Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Romania
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
E.Stroulia N.Tsantalis A.Chatzigeorgiou ∅ B.Tansey M.Oprescu D.Serrano J.Sander V.Ganev K.Bauer
Talks about:
support (3) servic (3) evolut (3) web (3) identif (2) deodor (2) darwin (2) applic (2) class (2) wiki (2)
Person: Marios Fokaefs
DBLP: Fokaefs:Marios
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICSME-2015-FokaefsOS #evolution #named #rest #web
- WSDarwin: A web application for the support of REST service evolution (MF, MO, ES), pp. 336–338.
- ICSME-2014-Fokaefs #evolution #framework #named #web #web service
- WSDarwin: A Framework for the Support of Web Service Evolution (MF), p. 668.
- ICSM-2013-FokaefsS #evolution #named
- WSDARWIN: A Decision-Support Tool for Web-Service Evolution (MF, ES), pp. 444–447.
- ICSE-2011-FokaefsTSC #identification #named #refactoring
- JDeodorant: identification and application of extract class refactorings (MF, NT, ES, AC), pp. 1037–1039.
- CSMR-2010-FokaefsTGBS #development #wiki
- WikiDev 2.0: Facilitating Software Development Teams (MF, BT, VG, KB, ES), pp. 276–277.
- ICSM-2010-FokaefsSTS #2d #3d #visualisation #wiki
- 2D and 3D visualizations in WikiDev2.0 (MF, DS, BT, ES), pp. 1–5.
- ICSM-2009-FokaefsTCS #clustering #object-oriented #using
- Decomposing object-oriented class modules using an agglomerative clustering technique (MF, NT, AC, JS), pp. 93–101.
- ICSM-2007-FokaefsTC #identification #named #smell
- JDeodorant: Identification and Removal of Feature Envy Bad Smells (MF, NT, AC), pp. 519–520.