dimensionality Reduction for Similarity Searching in Dynamic Databases (KVRK, DA, AKS), pp. 166–176.
- ADL-1997-ChengDNPKWAAFSSS #library #scalability
- Scalable Access Within the Context of Digital Libraries (XC, RD, MON, SP, KVRK, DW, DA, AEA, MF, AKS, TRS, JS), pp. 70–81.