119 papers:
DHM-EH-2015-DoiKM #design #effectiveness- Effective Design of Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony in a Group Home for the Elderly with Dementia (TD, NK, KM), pp. 413–422.
DHM-EH-2015-NakamuraYTLK- The Digital Reminiscence Method: Effect on Dementia in Japanese Day Care Centers (MN, TY, KT, ML, NK), pp. 482–489.
DHM-HM-2015-KanazawaOWWTGH #bibliography #evaluation #visual notation- Visual Evaluation of “The Way of Tea” Based on Questionnaire Survey Between Chinese and Japanese (SK, TO, ZW, RW, YT, AG, HH), pp. 299–306.
DHM-HM-2015-KanoAKH #case study #design #information management- A Study of the Tacit Knowledge on the Design of Kimono Patterns from Japanese Painting (MK, HA, NK, HH), pp. 307–315.
DHM-HM-2015-TakamiTSSH- Omotenashi in the Japanese Bridal Market (ST, AT, TS, MS, HH), pp. 411–418.
DHM-2014-OkaGTNH #analysis- Motion Analysis of the Pounding Technique Used for the Second Lining in the Fabrication of Traditional Japanese Hanging Scrolls (YO, AG, YT, CN, HH), pp. 55–65.
DHM-2014-YamadaOFYGKH #behaviour #music #performance #visual notation- Visual Behavior in a Japanese Drum Performance of Gion Festival Music (KY, MO, TF, HY, AG, NK, HH), pp. 301–310.
LCT-TRE-2014-ShimizuO #effectiveness #learning #question- Which Is More Effective for Learning German and Japanese Language, Paper or Digital? (RS, KO), pp. 309–318.
ICDAR-2013-KamihiraOWK #verification- Improvement of Japanese Signature Verification by Segmentation-Verification (YK, WO, TW, FK), pp. 379–382.
ICDAR-2013-NguyenZN #online #recognition- A Semi-incremental Recognition Method for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text (CTN, BZ, MN), pp. 84–88.
ICDAR-2013-ZhouTLW #markov #random #recognition #using- Minimum Risk Training for Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Text Recognition Using Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields (XDZ, FT, CLL, HW), pp. 940–944.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Marcus- User-Experience and Science-Fiction in Chinese, Indian, and Japanese Films (AM), pp. 72–78.
HCI-IMT-2013-ShimizuNS #algorithm #generative #search-based #using- System of Generating Japanese Sound Symbolic Expressions Using Genetic Algorithm (YS, TN, MS), pp. 126–134.
HIMI-D-2013-IsogaiN #modelling #motivation #music #recommendation- Modeling of Music Recommendation Methods to Promote the User’s Singing Motivation — For Next-Generation Japanese Karaoke Systems (SI, MN), pp. 439–448.
ICEIS-v1-2013-SonodaM #mining #statistics- Mining Japanese Collocation by Statistical Indicators (TS, TM), pp. 381–388.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SaijoSWK #analysis #case study #collaboration #community #multi #process- An Analysis of Multi-disciplinary — Inter-agency Collaboration Process — Case Study of a Japanese Community Care Access Center (MS, TS, MW, SK), pp. 470–475.
SIGIR-2013-Ekstrand-AbuegPKSYI #automation #evaluation- Exploring semi-automatic nugget extraction for Japanese one click access evaluation (MEA, VP, MPK, TS, TY, MI), pp. 749–752.
SIGIR-2013-KatoSYI #bound #evaluation #robust- Report from the NTCIR-10 1CLICK-2 Japanese subtask: baselines, upperbounds and evaluation robustness (MPK, TS, TY, MI), pp. 753–756.
DRR-2012-GaoZN #complexity #online #recognition #reduction- Complexity reduction with recognition rate maintained for online handwritten Japanese text recognition (JG, BZ, MN).
DRR-2011-ZhuN #online #optimisation #parametricity #recognition- A MRF model with parameter optimization by CRF for on-line recognition of handwritten Japanese characters (BZ, MN), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-ChengZN #online #retrieval- A Discriminative Model for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Retrieval (CC, BZ, MN), pp. 1285–1288.
ICDAR-2011-ChenZN #generative #online #recognition #scalability- Effects of Generating a Large Amount of Artificial Patterns for On-line Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition (BC, BZ, MN), pp. 663–667.
ICDAR-2011-KokawaBOWK #analysis #automation #classification #fault- An Impact of OCR Errors on Automated Classification of OCR Japanese Texts with Parts-of-Speech Analysis (AK, LSPB, WO, TW, FK), pp. 543–547.
ICDAR-2011-PhanGZN #normalisation #online #recognition- Effects of Line Densities on Nonlinear Normalization for Online Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition (TVP, JG, BZ, MN), pp. 834–838.
ICDAR-2011-WangZN- A Digital Ink Recogntion Server for Handwritten Japanese Text (DW, BZ, MN), pp. 146–150.
ICDAR-2011-ZhuGN #design #online #recognition- Objective Function Design for MCE-Based Combination of On-line and Off-line Character Recognizers for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition (BZ, JG, MN), pp. 594–598.
ICDAR-2011-ZhuN #online #optimisation #parametricity #recognition #using- On-line Handwritten Japanese Characters Recognition Using a MRF Model with Parameter Optimization by CRF (BZ, MN), pp. 603–607.
ICDAR-2011-ZhuN11a #classification #online #recognition #scalability- A Coarse Classifier Construction Method from a Large Number of Basic Recognizers for On-line Recognition of Handwritten Japanese Characters (BZ, MN), pp. 1090–1094.
ICDAR-2011-ZhuN11b #online #recognition #using- Trie-Lexicon-Driven Recognition for On-line Handwritten Japanese Disease Names Using a Time-Synchronous Method (BZ, MN), pp. 1130–1134.
CHI-2011-ScissorsSIRS #behaviour #collaboration #distributed #editing #realtime- Real-time collaborative editing behavior in USA and Japanese distributed teams (LES, NSS, TI, SLR, SS), pp. 1119–1128.
CSCW-2011-MinamikawaY #estimation #what- Blog tells what kind of personality you have: egogram estimation from Japanese weblog (AM, HY), pp. 217–220.
CSCW-2011-RauLVKS #behaviour- Different time management behaviors of Germans, Chinese and Japanese (PLPR, JL, SV, TK, CMS), pp. 701–704.
HCD-2011-KimuraHKM #evaluation #research #taxonomy- Expansion of the System of JSL-Japanese Electronic Dictionary: An Evaluation for the Compound Research System (TK, DH, KK, KM), pp. 407–416.
HCI-DDA-2011-MiyazakiNI #detection #image- A Detection Method of Basic Mouth Shapes from Japanese Utterance Images (TM, TN, NI), pp. 608–617.
HCI-ITE-2011-KimiokaST #multi #using- Niboshi for Slate Devices: A Japanese Input Method Using Multi-touch for Slate Devices (GK, BS, JT), pp. 81–89.
IDGD-2011-MurakamiNNY #community #design #education #framework- Design and Construction of SNS Platform and “Working Room” for Making Community for Fostering Japanese Teachers (MM, NN, KN, KY), pp. 543–549.
KDIR-2011-WongLZYFXKC #case study #segmentation- Time Series Segmentation as a Discovery Tool — A Case Study of the US and Japanese Financial Markets (JCW, GHTL, YZ, WSY, RPF, DYX, JLK, SAC), pp. 52–63.
KEOD-2011-TakeuchiTMMS #ambiguity #evaluation- Verb Sense Disambiguation based on Thesaurus of Predicate-argument Structure — An Evaluation of Thesaurus of Predicate-argument Structure for Japanese Verbs (KT, ST, MM, YM, KS), pp. 208–213.
DRR-2009-ZhuZLN #online #recognition #robust- A Robust Model for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition (BZ, XDZ, CLL, MN), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-ChengZCN #keyword- Improvements in Keyword Search Japanese Characters within Handwritten Digital Ink (CC, BZ, XC, MN), pp. 863–866.
ICDAR-2009-ZhouLN #online #random #recognition #string #using- Online Handwritten Japanese Character String Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields (XDZ, CLL, MN), pp. 521–525.
ICDAR-2009-ZhuZLN #evaluation #online #recognition- Effect of Improved Path Evaluation for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition (BZ, XDZ, CLL, MN), pp. 516–520.
HIMI-DIE-2009-WadaSTAS #design #education- Designing Sticky Knowledge-Network SNS for Japanese Science Teachers (YW, MS, HT, YA, KS), pp. 447–456.
SEKE-2009-MitaniMIBMM #empirical #feedback #metric- An Empirical Study of the Feedback of the In-process Measurement in a Japanese Consortium-type Software Project (YM, TM, KI, MB, AM, KiM), pp. 631–636.
SEKE-2008-ParkK08a #problem #satisfiability- Japanese Puzzle as a SAT Problem (SP, GK), pp. 543–548.
ICDAR-2007-ZhouLQA #classification #markov #random- Text/Non-text Ink Stroke Classification in Japanese Handwriting Based on Markov Random Fields (XDZ, CLL, SQ, ÉA), pp. 377–381.
ICDAR-2007-ZhouYLNM #geometry #online #recognition #string- Online Handwritten Japanese Character String Recognition Incorporating Geometric Context (XDZ, JLY, CLL, TN, KM), pp. 48–52.
HCI-AS-2007-LuYTHY #difference #learning #named- KaLeSy-CJ: Kanji Learning System Focusing on Differences Between Chinese and Japanese (SL, NY, HT, TH, TY), pp. 302–311.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SakuradaHON #interface #online #recognition #using- A Japanese Text Input Interface Using On-Line Writing-Box-Free Handwriting Recognition and Kana-to-Kanji Conversion (TS, YH, HO, MN), pp. 940–949.
MSR-2006-TsunodaMYKM #analysis #development #enterprise- Productivity analysis of Japanese enterprise software development projects (MT, AM, HY, NK, KiM), pp. 14–17.
ICPR-v3-2006-TokunoYSKN #coordination #modelling #online #recognition- Pen-Coordinate Information Modeling by SCPR-based HMM for On-line Japanese Handwriting Recognition (JT, YY, GPdS, AK, MN), pp. 348–351.
ICPR-v3-2006-YoshimuraHM #comparison- Comparison of Structural Variables with Spatio-temporal Variables Concerning the Identifiability of Okuri Class and Player in Japanese Traditional Dancing (MY, KH, YM), pp. 308–311.
ICDAR-2005-HottaTSN #recognition #word- Accuracy Improvement for Handwritten Japanese Word Recognition by Combination of Character and Word Recognizer (YH, HT, MS, SN), pp. 685–689.
ICDAR-2005-ZhuN #network #online #recognition #segmentation- Segmentation of On-line Handwritten Japanese Text of Arbitrary Line Direction by a Neural Network for Improving Text Recognition (BZ, MN), pp. 157–161.
SIGIR-2005-MasuyamaN- Web-based acquisition of Japanese katakana variants (TM, HN), pp. 338–344.
CIKM-2004-SanoE #analysis #categorisation #information management- Circumstance-based categorization analysis of knowledge management systems for the japanese market (MS, DAE), pp. 507–514.
ICPR-v2-2004-MacRostieNDP- The BBN Byblos Japanese OCR System (EM, PN, MD, RP), pp. 650–653.
ICPR-v2-2004-NakagawaZO #constraints #formal method #online #recognition- A Formalization of On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition free from Line Direction Constraint (MN, BZ, MO), pp. 359–362.
ICDAR-2003-NakagawaO #online #recognition- On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition free from Constrains on Line Direction and Character Orientation (MN, MO), pp. 519–523.
ICDAR-2003-Ueda #pattern matching #using #verification- Investigation of Off-Line Japanese Signature Verification Using a Pattern Matching (KU), p. 951–?.
SIGIR-2003-QuGE #automation #retrieval- Automatic transliteration for Japanese-to-English text retrieval (YQ, GG, DAE), pp. 353–360.
SIGIR-2003-SakaiK #performance #question #retrieval #what- Evaluating retrieval performance for Japanese question answering: what are best passages? (TS, TK), pp. 429–430.
SIGIR-2002-SakaiR #case study #comparative #information retrieval- Relative and absolute term selection criteria: a comparative study for English and Japanese IR (TS, SER), pp. 411–412.
ICDAR-2001-DingOKM #recognition- Application of Slant Correction to Handwritten Japanese Address Recognition (YD, MO, FK, YM), pp. 670–674.
ICDAR-2001-JagerN #database #online- Two On-Line Japanese Character Databases in Unipen Format (SJ, MN), pp. 566–571.
ICDAR-2001-LiuKF #recognition #string- Lexicon-Driven Handwritten Character String Recognition for Japanese Address Reading (CLL, MK, HF), pp. 877–881.
ICDAR-2001-MatsumotoFN #analysis #online- Collection and Analysis of On-line Handwritten Japanese Character Patterns (KM, TF, MN), pp. 496–500.
ICDAR-2001-WakaharaKS #adaptation #normalisation #recognition #using- Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition Using Adaptive Normalization by Global Affine Transformation (TW, YK, MS), pp. 424–428.
ICDAR-2001-YamaguchiYSTT #segmentation- A Segmentation Method for Touching Japanese Handwritten Characters Based on Connecting Condition of Line (TY, TY, TS, ST, MT), pp. 837–843.
ICPR-v2-2000-FukushimaN #online #recognition- On-Line Writing-Box-Free Recognition of Handwritten Japanese Text Considering Character Size Variations (TF, MN), pp. 2359–2363.
ICPR-v4-2000-EzakiHYK- A Pen-Based Japanese Character Input System for the Blind Person (NE, TH, SY, KK), pp. 4372–4375.
ICDAR-1999-IkedaOKNSF #recognition- A Recognition Method for Touching Japanese Handwritten Characters (HI, YO, MK, HN, HS, HF), pp. 641–644.
ICDAR-1999-OgataUMSF #recognition- A Method for Street Number Matching in Japanese Address Recognition (HO, YU, KM, HS, HF), pp. 321–324.
ICDAR-1999-WangT #documentation #image #recognition- A New Method of Character Line Extraction from Mixed-unformatted Document Image for Japanese Mail Address Recognition (XW, TT), pp. 769–772.
ICDAR-1999-Yamasaki #automation #clustering #generative #online #prototype #recognition- Automatic Prototype Stroke Generation based on Stroke Clustering for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition (KY), pp. 673–676.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FujishigeJK #automaton #finite #recognition #using #word- Recognition of Japanese sign language words using finite automata (EF, KJ, TK), pp. 167–171.
HCI-EI-1999-KawanoK #animation #comprehension- The Effects of Facial Expression on Understanding Japanese Sign Language Animation (SK, TK), pp. 783–787.
HCI-EI-1999-LuSUI- A New Method to Synthesize Japanese Sign Language Based on Intuitive Motion Primitives (SL, HS, TU, SI), pp. 441–445.
CIKM-1999-Kanada- A Method of Geographical Name Extraction from Japanese Text for Thematic Geographical Search (YK), pp. 46–54.
SIGIR-1999-JonesSCKS #comparison #information retrieval #query- A Comparison of Query Translation Methods for English-Japanese Cross-Language Information Retrieval (poster abstract) (GJFJ, TS, NC, AK, KS), pp. 269–270.
SAC-1999-ArakiIK #detection- Detection and Correction of Mutually Interfered Erroneous Characters in Japanese Texts (TA, SI, YK), pp. 36–40.
ICPR-1998-KiyotaYEY #online #recognition #visual notation- An improvement of on-line Japanese character recognition system for visually disabled persons (KK, TY, NE, SY), pp. 1752–1754.
ICPR-1998-KogaKSF #analysis #segmentation #using- Segmentation of Japanese handwritten characters using peripheral feature analysis (MK, TK, HS, HF), pp. 1137–1141.
ICPR-1998-NambuKMY #comparison #online #recognition- Online handwritten Chinese character recognition; comparison and improvement to Japanese Kanji recognition (HN, TK, FM, FY), pp. 1145–1149.
ICPR-1998-UedaMM #automation #verification- Automatic verification system for seal imprints on Japanese bankchecks (KU, TM, KM), pp. 629–632.
ICPR-1998-Yamasaki #automation #categorisation #clustering #online #recognition- Automatic allograph categorization based on stroke clustering for online handwritten Japanese character recognition (KY), pp. 1150–1152.
SIGIR-1998-HyoudoNI #comparison #dependence #proximity #retrieval- Comparison Between Proximity Operation and Dependency Operation in Japanese Full-Text Retrieval (YH, KN, TI), pp. 341–342.
SIGIR-1998-JonesSKS #retrieval #using- Experiments in Japanese Text Retrieval and Routing Using the NEAT System (GJFJ, TS, MK, KS), pp. 197–205.
SIGIR-1998-KitaniOIKKTFMUSTTNA #information retrieval #lessons learnt- Lessons from BMIR-J2: A Test Collection for Japanese IR Systems (TK, YO, TI, HK, IK, JT, TF, KM, YU, TS, TT, HT, HN, TA), pp. 345–346.
ICDAR-1997-IshideraNY #recognition #using #word- Unconstrained Japanese Address Recognition Using a Combination of Spatial Information and Word Knowledge (EI, DN, KY), p. 1016–?.
ICDAR-1997-KeeniSN #distributed #network #on the #representation #using- On Distributed Representation of Output Layer for Recognizing Japanese Kana characters Using Neural Networks (KK, HS, KN), pp. 600–603.
ICDAR-1997-TonouchiK #algorithm #online #recognition #using- An on-line Japanese character recognition method using length-based stroke correspondence algorithm (YT, AK), pp. 633–636.
HCI-SEC-1997-KiyotaMY #visual notation- Pen-Based Japanese Character Entry System for Visually Disabled Persons (KK, TM, SY), pp. 447–450.
SIGIR-1997-OgawaM #statistics #word- Overlapping Statistical Word Indexing: A New Indexing Method for Japanese Text (YO, TM), pp. 226–234.
ICPR-1996-KiyotaYES #online #recognition #visual notation- On-line Japanese character recognition system for visually disabled persons (KK, SY, NE, TS), pp. 210–214.
ICPR-1996-Muraki #fault #learning #statistics- Error correction scheme augmented with statistical and lexical learning capability, for Japanese OCR (KM), pp. 560–564.
ICPR-1996-NakagawaATHH #online #recognition #robust- Robust and highly customizable recognition of online handwritten Japanese characters (MN, KA, LVT, AH, TH), pp. 269–273.
ICPR-1996-NakajimaTKY #analysis #layout #process #verification- Analysis of address layout on Japanese handwritten mail-a hierarchical process of hypothesis verification (NN, TT, TK, KY), pp. 726–731.
ICPR-1996-SawakiH #design #recognition #visual notation- Text-line extraction and character recognition of Japanese newspaper headlines with graphical designs (MS, NH), pp. 73–78.
ICDAR-v1-1995-HongLHS #classification #design #nearest neighbour #recognition- The design of a nearest-neighbor classifier and its use for Japanese character recognition (TH, SWKL, JJH, SNS), pp. 270–273.
ICDAR-v1-1995-MoriAM #documentation #n-gram #recognition- Japanese document recognition based on interpolated n-gram model of character (HM, HA, SM), pp. 274–277.
ICDAR-v1-1995-Yamada #recognition- Optimal sampling intervals for Gabor features and printed Japanese character recognition (KY), pp. 150–153.
ICDAR-v2-1995-HisamitsuMSFN #fault- Optimal techniques in OCR error correction for Japanese texts (TH, KM, YS, HF, YN), pp. 1014–1017.
SIGIR-1995-OgawaI #documentation #using- A New Character-based Indexing Organization using Frequency Data for Japanese Documents (YO, MI), pp. 121–129.
ICDAR-1993-HamanakaYT #feature model #online #recognition- On-line Japanese character recognition experiments by an off-line method based on normalization-cooperated feature extraction (MH, KY, JT), pp. 204–207.
ICDAR-1993-Kigo #preprocessor- Improving speed of Japanese OCR through linguistic preprocessing (KK), pp. 214–217.
ICDAR-1993-KonnoH #algorithm #probability #semantics- Postprocessing algorithm based on the probabilistic and semantic method for Japanese OCR (AK, YH), pp. 646–649.
ICDAR-1993-MiyaharaY #multi #network #recognition- Printed Japanese character recognition based on multiple modified LVQ neural network (KM, FY), pp. 250–253.
ICDAR-1993-ToyokawaKKKIF #effectiveness #online #recognition- An on-line character recognition system for effective Japanese input (KT, KK, SK, HK, NI, MF), pp. 208–213.
HCI-SHI-1993-KurokawaMW #bidirectional #communication #people- Bidirectional Translation between Sign Language and Japanese for Communication with Deaf-Mute People (TK, TM, SW), pp. 1109–1114.
SIGIR-1993-FujiiC #comparison #retrieval- A Comparison of Indexing Techniques for Japanese Text Retrieval (HF, WBC), pp. 237–246.
SIGIR-1993-OgawaBH #keyword #ranking #string #word- Simple Word Strings as Compound Keywords: An Indexing and Ranking Method for Japanese Texts (YO, AB, MH), pp. 227–236.
HT-ECHT-1992-McCaskey #education #hypermedia- Teaching Japanese with Hypertext (Demonstration) (MM), p. 295.
ICSE-1991-HumphreyKG #comparison #maturity #process- A Comparison of U.S. and Japanese Software Process Maturity (WSH, DHK, JG), pp. 38–49.
DAC-1989-YasuuraI #design #hardware #semantics #standard- Semantics of a Hardware Design Language for Japanese Standardization (HY, NI), pp. 836–839.
HCI-SES-1987-TominagaM #automation #problem- Noise Problem in Japanese automated Office (YT, NM), pp. 203–208.
SIGIR-1987-ItoK #online #retrieval- A Retrieval System for On-Line English-Japanese Dictionaries (TI, MK), pp. 181–186.
VLDB-1986-Seki #database #distributed #network #performance- New Seat Reservation System for Japanese National Railways — Distributed Processing Network and High Efficiency Databases (ES), pp. 502–510.
ICSE-1982-MuraiSDMF #specification- Requirement Specification Description System in Japanese Language — JISDOS (JM, NS, ND, MM, TF), pp. 127–136.