Travelled to:
2 × USA
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Talks about:
auditori (2) featur (2) music (2) subject (1) process (1) paramet (1) classif (1) studi (1) human (1) valu (1)
Person: Masashi Murakami
DBLP: Murakami:Masashi
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HIMI-v1-2011-MurakamiK #music #parametricity #process
- Auditory Feature Parameters for Music Based on Human Auditory Processes (MM, TK), pp. 612–617.
- HCI-NIMT-2009-MurakamiK #classification #music
- Study of Feature Values for Subjective Classification of Music (MM, TK), pp. 701–709.