Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Sweden
Collaborated with:
M.Becker J.E.Savolainen B.Zhang J.Savolainen M.Steffens T.Patzke C.Angelov N.Marian J.Ma H.H.Hojrup D.Beuche R.Hellebrand A.Silva T.Fogdal A.F.Iosif-Lazar A.S.Al-Sibahi A.S.Dimovski A.Wasowski
Talks about:
variabl (3) studi (3) case (3) industri (2) product (2) line (2) infrastructur (1) transform (1) framework (1) distribut (1)
Person: Krzysztof Sierszecki
DBLP: Sierszecki:Krzysztof
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- SPLC-2014-HellebrandS0ZSS #case study #industrial #modelling #variability
- Coevolution of variability models and code: an industrial case study (RH, AS, MB, BZ, KS, JS), pp. 274–283.
- SPLC-2014-SierszeckiSHSB #variability
- Extending variability management to the next level (KS, MS, HHH, JS, DB), pp. 320–329.
- SPLC-2013-ZhangBPSS #case study #evolution #industrial #product line #variability
- Variability evolution and erosion in industrial product lines: a case study (BZ, MB, TP, KS, JES), pp. 168–177.
- SPLC-2012-PatzkeBSSSF #case study #evolution #identification #product line
- Identifying improvement potential in evolving product line infrastructures: 3 case studies (TP, MB, MS, KS, JES, TF), pp. 239–248.
- CBSE-2006-AngelovSMM #component #distributed #embedded #framework
- A Formal Component Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems (CA, KS, NM, JM), pp. 206–221.
- ASE-2015-Iosif-LazarADSS #case study #design #experience #legacy #validation
- Experiences from Designing and Validating a Software Modernization Transformation (E) (AFIL, ASAS, ASD, JES, KS, AW), pp. 597–607.