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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Japan
1 × Korea
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
H.Fujisawa C.Liu H.Sako R.Mine K.Marukawa Y.Shima T.Kagehiro K.Nakashima Y.Nakano T.Kameyama T.Takahashi M.Yamazaki T.Yamaguchi H.Ikeda Y.Ogawa H.Nishimura H.Shinjo E.Hadano
Talks about:
recognit (6) charact (6) method (5) handwritten (4) featur (4) japanes (3) extract (3) use (3) segment (2) address (2)

Person: Masashi Koga

DBLP DBLP: Koga:Masashi

Contributed to:

ICDAR 20052005
ICPR v2 20042004
ICDAR 20012001
ICDAR 19991999
ICPR 19981998
ICDAR 19971997
ICDAR 19931993

Wrote 11 papers:

Camera-based Kanji OCR for Mobile-phones: Practical Issues (MK, RM, TK, TT, MY, TY), pp. 635–639.
ICDAR-2005-LiuKF #comparison #feature model #recognition
Gabor Feature Extraction for Character Recognition: Comparison with Gradient Feature (CLL, MK, HF), pp. 121–125.
ICDAR-2005-LiuMK #classification #feature model #recognition #scalability #set #using
Building Compact Classifier for Large Character Set Recognition Using Discriminative Feature Extraction (CLL, RM, MK), pp. 846–850.
Address-Block Extraction by Bayesian Rule (TK, MK, HS, HF), pp. 582–585.
ICDAR-2001-KogaMSF #2d #bottom-up #parsing #recognition #segmentation
A Recognition Method of Machine-Printed Monetary Amounts Based on the Two-Dimensional Segmentation and the Bottom-up Parsing (MK, RM, HS, HF), pp. 968–971.
ICDAR-2001-LiuKF #recognition #string
Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Character String Recognition for Japanese Address Reading (CLL, MK, HF), pp. 877–881.
ICDAR-1999-IkedaOKNSF #recognition
A Recognition Method for Touching Japanese Handwritten Characters (HI, YO, MK, HN, HS, HF), pp. 641–644.
ICPR-1998-KogaKSF #analysis #segmentation #using
Segmentation of Japanese handwritten characters using peripheral feature analysis (MK, TK, HS, HF), pp. 1137–1141.
ICDAR-1997-ShinjoNKMSH #documentation
A method for connecting disappeared junction patterns on frame lines in form documents (HS, KN, MK, KM, YS, EH), pp. 667–670.
ICDAR-1993-MarukawaKSF #recognition #using
A post-processing method for handwritten Kanji name recognition using Furigana information (KM, MK, YS, HF), pp. 218–221.
ICDAR-1993-NakashimaKMSN #generative #image
A contour fill method for alpha-numeric character image generation (KN, MK, KM, YS, YN), pp. 722–725.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.