Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
2 × Spain
3 × France
4 × United Kingdom
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.J.Alferes A.M.Pinto C.V.Damásio ∅ A.Porto J.A.Leite J.N.Aparício T.Swift G.Lopes P.Dell'Acqua E.Dietz S.Hölldobler A.Saptawijaya M.Calejo J.Alcântara H.Herre W.Nejdl S.Abreu P.Codognet P.Sabatier E.Oliveira A.Brogi L.Monteiro J.C.Cunha J.Gartner A.Tien H.Przymusinska T.C.Przymusinski
Talks about:
logic (15) program (13) semant (5) reason (5) model (5) abduct (4) system (3) prolog (3) comput (3) revis (3)
Person: Luís Moniz Pereira
DBLP: Pereira:Lu=iacute=s_Moniz
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 30 papers:
- ICLP-J-2014-PereiraDH #abduction #reasoning
- Contextual Abductive Reasoning with Side-Effects (LMP, EAD, SH), pp. 633–648.
- KR-2014-PereiraDH #abduction #approach #bias #reasoning
- An Abductive Reasoning Approach to the Belief Bias Effect (LMP, EAD, SH).
- PADL-2014-SaptawijayaP #logic programming #modelling #towards
- Towards Modeling Morality Computationally with Logic Programming (AS, LMP), pp. 104–119.
- ICLP-2010-PereiraP10 #logic programming #semantics #source code
- Tight Semantics for Logic Programs (LMP, AMP), pp. 134–143.
- PADL-2010-LopesP
- Prospective Storytelling Agents (GL, LMP), pp. 294–296.
- ICLP-2009-SwiftPP #incremental
- Incremental Answer Completion in the SLG-WAM (TS, AMP, LMP), pp. 519–524.
- PADL-2009-PereiraDL #abduction #modelling #on the
- On Preferring and Inspecting Abductive Models (LMP, PD, GL), pp. 1–15.
- PADL-2009-PereiraP #logic programming #modelling #query #source code #top-down
- Layered Models Top-Down Querying of Normal Logic Programs (LMP, AMP), pp. 254–268.
- ICLP-2005-AlcantaraDP #semantics
- A Well-Founded Semantics with Disjunction (JA, CVD, LMP), pp. 341–355.
- PADL-2003-DellAcquaP #framework #logic #modelling
- A Logical Framework for Modelling eMAS (PD, LMP), pp. 241–255.
- LOPSTR-2001-AlferesBLP #behaviour #logic programming
- Computing Environment-Aware Agent Behaviours with Logic Program Updates (JJA, AB, JAL, LMP), pp. 216–232.
- CL-2000-AlferesHP #logic programming #modelling #source code
- Partial Models of Extended Generalized Logic Programs (JJA, HH, LMP), pp. 149–163.
- CL-2000-GartnerSTDP #logic
- Psychiatric Diagnosis from the Viewpoint of Computational Logic (JG, TS, AT, CVD, LMP), pp. 1362–1376.
- ICLP-1999-AlferesPS #abduction #source code
- Well-founded Abduction via Tabled Dual Programs (JJA, LMP, TS), pp. 426–440.
- JICSLP-1998-LeiteP #logic programming
- Iterated Logic Program Updates (JAL, LMP), pp. 265–278.
- KR-1998-AlferesLPPP #logic programming
- Dynamic Logic Programming (JJA, JAL, LMP, HP, TCP), pp. 98–111.
- ILPS-1994-AlferesDP #named #source code #top-down
- SLX — A Top-down Derivation Procedure for Programs with Explicit Negation (JJA, CVD, LMP), pp. 424–438.
- KR-1994-DamasioNP #knowledge base #logic programming #named
- REVISE: An Extended Logic Programming System for Revising Knowledge Bases (CVD, WN, LMP), pp. 607–618.
- ICLP-1993-PereiraA #reasoning #semantics
- Optative Reasoning with Scenario Semantics (LMP, JJA), pp. 601–615.
- JICSLP-1992-AbreuPC #execution #product line
- Improving Backward Execution in the Andorra Family of Languages (SA, LMP, PC), pp. 384–398.
- JICSLP-1992-AlferesP #logic programming #on the #semantics
- On Logic Program Semantics with Two Kinds of Negation (JJA, LMP), pp. 574–588.
- ICLP-1991-PereiraAA #reasoning #semantics
- Nonmonotonic Reasoning with Well Founded Semantics (LMP, JNA, JJA), pp. 475–489.
- ISLP-1991-PereiraAA #reasoning
- Counterfactual Reasoning Based on Revising Assumptions (LMP, JNA, JJA), pp. 566–577.
- JICSCP-1988-PereiraC88 #debugging #framework #prolog
- A Framework for Prolog Debugging (LMP, MC), pp. 481–495.
- ICLP-1986-Pereira86 #debugging #logic programming
- Rational Debugging in Logic Programming (LMP), pp. 203–210.
- ICLP-1986-PereiraMCA86 #backtracking #distributed #prolog
- Delta Prolog: A Distributed Backtracking Extension with Events (LMP, LM, JCC, JNA), pp. 69–83.
- ILPC-1982-Pereira82 #logic
- Logic Control with Logic (LMP), pp. 9–18.
- ILPC-1982-PereiraP82 #implementation #prolog #scalability
- A Prolog Implementation of a Large System on a Small Machine (LMP, AP), pp. 225–229.
- ILPC-1982-PereiraSO82 #evaluation #named #natural language
- ORBI — An Expert System for Environmental Resource Evaluation through Natural Language (LMP, PS, EO), pp. 200–209.
- CADE-1980-PereiraP #backtracking #logic programming #source code
- Selective Backtracking for Logic Programs (LMP, AP), pp. 306–317.