Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Biffl P.Grünbacher I.Rus W.Zuser M.Köhle
Talks about:
support (3) softwar (3) process (2) inspect (2) empir (2) undergardu (1) systemat (1) groupwar (1) student (1) develop (1)
Person: Michael Halling
DBLP: Halling:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ASE-2003-GrunbacherHB #empirical
- An Empirical Study on Groupware Support for Software Inspection Meetings (PG, MH, SB), pp. 4–11.
- CSEET-2002-HallingZKB #education #process #student
- Teaching the Unified Process to Undergarduate Students (MH, WZ, MK, SB), pp. 148–159.
- SEKE-2002-RusBH #analysis #development #empirical #process #simulation
- Systematically combining process simulation and empirical data in support of decision analysis in software development (IR, SB, MH), pp. 827–833.
- ASE-2001-HallinGB #off the shelf #requirements
- Tailoring a COTS Group Support System for Software Requirements Inspection (MH, PG, SB), p. 201–?.