35 papers:
DAC-2012-HuangHRBK #detection #embedded #fault tolerance #towards- Towards fault-tolerant embedded systems with imperfect fault detection (JH, KH, AR, CB, AK), pp. 188–196.
ICML-2012-LanctotGBB #game studies #learning- No-Regret Learning in Extensive-Form Games with Imperfect Recall (ML, RGG, NB, MB), p. 135.
HIMI-v1-2011-FriedemannRTSS #modelling #visualisation- Explicit Modeling and Visualization of Imperfect Information in the Context of Decision Support for Tsunami Early Warning in Indonesia (MF, UR, ST, TS, CS), pp. 201–210.
DATE-2010-ZhangPLWM- Carbon nanotube circuits: Living with imperfections and variations (JZ, NP, AL, HSPW, SM), pp. 1159–1164.
ICPR-2010-Williams #classification- Underwater Mine Classification with Imperfect Labels (DPW), pp. 4157–4161.
CSL-2010-DegorreDGRT #energy #game studies- Energy and Mean-Payoff Games with Imperfect Information (AD, LD, RG, JFR, ST), pp. 260–274.
DATE-2009-BobbaZPAM #design #logic #standard #synthesis- Design of compact imperfection-immune CNFET layouts for standard-cell-based logic synthesis (SB, JZ, AP, DA, GDM), pp. 616–621.
DATE-2009-MitraZPW #logic #using- Imperfection-immune VLSI logic circuits using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (SM, JZ, NP, HW), pp. 436–441.
TACAS-2009-BerwangerCWDH #game studies #named- Alpaga: A Tool for Solving Parity Games with Imperfect Information (DB, KC, MDW, LD, TAH), pp. 58–61.
TACAS-2009-KuijperP #game studies #safety- Computing Weakest Strategies for Safety Games of Imperfect Information (WK, JvdP), pp. 92–106.
ICALP-v2-2009-GriponS #concurrent #game studies #probability- Qualitative Concurrent Stochastic Games with Imperfect Information (VG, OS), pp. 200–211.
DATE-2008-Kopetz #reliability- Reliable Services in an Imperfect World (HK), p. 1123.
SIGMOD-2008-QiCTCL #taxonomy- Supporting OLAP operations over imperfectly integrated taxonomies (YQ, KSC, JT, SC, FL), pp. 875–888.
CIKM-2008-DonmezC #learning #multi- Proactive learning: cost-sensitive active learning with multiple imperfect oracles (PD, JGC), pp. 619–628.
SIGIR-2007-Haubold #ranking #retrieval #video- Selection and ranking of text from highly imperfect transcripts for retrieval of video content (AH), pp. 791–792.
REFSQ-2007-NoppenBA #development #requirements- Imperfect Requirements in Software Development (JN, PvdB, MA), pp. 247–261.
QoSA-2006-AstudilloPL #component #off the shelf- Evaluating Alternative COTS Assemblies from Imperfect Component Information (HA, JP, CL), pp. 27–42.
SAS-2006-Bertrane #communication #proving- Proving the Properties of Communicating Imperfectly-Clocked Synchronous Systems (JB), pp. 370–386.
CIKM-2006-YilmazA #precise- Estimating average precision with incomplete and imperfect judgments (EY, JAA), pp. 102–111.
ICSE-2006-YangEBBD #api #mining #named- Perracotta: mining temporal API rules from imperfect traces (JY, DE, DB, TB, MD), pp. 282–291.
CSL-2006-ChatterjeeDHR #algorithm #game studies- Algorithms for ω-Regular Games with Imperfect Information (KC, LD, TAH, JFR), pp. 287–302.
VLDB-2004-LiuJ #information management #named- A-ToPSS: A Publish/Subscribe System Supporting Imperfect Information Processing (HL, HAJ), pp. 1281–1284.
ICDAR-2003-Lin- Impact of imperfect OCR on part-of-speech tagging (XL), pp. 284–288.
MLDM-2003-HadidP #linear #performance- Efficient Locally Linear Embeddings of Imperfect Manifolds (AH, MP), pp. 188–201.
SIGIR-2003-NurayC #automation #ranking #retrieval- Automatic ranking of retrieval systems in imperfect environments (RN, FC), pp. 379–380.
CSL-2003-Bradfield #independence- Parity of Imperfection of Fixing Independence (JCB), pp. 72–85.
ICALP-2001-Dodis #random- New Imperfect Random Source with Applications to Coin-Flipping (YD), pp. 297–309.
CHI-2001-GrayF- Ignoring perfect knowledge in-the-world for imperfect knowledge in-the-head (WDG, WTF), pp. 112–119.
CIKM-2001-PonceleonS #automation #speech- Automatic Discovery of Salient Segments in Imperfect Speech Transcripts (DBP, SS), pp. 490–497.
WCRE-2000-JahnkeW #reverse engineering #tool support- Reverse Engineering Tools as Media for Imperfect Knowledge (JHJ, AW), pp. 22–31.
SIGIR-1999-JourlinJJW #retrieval #speech- Improving Retrieval on Imperfect Speech Transcriptions (poster abstract) (PJ, SEJ, KSJ, PCW), pp. 283–284.
ICML-1998-KimuraK #algorithm #analysis #learning #using- An Analysis of Actor/Critic Algorithms Using Eligibility Traces: Reinforcement Learning with Imperfect Value Function (HK, SK), pp. 278–286.
ICSE-1989-OhbaC #debugging #question #reliability- Does Imperfect Debugging Affect Software Reliability Growth? (MO, XMC), pp. 237–244.
STOC-1987-LichtensteinLS #process #random- Imperfect Random Sources and Discrete Controlled Processes (DL, NL, MES), pp. 169–177.
POPL-1979-Miller #type checking- Type Checking in an Imperfect World (TCM), pp. 237–243.