Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Korea
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.Atluri Y.Yesha I.Adiwijaya R.Subramanian X.He J.Vaidya A.V.Paliwal C.Bornhövd M.Youssef V.P.Janeja B.S.Fordham M.Halem S.A.Naqvi B.Shafiq A.Gomaa T.Critchlow R.Musick Y.Hong J.H.Bredekamp A.S.Szalay G.Djorgoski G.Lake
Talks about:
privaci (2) librari (2) databas (2) object (2) detect (2) digit (2) neighborhood (1) multimedia (1) constraint (1) implement (1)
Person: Nabil R. Adam
DBLP: Adam:Nabil_R=
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- CIKM-2009-HongHVAA #effectiveness #query
- Effective anonymization of query logs (YH, XH, JV, NRA, VA), pp. 1465–1468.
- SAC-2008-HeSVA #privacy
- Privacy-preserving link discovery (XH, BS, JV, NRA), pp. 909–915.
- SAC-2007-PaliwalAB #distributed #using #verification #web #web service
- Web service orchestration and verification using MSC and CP nets (AVP, NRA, CB), pp. 1693–1694.
- SAC-2006-YoussefAA #mobile #privacy #semantics
- Semantically enhanced enforcement of mobile consumer’s privacy preferences (MY, NRA, VA), pp. 1172–1176.
- SAC-2004-AdamJA #dataset #detection
- Neighborhood based detection of anomalies in high dimensional spatio-temporal sensor datasets (NRA, VPJ, VA), pp. 576–583.
- SAC-2003-AtluriAGA #constraints #multi #security #self
- Self-Manifestation of Composite Multimedia Objects to Satisfy Security Constraints (VA, NRA, AG, IA), pp. 927–934.
- SIGMOD-1998-AdamY #tutorial
- Electronic Commerce: Tutorial (NRA, YY), p. 498.
- CIKM-1993-SubramanianA #database #design #implementation #object-oriented
- The Design and Implementation of an Expert Object-Oriented Geographic Database Model (RS, NRA), pp. 537–546.
- DL-1994-AdamFY #database #library
- Some Key Issues in Database Systems in a Digital Library Setting (NRA, BSF, YY), pp. 9–19.
- DL-1994-AdamHN #library #research
- Promising Research Disrections in Disgital Libraries (NRA, MH, SAN), pp. 21–29.
- ADL-1999-AdamBSDL
- Digital Sky — Panel (NRA, JHB, ASS, GD, GL), p. 148.
- ADL-2000-AdamACM #detection #documentation
- Detecting Data and Schema Changes in Scientific Documents (NRA, IA, TC, RM), pp. 160–170.