Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.M.Burnett C.R.Cook S.Wiedenbeck S.Sorte M.Hastings C.Kissinger J.Lawrance A.F.Blackwell T.J.Robertson S.Prabhakararao J.R.Ruthruff A.Phalgune A.Wilson O.Granatir L.Casburn M.Durham G.Rothermel N.Subrahmaniyan V.Grigoreanu V.Narayanan K.Bucht R.Drummond X.Z.Fern
Talks about:
user (5) end (5) debug (4) gender (2) interrupt (1) strategi (1) programm (1) softwar (1) program (1) inspect (1)
Person: Laura Beckwith
DBLP: Beckwith:Laura
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CHI-2008-SubrahmaniyanBGBWNBDF #debugging #testing #what
- Testing vs. code inspection vs. what else?: male and female end users’ debugging strategies (NS, LB, VG, MMB, SW, VN, KB, RD, XZF), pp. 617–626.
- CHI-2006-BeckwithKBWLBC #debugging #gender
- Tinkering and gender in end-user programmers’ debugging (LB, CK, MMB, SW, JL, AFB, CRC), pp. 231–240.
- CHI-2005-BeckwithBWCSH #debugging #effectiveness #gender #question
- Effectiveness of end-user debugging software features: are there gender issues? (LB, MMB, SW, CRC, SS, MH), pp. 869–878.
- CHI-2004-RobertsonPBCRBP #debugging
- Impact of interruption style on end-user debugging (TJR, SP, MMB, CRC, JRR, LB, AP), pp. 287–294.
- CHI-2003-WilsonBBGCCDR #correctness #programming
- Harnessing curiosity to increase correctness in end-user programming (AW, MMB, LB, OG, LC, CRC, MD, GR), pp. 305–312.