Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
1 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
L.Doyen J.Raskin T.A.Henzinger N.Maquet D.Berwanger K.Chatterjee
Talks about:
antichain (2) algorithm (2) model (2) check (2) implement (1) imperfect (1) systemat (1) automata (1) univers (1) satisfi (1)
Person: Martin De Wulf
DBLP: Wulf:Martin_De
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- TACAS-2009-BerwangerCWDH #game studies #named
- Alpaga: A Tool for Solving Parity Games with Imperfect Information (DB, KC, MDW, LD, TAH), pp. 58–61.
- TACAS-2008-WulfDMR #algorithm #anti #ltl #model checking #named #satisfiability
- Antichains: Alternative Algorithms for LTL Satisfiability and Model-Checking (MDW, LD, NM, JFR), pp. 63–77.
- CAV-2006-WulfDHR #algorithm #anti #automaton #finite #named
- Antichains: A New Algorithm for Checking Universality of Finite Automata (MDW, LD, TAH, JFR), pp. 17–30.
- FM-2005-WulfDR #implementation #modelling #realtime
- Systematic Implementation of Real-Time Models (MDW, LD, JFR), pp. 139–156.