Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Arons C.Schmandt A.Singer D.Hindus S.White E.A.Hulteen
Talks about:
speech (2) audio (2) voic (2) structur (1) progress (1) notebook (1) interfac (1) interact (1) tangibl (1) somewir (1)
Person: Lisa Stifelman
DBLP: Stifelman:Lisa
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-2001-StifelmanAS #interactive #speech
- The audio notebook: paper and pen interaction with structured speech (LS, BA, CS), pp. 182–189.
- CHI-1999-SingerHSW #less is more
- Tangible Progress: Less is More in Somewire Audio Spaces (AS, DH, LS, SW), pp. 104–111.
- INTERCHI-1993-StifelmanASH #interface #named #speech
- VoiceNotes: a speech interface for a hand-held voice notetaker (LS, BA, CS, EAH), pp. 179–186.