Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Chile
1 × China
1 × Ireland
1 × Russia
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Macdonald I.Ounis R.Perego S.Orlando F.Silvestri A.Freire F.Cacheda C.Lucchese F.M.Nardini M.Catena M.Danelutto M.Vanneschi D.Laforenza R.Baraglia R.Ferrini L.Ricci R.Yahyapour C.Zoccolo R.Venturini D.Broccolo M.Aldinucci S.Campa P.Kilpatrick P.Dazzi S.Herbold A.D.Francesco J.Grabowski P.Harms L.Hillah F.Kordon A.Maesano L.Maesano C.D.Napoli F.D.Rosa M.A.Schneider M.Wendland P.Wuillemin
Talks about:
schedul (4) rank (4) document (3) search (3) effect (3) queri (3) prune (3) sensit (2) applic (2) manag (2)
Person: Nicola Tonellotto
DBLP: Tonellotto:Nicola
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ICST-2015-HerboldFGHHKMMN #framework #platform #testing
- The MIDAS Cloud Platform for Testing SOA Applications (SH, ADF, JG, PH, LMH, FK, APM, LM, CDN, FDR, MAS, NT, MFW, PHW), pp. 1–8.
- SIGIR-2015-CatenaMT #cpu #power management #web
- Load-sensitive CPU Power Management for Web Search Engines (MC, CM, NT), pp. 751–754.
- SIGIR-2015-LuccheseNOPT #documentation #ranking
- Speeding up Document Ranking with Rank-based Features (CL, FMN, SO, RP, NT), pp. 895–898.
- SIGIR-2015-LuccheseNOPTV #algorithm #documentation #named #performance #rank
- QuickScorer: A Fast Algorithm to Rank Documents with Additive Ensembles of Regression Trees (CL, FMN, SO, RP, NT, RV), pp. 73–82.
- CIKM-2013-BroccoloMOOPST #distributed
- Load-sensitive selective pruning for distributed search (DB, CM, SO, IO, RP, FS, NT), pp. 379–388.
- ECIR-2013-FreireMTOC #hybrid #query #scheduling
- Hybrid Query Scheduling for a Replicated Search Engine (AF, CM, NT, IO, FC), pp. 435–446.
- SIGIR-2012-FreireMTOC #query #scheduling
- Scheduling queries across replicas (AF, CM, NT, IO, FC), pp. 1139–1140.
- SIGIR-2012-MacdonaldTO #learning #online #predict #query #scheduling
- Learning to predict response times for online query scheduling (CM, NT, IO), pp. 621–630.
- SIGIR-2012-MacdonaldTO12a #effectiveness #learning #rank #safety
- Effect of dynamic pruning safety on learning to rank effectiveness (CM, NT, IO), pp. 1051–1052.
- ECIR-2011-PeregoST #documentation #identifier #representation
- Representing Document Lengths with Identifiers (RP, FS, NT), pp. 665–669.
- SIGIR-2011-TonellottoMO #order #retrieval
- Effect of different docid orderings on dynamic pruning retrieval strategies (NT, CM, IO), pp. 1179–1180.
- PDP-2008-AldinucciCDVKDLT #behaviour #component #grid
- Behavioural Skeletons in GCM: Autonomic Management of Grid Components (MA, SC, MD, MV, PK, PD, DL, NT), pp. 54–63.
- PDP-2008-TonellottoBFRY #heuristic #parallel #scheduling
- QoS-constrained List Scheduling Heuristics for Parallel Applications on Grids (NT, RB, RF, LR, RY), pp. 379–383.
- PDP-2007-DaneluttoVZ #performance
- A Performance Model for Stream-based Computations (MD, MV, CZ, DL, NT), pp. 91–96.