Travelled to:
1 × Australia
Collaborated with:
Y.He S.Elnikety A.L.Cox S.Rixner Hongyu Miao G.Pekhimenko K.S.McKinley F.X.Lin H.Kim S.Kim S.Hwang
Talks about:
parallel (2) predict (2) stream (2) latenc (2) tail (2) bandwidth (1) interact (1) correct (1) target (1) servic (1)
Person: Myeongjae Jeon
DBLP: Jeon:Myeongjae
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SIGIR-2014-JeonKHHECR #parallel #predict #web
- Predictive parallelization: taming tail latencies in web search (MJ, SK, SwH, YH, SE, ALC, SR), pp. 253–262.
- ASPLOS-2016-JeonHKERC #interactive #latency #named #parallel #predict
- TPC: Target-Driven Parallelism Combining Prediction and Correction to Reduce Tail Latency in Interactive Services (MJ, YH, HK, SE, SR, ALC), pp. 129–141.
- ASPLOS-2019-MiaoJPML #hybrid #memory management #named
- StreamBox-HBM: Stream Analytics on High Bandwidth Hybrid Memory (HM, MJ, GP, KSM, FXL), pp. 167–181.