Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Sweden
1 × Taiwan
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Z.Qi H.Guan B.Li A.Zakharov E.Zattoni S.J.Jounela M.Xia P.Yu M.Zhu S.Gao J.Wang C.Zhang J.Yao Y.Wang Q.Lin K.Chen L.Liu Y.Chen
Talks about:
virtual (3) protect (3) control (2) reconfigur (1) hypervisor (1) distribut (1) compromis (1) algorithm (1) platform (1) softwar (1)
Person: Miao Yu
DBLP: Yu:Miao
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CASE-2015-ZakharovZYJ #algorithm #configuration management #distributed #fault tolerance #optimisation #performance #predict
- A performance optimization algorithm for controller reconfiguration in fault tolerant distributed model predictive control (AZ, EZ, MY, SLJJ), pp. 886–891.
- HPDC-2013-YuZQYWG #game studies #gpu #named #scheduling
- VGRIS: virtualized GPU resource isolation and scheduling in cloud gaming (MY, CZ, ZQ, JY, YW, HG), pp. 203–214.
- SAC-2012-WangYLQG
- Hypervisor-based protection of sensitive files in a compromised system (JW, MY, BL, ZQ, HG), pp. 1765–1770.
- SAC-2011-LinXYYZGQCG #anti #hardware #named #using
- SPAD: software protection through anti-debugging using hardware virtualization (QL, MX, MY, PY, MZ, SG, ZQ, KC, HG), pp. 623–624.
- SAC-2011-ZhuYXLYGQLCG #monitoring #named #platform #security
- VASP: virtualization assisted security monitor for cross-platform protection (MZ, MY, MX, BL, PY, SG, ZQ, LL, YC, HG), pp. 554–559.