Collaborated with:
T.Fahringer G.Madsen H.Moritsch C.S.Jr. R.Prodan F.Franchetti
Talks about:
perform (2) use (2) architectur (1) distribut (1) zenturio (1) parallel (1) program (1) problem (1) paramet (1) cluster (1)
Person: Michael Geissler
DBLP: Geissler:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- PDP-2003-ProdanFGMFM #architecture #clustering #grid #on the #parametricity #performance #using
- On Using ZENTURIO for Performance and Parameter Studies on Cluster and Grid Architectures (RP, TF, MG, GM, FF, HM), pp. 185–192.
- PDP-2003-SeragiottoFGMM #automation #distributed #on the #parallel #performance #problem #source code #using
- On Using Aksum for Semi-Automatically Searching of Performance Problems in Parallel and Distributed Programs (CSJ, TF, MG, GM, HM), pp. 385–392.