Travelled to:
1 × Sweden
Collaborated with:
A.M.Sloane L.G.C.Hamey S.Buckley S.Muscat
Talks about:
attribut (2) rewrit (2) disintegr (1) respect (1) program (1) grammar (1) environ (1) develop (1) specif (1) profil (1)
Person: Matthew Roberts
DBLP: Roberts:Matthew
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SLE-2014-SloaneRBM #development #ide #named
- Monto: A Disintegrated Development Environment (AMS, MR, SB, SM), pp. 211–220.
- SLE-2014-SloaneRH #how
- Respect Your Parents: How Attribution and Rewriting Can Get Along (AMS, MR, LGCH), pp. 191–210.
- SLE-J-2012-SloaneR #attribute grammar #domain-specific language #profiling #term rewriting
- Domain-specific program profiling and its application to attribute grammars and term rewriting (AMS, MR), pp. 488–510.